Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
"The departure of Prince Ruinier"
Episode 220 (Departure of Prince Ruinier)
I kept my back straight in the cold wind.
My father always said, "It's a true man who is still resolute in adversity."
There are many soldiers of the Eléora army around.
I have to do it properly ...
On the outskirts of the town where I was brought, I faced Princess Eleora.
Elleora always has a difficult face, but she still has a difficult face today.
"Lunier. I'm sorry for the sudden delivery. Can you hear me?"
"Yes, yes."
Yesterday, if I was resting at the headquarters of Mirardia, a soldier of the Eléora army came and took me here.
It's not Barnaq's old man.
Everyone was kind, but I was very worried because I couldn't see Waid.
I thought I should have met Mr. Weid, but I haven't seen it.
Did Weid deceive me?
But it didn't look like that ...
Anyway, I have to do it right now.
I wait for Eleora's words.
Elleora opened the scroll and declared loudly.
"Eleora Kasniev-Organia-Rolmund will punish Lünier Bolshevik-Dniesk-Rolmund under the Wartime Special Act for his rebel accomplice."
Expulsion, or ...
I thought I would be exiled because I was out of town, but I could not imagine my prince being exiled.
He learns how to beheaded or self-determined so as not to be unsightly.
But exile, what should I do?
Eleora tells me:
"At this moment, you will be deprived of the protection of Rolmund's law and the mercy of God. Do you understand the meaning?"
"Yes ... yes"
My voice has faded.
I can no longer help anyone and live in town.
If someone kills me, he is not guilty. On the contrary, those who help me are severely punished.
Even if I die, there is no funeral and no graves can be made.
In Rolmund, where even the slaves are protected by law, I can no longer protect anything.
My father said that an exile was such a penalty.
Elleora continues.
"It is customary to remove the criminal's clothes during the exile, and this time it will not be done. Similarly, we will not do any watering or other activities."
Is it the last compassion?
I seemed to be able to leave this place like a prince, so I was a little relieved.
I hate being cold.
I'm scared, but I'm a Dniesk man, so let's do it. My father and grandfather scold me.
"I'm grateful, thank you!"
I bite it.
I'm scared after all.
Elleora asked me a little gentle face.
"Luinier, do you have any hope in the end? I'll grant you as much as possible except for the reduction of punishment."
I want another jacket.
I thought so, but say something more important.
"Do ... do not punish the members of the Dniesk family, and then the laymen!"
No matter what happened, my father said that I should definitely say this.
It is the role of the aristocracy to protect vassals and territories, so anyone who cannot say this is not a noble.
Eleora nodded.
"I understand. Listen to Lünie's vow. Let's promise that we will not punish the Dniesk vassals and nations."
Was good…….
This is the end of my role.
I bow down my head.
"I'm sorry."
Slowly and dignified.
Look up and walk as usual.
But the soldiers around are scared, so I walk around as little as possible.
If they want to kill me, they can kill me anytime ...
I passed the gate at the exit of the town, patiently trying to escape.
In front of you is a dark forest. The narrow road continues, but I don't know where to go.
I want to look back, but don't look back.
I have to be dignified.
But where should I go from now on?
Wight might help, but I don't know where he is.
Is my uncle a castle on Kleich? But it's far away ...
Where is Barnaq?
I have no money, no food.
The sun is almost over.
What should I do…….
I was worried and decided to walk steadily to get out of town.
You can't do crazy things before everyone is watching.
So just get away from town.
That was when I thought.
One carriage is parked behind the curving road, hiding in the forest.
And a familiar emblem. It's the emblem of Miraraldia.
"Va ...!?"
The moment I whispered, the door of the carriage opened magically.
Mr. Weid!
"Wait !?"
That gentle Miralldia's older brother smiled at me.
"I'm sorry to be late. I didn't hear that Mr. Warroy was going to pick me up, so it was hard to bring me here. Your uncle is a stubborn."
`` My uncle is !? ''
"Oh, Lunier! I was safe!"
Suddenly coming out of the carriage was his cheerful uncle. He should have been a prisoner, but he hangs his sword on his waist as usual.
I thought it was more tattered, but I can't believe it.
Enraged, I ran out and jumped into my uncle's chest.
"Uncle! Uncle!"
"What, Dniesk's man is sorry.
Even my uncle who says such a thing has eyes red.
It's a bit painful to be hugged so tight.
Then, Mr. Weid called out very happily.
"I would have lived in the castle at Lake Kleich for the time being. Eleora told me that I could use that castle as much as I wanted.
After all, this person was a wizard.
You can't do this if it's not magic.
Wink bowed to me and bowed like a play.
"Now, Highness Lünier. Let's come with me to open up a new future for the Dniesk family."
"A new future?"
Then my uncle laughs while lifting me up above my head.
"Ah, yes! The Dniesks will re-emerge in Miradiria! Will they perish and die! I'll tell you more about it slowly later!"
"Warroy, don't swing your nephew too violently. Don't hurt me, even though I kept her intact."
You're right, Mr. Waight.
Weid clapped his hands and invited us to the carriage.
"Let's get on. Let's go through the forest before sunset and go to the Milaldia Army's inn. I'm reassured by Barnaq's arrangements."
About 20 horses arrived from across the road and lined up in front of the carriage.
Weid thrust his fists at the gathering cavalry.
"It's not what we know, such as the law of Rolmund. We'll do what we want!"
Then the cavalry laugh.
"Oh, it's definitely a vide! I said good!"
"Can you kill such a child!"
"Prince Ruinier, welcome to Milardia's army!"
I was handed down by Weid and I rode a carriage with my uncle.
Seeing me sitting in the seat, Weid smiled.
"Actually, both Eléora and Ashley are very worried about you. I will protect you instead of them, so you don't have to worry about anything."
"Oh ... thank you, Mr. Weid!"
After all, Mr. Weid was strange, a wizard, and very cool.