Episode 239
On the way back from Willon University, Fern and her sister were interrogating Parker.
"I don't think it would be a little disturbing the princess's engagement."
Fern-sister looks a little dissatisfied.
Parker shakes her head.
"The marriage of a high-ranking person has political implications and it doesn't do what he wants."
"If it's strange at first"
Fern is not convinced.
For a werewolf, the status of a human being seems to be unconvincing.
No matter who the boss of the flock would marry, the boss decides. Marriage of the boss doesn't mean you're going up, so your order isn't upset.
However, since the human world is different, many troublesome things happen.
However, I don't want to interrupt my marriage.
"Fern. We won't hinder the marriage itself. It's a good thing to stop, but it's irrelevant to us as an Eleanor."
Which is more convenient.
If Prince Bolshevik marries Prince Ashley's sister and discovers that Bolshevik is a pagan, Prince Ashley's stock will drop again.
Prince Ashley has been given a yellow card by his vassal, so a rebellion may happen this time.
But when we go to the rebellion, it's a little troublesome.
Eleora will have to crush itself, but the war is over. There is no need for Eleora to give a new name.
While thinking about such things, I transform into a werewolf in the forest on my way home.
The purpose is, of course, to call on Bormá, the head of the Lorumund Wolf.
"Aorn ..."
Mao and Parker wouldn't understand, but if you were a werewolf, you'd be able to use it.
The question is whether it's in the audible range, but we'll be marking it anyway.
The howling of a werewolf is a rather crude exchange because of the small vocabulary.
"Babaah! Come out Bubba!
"I can hear you! Suddenly!
"Babaah! Come out Bubba!
"So what is it ?!
Sorry, howling is the limit.
Come on.
The complicated story is impossible.
After a while, Volka appeared in the woods and sat down in front of me, whispering.
"It's not too much praise for howling another group of werewolf. You don't know?"
"Because I haven't seen any other herds before."
"I'm the one. It was like my grandmother's habit. So what?"
I explained to her that the leadership of Teruyoism had shifted to accepting Polarists and demons.
"It's not a serious decision yet, but the top leaders of Huyo are neither incompetent nor fanatics. They're thorough realists. They're the ones who understand the story."
"Hmmm, that's good news. I don't want to turn idiots and stupids on enemies."
I'm trying to persuade her because Volka doesn't seem too sloppy.
"Do you guys partner with the Polestars and the Bolsheviks?-How about partnering with Teruyo-kyo?"
Borka thought a little and shook her head.
"I still can't do it. I haven't been able to abandon the Polar Stars for many generations. I can't afford to abandon them.
Isn't it easy to change the spirit?
But I like strong enemies. I'm glad to be refused.
"I guess so. I can't help but still be an enemy.
"I can't do it. If you're a Rolmund Werewolf, you'll do what you want. Will you eventually return to Miraraldia?"
"Oh, yes."
As I nodded, Volka smiled calmly.
"Once again, Rolmund's werewolf must be taken care of by Atashi. I do not have any connection with Teruyokyo and I can not do it."
"I see. But, since you've softened your attitude, why don't you meet the leaders of Guiyang?"
Then Volka thinks a bit.
"That's right, it's getting pretty disturbing, but before that I have one request."
"If everything goes wrong and there are no more places where the wolf of Atashi and Lolmund can survive, let me live in Miradidia.
For Volka, this is a compelling request.
And, of course, that's an easy story.
"As a Lieutenant of Her Majesty Gomoviloa, I promise it. Come and welcome anytime."
I could have made some trades, but I dared not ask for anything.
The Volkas are now in a very sensitive position. It's better to reassure them than to ask and annoy them.
Volka hears my words and smiles.
"Ah, you're a pretty good guy.
"No, that's ..."
Borka smiled happily when I was in trouble.
"I don't even like the shiny gesture. I'm so glad! I have seven granddaughters, so wait a little longer!"
No, it's fine.
With a laugh, Volka stood up with a light motion.
I'll ask her a question.
"What other demons are there in Polar Starism?"
"There are a few vampires other than a werewolf. You live quietly in a human village."
"Is that it?"
Volka smiles.
"Because demons who can't be humanized seem to have been destroyed long before the empire was formed ..."
After all humans are scary ...
Volka finally told me:
"The Bolshevik boy is in the imperial capital, but he seems to be plotting something in his own territory, because his second son remains in the territory and is in her name."
"Is it ready for a soldier?"
"I don't know. I don't know. It's like a refuge for a Polar star, so don't bother me. I'll be careful."
She turned into a werewolf and disappeared deep into the forest, jumping from tree to tree.
I'm worried about the Bolshevik territory, but for the time being, report and consult with Eleora.
As soon as I returned to the Imperial City, I explained the situation to Eleora.
"No way, there was such a secret in Teruyokyo ..."
Eleora seemed to be surprised to know that Teruyo had forged a scripture.
"I have heard that those who are going to be emperors can be taught some of the grave secrets of the empire, one of which might be it."
"Is it disillusioned?"
When I jokingly asked, Eleora smiled and shrugged.
"I'm stupid, but I really like it. I'll see Cardinal Tulaya soon. I would like to help."
I thought I would say that for Elleora.
I know only the secrets of the scriptures, Mao and Parker. Secret to the werewolf squad. You don't even need to know.
Eleora also told her men she would keep it secret.
I also tell you that Prince Bolshevik is approaching Princess Ashley's sister, Princess Diliye.
This seemed to be much better, and Eleora sighed deeply.
"Diliye is a passionate naive. Duke Bolshevik would have taken her to a beating ball, but I sympathize with him."
"Is it so terrible?"
"At least, I had no conversation with me. I haven't met for a long time."
It looks terrible.
Good luck, Bolshevik.
Finally, we report on werewolf.
Elleora stared at my face and smiled unexpectedly.
"Are you attacked by an enemy werewolf and put it on your ally? You're as quick as ever, you are."
"I can't say it's an ally yet, but I can talk now."
When I answer, Eleora looks at me with a look like a rare beast.
"I've been away from negotiations and gathering information just because I've been away for just a few days.
Well, I'm proud that I'm a reincarnated man.
Please leave such plain support.
"Your job is easier and easier, but it's just too fun. I'm going to be stupid. You're a bad aide."
Even if it's too fun, Eleora has done a huge job in Eleora, including bringing in the old Dniesk factions and coordinating the Eleora factions.
Not surprisingly, because he is a substantial ruler of North and East Lolmund, there are too many details to do for me.
"In light of Elora's struggle, I have to keep at least this much."
Eleora looked up at me, laughed at her, and tightened her expression.
"By the way, Ashley is finally emperor. The date of the coronation has been decided. I and you will be attending."
"all right"
If Prince Ashley becomes emperor, the conspiracy of Duke Bolshevik will soon be in full swing.
His plot is deep, quiet, and quick.
I have to be careful.