Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Meteor Forest (Part 1)
Episode 208
In the telescope, a Warroy army turned around and came to our eyes.
Due to the narrow terrain, it cannot spread out from side to side, and the enemy is a platoon formation for march. But everyone is preparing for battle. Watch out for this ambush.
I hid behind a tree in the forest and sent a signal with a dog whistle.
The assault soldiers from the fort deploy in units of twenty platoons, hiding all over the forest with white cloth.
In particular, the 2nd-8th Hunting Battalion was hiding at the edge of the forest to reach the highway.
And I'm there too.
"First, the cavalry passes, but ignore it."
I told the sorcerers.
"The area around Lake Castle is a disadvantageous terrain for cavalry. It's almost useless in a cage battle. If you want to return to the castle, let me return."
Everyone has a slightly relieved face, perhaps because you know you don't have to fight a cavalry.
I'm scared of cavalry.
"Ignore the next long spear squad."
"Are you a long spear?"
A long spear squad, inferior to a magical ranger in range and mobility, is originally a good game.
The battalion looks strange, so I explain.
"According to my scout, there is a long bow squad following. I want to beat them."
Longbow soldiers are powerful enemies that use arrows to rain arrows. It is compatible with Kagogi battle, especially with terrain like Lake Castle. I don't want to return to the castle.
Fortunately, this is protected by a grove of forest, so you're not afraid of curving. And since the enemy has no obstruction, you can shoot all you can from here.
That's why the Longbow Corps is destroyed.
Then just pray that the enemy won't notice.
Some hide in the trunk of a tree, some cover a white cloth and lie down on the snow, others climb a tree branch and breathe.
Because of the large number of people, the faint sounds of each person can be felt quite loud.
It's noisy to me as a werewolf, but the enemy is walking around with armor rattling, so you won't have to worry about it being noticed.
We hide in the darkness of the forest and the white of the snow, staring at the machine.
The first cavalry, with its shields tightly guarded by the forest, was passing by.
A long spear squad follows. Infantry carrying long spears that are about three times their height are just the targets when marching.
Shooting is a bonus game state, but overlook this.
Isn't the long bow corps yet ...?
The dog whistle was heard twice long from a distance. Again long twice. It reports that Prince Warroy is approaching.
I want to hit the Longbow Corps, but overlooking the commander, Prince Warroy, is a fall.
Alright, change the goal. Attack Prince Warroy.
It's bad, but there is nothing wrong with it.
Each platoon I am a squad has a member of the Werewolf Corps as a liaison. They could hear the dog whistle, and were tasked with transmitting my orders to the captain.
I hold the dog whistle and watch the bushes.
Prince Warroy is marching, guarded by guard cavalry on both sides. Definitely himself.
It's a bit far, but the last line of the siege gets a last minute attack.
I blow the dog whistle twice long, then short three times, and command, "Attack the prince."
A platoon capturing the Guard Knights within range was fired at once.
Countless light bullets hit the guard cavalry.
The cavalry who is blown off one after another with heavy armor.
Soon the cavalry was ready for battle.
"Enemies attack! Spread out!"
"Distance, Hanyuri!"
You may have been on guard, but it's really clever.
And the number has not surprisingly decreased.
All the light-carrying cavalry lost their horses, but about half came up.
Apparently upset, the allied magical soldiers also noticed it.
"Weid-sama, enemy !?"
"Calm down, I think I had bulletproof equipment. I will fire another shot and retreat!"
"Yes, yes! Each platoon, ready for the second shot! Target, enemy cavalry center! Shoot!"
Light bombs from magic rifles are magical, and can be prevented by using the corresponding magic armor.
However, equipping all of these cavalry would be a tremendous amount of money. Even so, the limit is to prevent one or two shots.
I lowered the second eight magic squadron found by the enemy to lure the enemy into the forest.
The enemy has a choice between assaulting a magical soldier or retreating to a lake castle.
In the case of assault, invite deep into the forest while retreating, and finally stop the roots of the breath using a werewolf corps.
On the other hand, the retreating enemy is left as it is. Deep pursuit is strictly prohibited.
My expectation is that the cavalry will retreat to protect Warrior Prince and other troops will fight to gain time.
If your opponent is infantry, you won't catch up. Slayers are lightly dressed and can move through the forest faster than infantry with long spears or bows.
I thought, but an unexpected development happened here.
"Defeat them!"
The guard cavalry rushed into the forest, shouting.
I wondered what Prince Warroy's escort duties were going to do, but Prince Warroy himself came here.
Shaking his spear, Prince Warroy shouts.
"Our Dniesk cavalry is the strongest warrior in the empire! No cowards, just follow the warriors!"
It's a knight's view, but recklessness is good.
Here is a forest with a lot of snow. It is not suitable for running horses. Cavalry assault does not show its true speed and power. It was too bad for me to give up the spell gatling gun.
Well, there are places to hide as much as you want.
I ordered the soldiers while holding a sword.
"Retreat and shoot! The enemy's bulletproof equipment does not last long!"
A magical soldier intercepts a rushing cavalry in a snowy forest.
The cavalry wears glittering outerwear over the armor to identify the enemy or friend. It stands out clearly from a distance.
On the other hand, it's covered with a white cloth, so it's hard to notice until you hit a shot.
The second and seventh magic battalions support the retreat of the second and eighth magic battalions by salvo. The cavalry that has entered the forest falls to light bullets.
After the retreat of the 208 Battalion, it is the turn of the 27 Battalion to retreat. The 206 Battalion supports it. Next is the twenty-five battalions.
Each time the enemy cavalry collapses, the number decreases.
Of course, this is not intact. A cavalry spear pierces the back of the escaped magician.
Anyone who accidentally exits the exit and is destined to be chased by enemy cavalry and die. Some platoons may be wrapped around by cavalry and pinched.
I can't easily retreat because my visibility and footing are bad.
I haven't completely grasped the situation.
"I was Lord Sir Weid!"
"Defeat General Koyuki and give his name!"
What is that?
The cavalry who found me flipped all at once and headed here.
I'm not sure, but it would be nice to earn enough time for the magical soldiers to retreat. Take it off.
Aiming at the charging cavalry with a spear, I fired the sword. The filled pure magic power is released as it is as a bullet of light.
It is a direct hit.
A cavalry shielded from light bullets by a shield falls off with an impact, but rises with a stunning passive. As expected.
But another shot is hit with a light bullet. This time the shield broke.
The cavalry who has fallen on his back is no longer awake.
However, in the meantime, several subsequent cavalry rushed in.
Allied magical soldiers deployed around are also responding, but have not hit much. It's pretty difficult to hit a target that doesn't come to the shooter. Predictive fire is required.
And all the cavalry will charge at me.
Not a joke.
"Protect Mr. Weid!"
"Suppression shooting started!"
Allied magical soldiers have stopped retreating and have started firing in line.
Wait, don't fight on your own. Please leave me alone.
When it's time, you'll turn into a werewolf and escape.
"Shoot! Shoot!"
"Show the pride of the magical soldier!"
You don't have to show it.
"Don't worry, don't be afraid!"
"It's time to give up your life because of Your Highness!"
You don't have to throw it away.
Don't fight for me.
There is a fierce battle around me around to make me want to say that.
Returning after hearing my pinch, the retreating magicians fire light bullets from the depths of the forest like a meteor shower.
The cavalry of heavy armor that charges there and tries to defeat me.
Surprisingly, it is a fantastic and beautiful sight, but the reality is a bloody exhaustion.
That is also a one-sided development.
The enemy's guard cavalry goes straight to me, so the ally naturally goes behind me and tries to catch the enemy from directly in front of me.
Thanks to this, allied light bullets fly from behind, and enemy cavalry spears come in from the front.
Now it's safer to make my whereabouts clear.
I decided to stand up and ran up to a nearby rock and shouted loudly.
"Listen to the sound of the distant! Look closer and see! I am the Weid Grün Friedenrichter! I am a duel lord!
The enemy cavalry quickly gained momentum. The snow is scattered, and a horde of war horses approaches.
If this happens, we can only annihilate it.
I was crazy about shooting a sword.