Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Scripture administrator
Episode 235
The Willon Daishoin, which manages the scriptures of Lorumund Teruyoism, is a mountain temple that spreads across Mount Willon.
Speaking of previous life, it may be close to the image of Mt. Hiei and Mt.
"Is this mountain all the Willon University?"
Fern, who doesn't like reading much, looks up at the mountain with an incredible look.
I told everyone what I heard from Eleora.
"Creating a bookstore in an urban area could lead to the loss of scriptures in wars and fires ..."
"Hey, are you ostensible?"
Monza looks at me with a little interest.
I nodded.
"It's really a Huyyang military facility. Look closely, are you making it for a siege?"
"Oh ... really"
The Werewolf squad has also undergone several battles, so it's easy to tell if a building is a military one.
I explained to everyone while climbing the stone steps.
"Ordinary temples are easier to worship in urban areas and also serve as an administrative hub for the city. It's a gateway to secular. This is a military base, ready to fight pagan and secular armies. "
Then Jerikh asks me while looking at the building.
"Hey, General. I don't really know, but is religion a non-existent thing? I don't know if Weifang is preparing for war?"
"If it's a beautiful thing that goes around the world, nobody has a hard time. Protecting your faith doesn't matter. It's the same as we demons live for the Demon King."
"got it"
There are several buildings on the side of the mountain that welcome pilgrims, where the werewolf rests. He left Fern and Parker to command.
"Mao, come only you."
"I'm me?"
Mao seems to be resting, but looks a little disgusting.
"Parker and you are experts in interpersonal negotiations. You'll ask Parker to take care of the werewolf corps, so I'll ask you for my assistance."
"I'm a Shizuki, but"
"We're worshipers of the Demon King too.
If you think about it, there aren't any Huiyang.
Willon Daishoin is near the summit, but it is quiet because no pilgrims come. There are only two old soldiers in security, so it's hard to beat.
"It's true that you're not working."
"Is there any meaning to come ...?"
Mao and I pass through the gate in front of Daishoin while talking secretly.
But as I passed through the gate guards, I could smell them faintly killed.
It's not just an old soldier.
I walk alongside Mao and tell him softly.
"It seems we should pay attention to what we do. God's punishment goes down."
Mao seemed to me in my tone and nodded lightly.
"Be careful"
Immediately upon entering the Willon Bookstore, a young apprentice priest came out and guided us back.
A man in his mid-thirties stands in the room. Although quite young for Cardinals, his robe is that of Cardinals.
"Nice to meet you, Weid Grün Friedenrichter. I'm Tulaya, administrator of the Willon College."
Is this person a cardinal too?
There are eight senior executives and cardinals who unite Rolmund Teruyo in all. It is said that it is the number of people who do not make odd decisions, make it difficult to make a majority decision, and go through discussions.
Sir Tulaya seems to be the last cardinal, but he can't be despised.
They have tremendous power over the lay people and have an influence that is inferior to the nobles there.
If they care, they can incite the people and defeat Eleora's popularity.
Be careful with your remarks.
Me and Mao greet in accordance with Rolmund's manner.
"Thank you for the support of Teruyoism at Lünheit in Milaldia, I'm in Waid. I'm honored to see you, Cardinal Tulaya."
Cardinal Tulaya smiles quietly.
"Thank you very much. We know that Mr. Weid has the title of Patron Saint, so please give me a more open tone. I am afraid because I am the last seat of Cardinals such as me Yeah. "
"No, that's why ..."
As a result of asking and answering questions as if they were Japanese people, we ended up having a more informal tone.
Cardinal Tulaya recommends us a table and a chair, and he sits on the chair.
He handed me a referral letter from Priest Xanawer and he looked up quickly through his eyes.
"How was Xanawer?"
"Yes, very much. He is a very research enthusiast."
"It looks like it's still the case. He's my brother, but he's been on the ground and he's refusing to be a cardinal."
Cardinal Turaya smiles.
I see, that kind of connection.
The Cardinal laughed at me when he carefully received the letter of introduction.
"According to him, you're a" smart theorist, a calm and passionate seeker of truth. "
I don't feel praised at all.
But Cardinal Toraya opens a box of sweets on the table in a joyous manner. Like baked goods.
"If the Priest Xanahua goes up to that point, I can start talking with confidence .... I'm going to say straightforwardly, are you a demon?"
There may be some straightforward swords.
I was scared, but this is the point of courage.
"Yes, that's right"
`` Weid-sama !? ''
Mao screams, but the Cardinal invites me here, knowing she's a demonic. I have no choice but to stomach.
Then Cardinal Tulaya smiles more and more.
"Wonderful. I understand why Reverend Xanawer was nominated."
He takes a baked confectionery out of the candy box and smiles.
"Did you judge now that you know me as a demonic and invite me here, so it makes no sense to deny?"
"That's right."
It is brilliantly spotted.
When it comes to the highest level of state religion, the head rotation seems to be different.
Cardinal Tulaya threw the baked goods into his mouth and then became a serious face.
"I was able to judge you as a demon because of the myriad pieces of information received from the believers. Each one is small and helpless, but analyzing what you gather can be good information."
He doesn't seem to be lying.
Apparently, the Teruyang religion seems to be more formidable than I think.
"But please don't worry, Veit. Teruyo is not separately hostile to demons."
That should not be the case.
"But I heard that Rolmund Teruyo does not acknowledge the existence of demons."
"Yes, it is. One of the oldest scriptures, St. Zahakitto, makes demons and pagans distinct enemies."
"Are you inconsistent?"
Cardinal Tulaya then smiled very gladly for some reason.
"To explain the contradiction, let me tell you the secrets of Terukyo, which only the Cardinal class knows."
He walks into the door at the back of the room when the Cardinal stands up.
"Most of the old scriptures were found later in the world, as is the book of St. Zahaquito Senki, and the original book is kept at the Daishoin."
It is said that the Willon Daishoin is an old temple of the early Hui Dynasty, which contains texts collected from various places.
Cardinal Turaya said that the sheer number of books has not been sorted out, and that undiscovered scriptures are sometimes discovered every few years.
Archiving and restoring those scriptures seems to be under his jurisdiction.
"At the back of this door is a sacred workshop that repairs the scriptures."
Many craftsmen are busy working in the workshop.
A craftsman writing on a ragged piece of paper with ink.
A craftsman repairing the spine of a book and a craftsman mixing ink.
Cardinal Tulaya gives them instructions, explaining to me.
"Since organizing and restoring the scriptures requires formal status and knowledge, they are all treated as legitimate priests. Oh, and when you can copy the page, submit it to Madal. It ’s confidential, yeah ”
When we return to the room, Cardinal Toraya closes and locks the thick door.
And we looked back at us.
"That scripture that is now being restored is, in fact, an important book that was just discovered the other day ..."
He looks very happy and tells him softly.
"Before the restoration, it was just a bunch of white paper, with no letters written on it."
I immediately understood what he was saying.
This guy has revealed a terrible secret.
"In other words, does that mean that you are forging a scripture?"
Deny it.
I was abandoned, but Cardinal Tulaya looked more and more happy.
This person is very dangerous.
"Romund's Kiyokyo has always been creating 'found old scriptures' as needed."
Mao raises a surprised voice.
"What is it for?"
"Of course, to guide people in the right direction. If it were written in an old scripture, no one would obey."
Hey hey
Cardinal Tulaya is in a good mood and smiles as he sings in a humming.
"Here you'll find the craftsmen who use the textures of old paper and leather, and the scholars who are familiar with classical grammar, as well as the specialists needed to create such a unique scripture."
"So they also have this secret?"
"No, I think most of them are really repairing the scriptures. We're splitting the restoration and the work process so that no one can get the whole picture."
This Cardinal was a villain more than expected.
I get nervous and ask him.
"But does the fabrication of the scriptures deceive the believers?"
"Yes, that's what you need."
There was no guilty fragment in his words.
"Thank you so much, let me tell you about the origins of the Territory. You will understand our position and what we want."
Cardinal Turaya smiled at us.
Let's listen quietly because it's scary.