Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Lord of the Black Wolf
Episode 265
I stepped on Lünheit soil the day after the Summer Solstice Festival.
"be not in time……"
In front of the castle, citizens are cleaning up the stalls and bonfires after yesterday's festival.
In front of the citizens, the hero, Ilia, served as the Lünheit servant and was lined up with the guards.
I didn't think he was coming to meet me.
At least let me prepare my heart.
"Welcome home, Vite."
Ilia smiles and walks to me.
The lack of feeling of anger makes me feel restless.
Ilia holds my hand in a gentle tone.
"It was a very important role, but it was safe and good.
I can't talk about private promises because there are citizens' eyes around me.
I try to stay calm and nod with a serious face.
"I'm sorry to welcome you, Iria. Is there anything wrong with Luneheight?"
"Yes, this is peace itself, and it was very busy last summer solstice festival ..."
Speaking so far, Eyria changed the topic in a hurry as if surprised.
"Well, let's go back to the museum for now, because we're talking about it. You're tired. Werewolf members also unload and take a break. We have snacks and beds."
The news of "The Return of the Black Wolf" spread quickly in Lünheit, and by the time I entered the old town, I was watched by a large crowd.
"Return, Mr. Weid!"
"Did you increase your heroism again?"
"Lune Height Banzai!"
In response to the cheerful cheers of the trade city, I waved from the horse.
Maybe this is the lingering sound of yesterday's festival.
After returning to the palace, I finish my report while relaxing in the office of Eyria.
"So we can say that Rolmund's politics has settled down. The re-invasion of Milaldia will be difficult because the new Emperor Eleora is busy stabilizing the country for a while."
As long as Eleora is alive, Miraludia will be safe.
If she returns to Miraludia again, it's probably economic and cultural, not military.
After rushing out of work, I immediately enter apology mode.
"By the way, Ilia"
"Yes, what is it?"
Airia leans her neck while pouring tea from a teapot.
I bowed to her.
"I promise to return by the summer solstice, and I'm sorry to break my promise."
Iria is in a hurry.
"Well, don't bow down like that !? I'd rather apologize."
"Why must you apologize for breaking your promise?"
"That's it ..."
Ayria looks down, blushes, and looks down.
She was at a loss for a while, but she replied:
"It's bad that I made such a promise to someone in a foreign country on public affairs. I'm sorry for your kindness ..."
"No, the promise is still a promise. I apologize for not keeping my promise and let me say anything."
Because it was such a promise.
But Ilia shook her head and refused.
"No, I'm bad. I can't hope for anything more than Mr. Weid."
"I don't mind. It's easier to say something."
Let me make up for it.
Nevertheless, Ilia never accepts.
"It's good. I'm most pleased to be back in this way. Please relax slowly."
"No, but ...
Anything is fine?
I can't bother the Demon King or the council, but I'll do anything I can do individually.
So please ask for something.
But Ilia changes the story.
"I can't see Parker or Mao, but have you not returned yet?"
"Oh, we're on our way from Tuban. The werewolf squad transformed and ran halfway."
I wanted to jump over the wall and return home, but it was already dawn, and above all, I was in a bad position.
Ilia seemed to have noticed it, and nodded a little.
"A responsible person must be calm at all times, so if you're in a hurry, everyone thinks something."
"Oh, that's right ..."
In fact, I wanted to run from the mining city Klauchen as a werewolf.
I guess it was in time, but I gave up because weird rumors were coming.
I can't afford to surprise everyone carelessly.
But that also means that you promised but didn't.
Although I can't help speaking from public and private priorities, I still feel responsible.
"I'm sure you've broken your promise, can you give me the opportunity to make amends?"
"No, no, fufufu"
It is strangely happy.
Meanwhile, the following Mao returned to Lünhite.
"Please do not leave an attendant, Mr. Weid"
"Because it was on the verge of meeting promises."
"Did you give up many times because you can't make it in time?"
Calculating distance and speed, I knew I wasn't in time.
I just wanted to apologize as soon as possible.
Mao, Parker, and Lyucco have returned from the industrial city of Tuban, escorted by horsemen.
And with a natural face, Tubarn's Filnier was also sticking together.
"Senpai, good luck! I didn't make it!"
"Don't say joy"
"But if I got on, maybe I was in time?"
"No, I didn't, I arrived at Tuban at midnight yesterday."
I did a lot of work at Rolmund and moved my schedule ahead of schedule.
"I've always spent a lot of rebellion in Rolmund, so I wasted my time ..."
"Do humans love rebellion so much?"
"No, I don't think I like it."
If you live in such a cold and inconvenient area, there will be many things.
Miralardia was good.
After a while, the teacher comes back and taps his small shoulder with a cane.
"Well done, I'm sorry I've missed it. I'm a professor of metastasis, but I did a little better, but it takes time to transpose ..."
"I don't have any more users of metastasis than my teacher at Miraraldia today. Sorry to trouble you."
He told me that he had come to the northern tip of Klauchen to greet me, so he wasted his favor.
"Yes, I met Warroy while searching for me. I was in the fortified city of Wanggang."
"Are you still traveling?"
It looks like Mito Komon.
The teacher smiles and nods and continues.
"You've jumped into Wonggang's signature fighting tournament and won the cavalry category."
"What are you doing, that Onito?"
"When I saw it, I was using the entire prize money to make a big deal to the audience. Everyone seemed to be having fun."
He doesn't do anything in his destination.
Ilia smiled and listened to such a conversation, but I still feel like I have something in my mind.
Looking at her eyes, Ilia smiled for some reason.
What are you thinking?
But I really want to make up for her.
"Oh yes, what?"
I ask Aria, who has a panicking voice.
"I'm persistent, but I'll make up for it."
"No, it's me ..."
"Rather than saying that, would you like to ease my feelings and ask for something? Anything is fine."
I relentlessly said, Ilia smiled after a while.
"So, could you give me a little time to think? I'm always very good with Mr. Weid, so I can't think of it right away."
"I see ... I understand."
Apparently, I was able to make up for it, so I was a little relieved.
Iria glances at me looking upwards.
"Is it really 'anything'?"
"Oh, I'll do whatever I can tolerate."
I can't abuse the authority, but I can do anything with my personal wallet.
You can order a dress at the craft city, Vera, or use the precious jewels Mao brought back from Rolmund.
No, maybe a gorgeous dinner in the fishing city of Lozzo overlooking the sea at night.
Ilia smiles happily to see if my words worked.
"Let's think carefully and say something about selfishness."
"It's fun"
I'm really interested in what she asks. Because she's like a picture of innocence.
By the way, from the moment, Ilia's "smell when lying" ...
I was a little worried, but right after that, I was forced to fight for defense because a lot of the paperwork I was away from attacked.
I signed the pen with one hand, because it was a document that I could not leave to anyone, such as my pending appointment or the most confidential report.
I was worried about what Ilia's request would be, but it was buried in my busy life.