Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Council distress
Episode 266
A few days after returning to Lünheit, I will make a formal report to an extraordinary council.
This time, not only the southern part but also the northern part. It seems that while I was away, the northern directors also joined the council.
"Please see the handouts on the political and military capabilities of Rolmund. There is almost no fear of a re-invasion, but Rolmund's military strength remains high."
When I explained so, some northern patrons nodded with a serious expression.
"First of all, is it safe? Thanks to Lord Weid"
"But we need to strengthen our defenses in the north in preparation for the sudden political change in Rolmund."
I nod.
"Yes. As long as Eleora's reign continues, she'll be generally safe, but she could die suddenly or drop out."
I'm praying not to do that, Eleora.
Of course, not only praying, but as a councilor for Milaldia, you have an obligation to prepare for the worst.
"Although a particularly disciplined dragon unit of the Demon Army can be stationed in the north,"
I tried to suggest, but the northern patrons also looked sober.
"I'm very happy and I know that I'll do my best.
Aside from the northern guards, the northerners have not yet abandoned the demons.
Is it still impossible?
I had to think a bit and suggest this.
"Now let human soldiers defend. Why don't you reorganize the former Senate mercenaries and knights and deploy them as city-specific garrisons?"
"Yes, I don't think it's a problem."
"But it's a bit tough on budget ..."
There are various orders, but it is inevitable that the full-fledged army is a gold eater.
They exchanged opinions with the southern patrons, and concluded that "The invasion of Rolmund is a crisis for the whole of Milaldia, so the council will get a budget."
But, of course, it's a headache for the southern patrons.
Southerners do not know much about the north, so they will not be willing to use their city vaults to defend the north.
After the northern captains returned a little earlier, the southern captains immediately began complaining.
"I know the situation and I want to cooperate, but the tax payers are noisy."
Forne, a kusookama from the craft city of Vera, sighs while holding down his forehead.
Since Vera is one of the most prosperous cities in Miradia, it has a high burden.
After a little worried, Forne proposes:
"Hey Weid, at least let the northern army enter the Vera word. It can be a shield or armor. It's good enough to use it for advertising, right?"
I'm not a soccer team.
"Will a soldier fighting desperately to defend the northern part be embarrassed if his armor could include the southern city name?"
"Well, yeah ..."
But I think the idea will come true in the next few hundred years.
The guardian of the fishing city of Lozzo and the stubborn Petre are also rugged.
"The army isn't over once you pay it. You have to maintain it. If you keep paying for it, your finances are going to be tough."
I sigh too.
"I know. The Demon King's army doesn't have the money. It doesn't help much other than manpower."
The economic power was a demon king army.
Milardia is a monetary economy, with credit bills being used in large transactions. You cannot use forbidden magic items such as government bonds or military votes.
But if they don't make any money, the cohesive Milaldia Federation will collapse.
"I wish I could at least trade with other countries."
That's what young Amor Alam in the trading city Chardiel has said.
I was getting thinner since I met, but I'm getting thinner again.
"By the way, Aram, it's like you've come a long way."
"No, this is my original body shape. I'm finally back."
Alam, who is surprisingly slim, smiles while stroking her cheeks.
"I originally had thin food. I ordered rock salt etc. to improve my appearance and ate quite a bit, but I thought I no longer need it."
"So that's it……"
Is that the case?
The story has diverted, but Aram has a point.
"Even if you do trade, gold in the south cannot fall in the trade with Lolmund in the north. And Lolmund is worried about political change."
Girsh, the boss of the southernmost pirate city Belousa, crossed his arms.
"The trees continue only to the west, and the rest of the continent is southern .... It takes a long time to go and return, so the items that can be traded are limited."
At that time, Senior Melene suddenly looked up.
"What about the East? I've heard from your teacher, but there are countries in the East as well.
Petre and Girsh then look off.
"Although there is."
"What's over there ..."
According to Petre's story, there is not much trading experience with the "Wa no Kuni", which is beyond the east wind ripple desert.
The Senate has been banning trade with Wa, alerting the southern cities to gain strength in trade.
Of course, it was Petre and they smuggled all over the city, but it seems to be known how much it would cost.
Sharia, a girl from Zaria's labyrinth city, tilts her head.
"Since Zalia is also reshaping the city significantly, it's pretty hard to finance ... but teacher, why not just make a good way like Vera without relying on such a foreign country?"
Is there a way like Vera selling goods from theaters?
I shook my head.
"There's a limit because you're your own territory. Can't you pay a customer who only has ten copper coins?"
"So that's it……"
"If you do business with other countries, you have more freedom to do business. Of course, if you are careless, you will have a big deal, but the profits will be great."
I told Shatina that way, and then suddenly looked back at Forne.
"Do you still play that play?"
"Of course. I've heard a lot from the kites."
Forne laughed grinously and continued in a singing tone.
"Princess Elora, a terrible ice empire. Captive her, the Black Wolf embarks on the ice empire. She shatters her conspiracy and enemy, and gives Eleuola a crown."
Sure, it did.
Forne further says.
"And after a struggle with the Black Wolf Lord, the prince of Warrior became an ally of the soul. What's the new battle in Miraludia? Expect to ask for" The Heroes of the Drifting White Tiger Warroy! "
Do you do it too !?
Gaiden had begun with a spin-off while I was looking away. It even has a unique name for Warroy.
There's no need to be careless, this guy.
Forne sits down with a grin and smiles at me, looking at what she wants.
"Really, there's an endless adventure of bloody flesh dancing around you. It has the effect of communicating the achievements of the Council to the citizens, and I'll ask you more and more."
"It's not something you can ask me to do ..."
Don't think of me as a council-owned heroic machine.
However, Forne is also desperate to run the Miraraldia economy. It's not just about making the Vera.
There she submits a new document.
"Warroy has received an estimate on the cost of building a new city. Given the temperament and prices of the Mirallians who have been visited so far, it seems necessary at least."
`` Wow !? ''
Phil Neil looked at the amount and muttered as he thought.
Even here I gave an estimate, but is it about this?
The Senate has been spending a lot of time in the last hundred years, so spending on a variety of fields is planned.
I have to cooperate to manage my finances.
"Let's also consider trade inside the Demon King's army. The demons in the Taiki Sea have no currency, but they are likely to be trade goods.
If the demons of the Taiki Sea are included in the economic zone to increase the market, it may be moisturized.
After the council, I talk with Iria.
"How much do you know about the country of Wa?"
"I don't know much because the cultural spheres are different and separated by a scenic desert."
Iria said so, and unfortunately shook her head.
"They have a different culture than Rolmund, Milardia, and the southern continent. Are there any difficulties to negotiate?"
"So that's it"
As a Deputy Demon Lord, you're likely to think a lot.
But more than that, I'm more concerned about reincarnation.
Wa country.
It is a seasoning like soy sauce that I happened to find in this world, but its origin seems to be the country of Wa. The recipe and the taste are very similar to the previous soy sauce.
It is also called "Wa no Kuni".
Isn't it a "Japanese country"? I was a little worried before.
The former king is also Japanese, and I am Japanese.
It is not surprising that there were Japanese reincarnates in the past.
I want to go to the survey once for trading.
"What happened, Mr. Weid?"
What would Ilia say if she wanted to travel to Wa country this time?
Are you angry?
All you have to do is research and ask for each kite.
I don't want to be angry at Iria, so I decided to get rid of the paperwork I had accumulated.