Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Post-war processing of Lake Castle
Episode 211
I then surrendered the Warroy army that had been in the castle at Kleich Lake, successfully opening and disarming.
This was largely due to the ceasefire of Prince Warroy.
It was clear to everyone that there was no way to win anymore, and the Warroys seemed to be quiet now.
I had all the armies under Eleora stationed in Lake Castle. The disarmed Warroy troops remain in captivity at Lake Jojo as a prisoner of war.
You can't escape them, but it's hard to keep them in custody. Too many.
Besides, even though they are enemy soldiers, they pay attention to treatment because they are Rolmund people, and they are also villagers and free people.
I was busy with post-war processing for such a feeling, but here the crazy guys caught his mouth.
Ashley army aristocrats around the Imperial City.
"Do they want me to meet you?"
He had been talking slowly with Mao, who had come to deliver food, after a long absence, and he brought in troublesome tasks.
Mao nods a little while comparing the wine slip to the books.
"Yeah, it's just a comfort and courtesy visit, but in reality it's a network of contacts with Mr. Weid."
"I'm going to make connections with me."
I'm supposed to be Eleanor's minions, so I have very little public authority.
Mao shrugged her shoulders, reminding her that she was melancholy.
"The Dniesk rebellion is about to end, so they are in a hurry. I want military service to watch the prisoners and defend the Lake Castle."
"Do you want to be on the front line just by shape?"
Although we didn't do anything during our struggle, they were brazen.
I don't mind if I get another credit, but the soldiers who fought desperately won't come up. In recent battles, there has been considerable damage to magical soldiers.
"Let's talk about it. I'm only going to put in the Lake Castle the soldiers of Her Highness Elleora and the Ashley army fighters who fought with me."
Unlike soldiers who have experienced death battles, those who are coming from behind are now relaxed.
I don't know what to do for my achievement and I don't want to get closer.
"I usually stay at Lake Castle to protect Warroy from Ashley's army in the rear. It's now worse than Warroy's."
When Ashley's army in the back entered the castle on the lake, there was a danger that the desire to "do something on the battlefield" would result in the execution of prisoners and the setting of fire on the castle.
I hurriedly occupied Lake Castle, because I didn't like that pointless vandalism.
If any of the Warroy soldiers were executed, there would be no excuse for Prince Warroy.
Then Mao laughed and said,
"So you rejected the offer that you wanted to advance together when you went north?"
"It's obvious. I won't admit."
The marching army is a source of trouble.
You're in sight if you're accompanied by people who aren't under my command and they start looting in the villages.
I cannot punish them with my authority.
"Mao, please treat the Ashley nobles behind you appropriately. It's hard to blatantly turn to the enemy, but I don't want to see you."
"I thought I would say that. I'll arrange it."
Mao looks strangely happy for some reason.
I showed Mao a letter from Eleora.
"Kinjar Castle capture is in full swing. He said he used a mass-produced magic tool to find water veins and render the wells in Kinjar Castle unusable."
The enclosed magical tool sample is a blue gem hanging on a chain. This stone is magically processed.
Mao picks it up and nods as convinced.
"Oh, was this the way I used the rough that I purchased? I had a lot of deliveries and I had a hard time buying it so it wouldn't stand out."
"You can really prepare anything."
"Because of the trade in rock salt, I became a little more familiar with minerals. I went to this mining union first to say hello."
He hangs a water muzzle on a chain and shakes it.
I've seen this kind of divination in the past.
Elleora reportedly gave this to all the squadrons and thoroughly investigated the water vein around Kinjar Castle.
When he identified the water vein leading to the castle, he dispatched an engineer to destroy the upstream water vein.
Thanks to this, Kinjar Castle is not currently supplied with unfrozen water.
"Our camp has a kite, but it would take years for him to find the veins alone."
"Sure, you can't do the same with Miraraldia."
It is Rolmund's unique strength to be able to mass-produce tools with decent abilities and process them all at once using human naval tactics. It's the same style as a mage soldier.
Is Miralardia's magical technology, which relies on outstanding personal abilities, needing to change soon?
There the kite looked tired and carried a bunch of papers.
"Inspection is over. There is no abnormality."
"Thank you"
The kite's ability to detect everything is versatile, but when he gets tired he has no replacements.
"Kite, I'm gonna leave today. I'll get Parker and the Wolf Corps to do the rest. Drink some tea."
"Is that ok?"
The Demon King Army is not a black company.
Me, Mao, and Kite talked about the magical tools used by Eleora while drinking roasted bean tea.
The kite picks up the chained jewel and stares at it.
"If you look closely, it doesn't seem to be reacting to groundwater. It seems to react to underground cavities."
"Oh, was that so?"
Mao looks interesting.
"" Mizunishi "has many malfunctions and its accuracy is not so high. However, if it responded to just a cavity, it is understandable."
I nodded to his words.
"Oh, there's no guarantee that there's water in the underground cavities.
The kite nodded at it.
"Yes, when I was in the Senate, I used to find the basement often with detection magic. A bad merchant hid my property, and a tax collector asked me for help in the investigation."
Mao looks disgusting. This is always the case with illegal money storage.
The kite who saw it grinned and said to me:
"Unlike veins, finding cavities is fairly easy. Hidden stairs and secret basements."
Mao looks increasingly disgusting.
Are you making it?
I'm not in charge of tax, so I'm in a comfortable mood and come up with an idea.
"That means you can look for a way around the castle."
"Oh, I think it works"
Alright, it's a decision.
"I'll get a copy of the investigation log from Eleora. You may know something."
When Elleora examines the waterways of Kinjar Castle, she may have found cavities with no water flowing.
It should have been ignored at that time as a "dead vein", but there may be a way around the castle.
"And Kite, you and Lashi don't have to come to Lolmund, North. Stay at Lake Castle and be your liaison. Do nothing else and rest as much as possible."
"No, I'm ..."
I laugh, putting my hand on the rebutting kite's shoulder.
"I know I'm quite tired of living in an unfamiliar battlefield. Don't overdo it."
Kite and Rashi are not soldiers. Just being on the bloody battlefield will make you sick.
Lashii must have had some devastating experiences during the false sainthood, but it would be another to kill humans.
Kite nodded with a tired face.
"I see ... I've certainly thought I'm a little sick for now. Sorry for the worries."
"No, just because you can count on me, it's bad I brought you to the battlefield."
"But Mr. Weid, why wouldn't there be a shortage of workers? There would be no human Miradidia."
Kite looked worried, so I looked back with a smile.
"I think he's there.
`` I am me !? ''
Mao has a disgusting face, but I don't mind that.
"You're not going to hurt your heart if you see the marks of war?"
"No, I'm not good at being bloody ..."
Mao said, but sighs at the kite's face.
"But it's a bit better than a kite. I'm against taking him."
No matter how well-behaved the army of the Eleanor army is, it will always leave bloody traces as long as it is a battle group.
And Ashley's army is out of control of Eleora. You don't know what you're doing on the battlefield. There may have been assaults or looting of citizens.
I was a little worried about bringing my kite or Rashi to such a place.
I slapped Mao's shoulders and grinned.
"That's the rule. I'm counting on you, as the same villain."
Mao looks annoyed and then turns to the side.
"Well ... it can't be helped. It's as useful as possible."
Alright, this is a bit safe.
In a hurry, I decided to head north Lolmund, led by a werewolf and two hundred Eleora cavalry.