Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
"Fumino's Secret Letter"
Episode 270 (Fumino's Secretary)
I would like to report on the person who is called Vade.
Mr. Weid was also a werewolf. Studies have shown that the werewolf can detect human lies with the sense of smell.
Therefore, I tried not to lie to Mr. Weid, tell the facts as much as possible, and try to conceal what I could not tell.
As a result, it seems that he gained the trust of Mr. Weid.
However, there are many other great demons around him. In particular, the skeletal mage called Parker knew terrible negotiation techniques.
I can't give you the details here, so I'd like to change the opportunity someday.
The results of a follow-up survey of Mr. Weid's results have been found.
Planning and conducting of an operation to occupy the trading city Lünheit by a mixed unit of the werewolf squad and the dog squad.
-Defend attacks from the industrial city of Tuban, annihilate 400 Tuban soldiers.
-Exile Lünheit, a priest of Juyot, who incited Tuban soldiers (later settled).
Follow the strategy of capture of the industrial city of Tuban. Achieve the castle gate breakthrough.
Successful independence work in the trading city Lünheit.
Eliminate the fake heroes released by the Senate, exposing the Senate's attempts.
Alliance established with the trading city Chardile, the pirate city Belousa, the fishing city Lozzo, the labyrinth city Zaria, and the craft city Viera.
There appears to be a major movement of the Demon King at this time, but this has not been confirmed as seeming to be the most important secret.
However, it is almost certain that the Demon King was replaced for some reason.
-Prevented the capture of 2,000 militarians in Zalia. In fact, he succeeded in fighting a single horse.
Rollmund's Princess Eleanor interfered with the invasion of Mirarudia. Defeat Eleanor in the Lunehite defense battle and capture him.
Acquired as a saint by Miraldia Kiyokyo.
Secret work for six months in Rolmund.
Most of the rumors identified at Milaldia were largely concluded as facts. It is phenomenal that one individual has achieved such achievements, and it is rare in the past.
Information on top secret crafts in Lolmund comes from grasses living in the craft city of Vera. It seems that it will be released as a drama performance soon, with some adaptations.
Contact Rolmund for more accurate information.
Mr. Weid's abilities have been shown to use a fairly high level of magic in addition to the werewolf's abilities, which may be a line of archeology or healing techniques.
As a result, it is estimated that the strength of a single unit greatly exceeds that of a normal werewolf, and that there are at least 30 warriors on foot. If all the information passed is true, it would be worth 100 walkers.
However, their greatest ability was to use them to negotiate in favor of negotiations, and it was found that most of the talented opponents of Mr. Weid had descended into the Demon King's camp.
In light of the above, it is quite possible that Mr. Weid is a Godly person.
I will accompany him and continue the investigation.
Note that
Don't pry extra.