Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The werewolf catch book (part 2)
Episode 280
That night, I was devoted to Gehee in the back room of Kinkodo.
"Thank you very much for this big deal."
According to a ninja group and audience members directly under Tamonin, the price of the drug I bought was about 150 times higher than the domestic market price.
It's a big deal.
Anyway, I'm really excited.
Gehee smiles and gives me a drink.
If possible, don't get too close.
"With that prohibition, we're definitely going to succeed."
"I want it to be so"
"I would like to forgive my business in Miraraldia by that time ..."
Is this sane?
She intends to spread the drug prohibition to Milaldia.
I thought I'd make an instant transformation and strip him all of his hair, but I'll be patient and laugh.
"Well then, did you sell me a prohibition for that purpose?"
"It's the skill of a merchant who doesn't miss a business opportunity. The great one of Miraldia came over. Will you get punishment if you don't make a profit?"
The moment I realized I couldn't do it, I just turned the rudder in a direction to completely heal.
Gehee laughs with a special face.
"The bottom of the dangerous pot is boiled with delicious ingredients. However, if you put your hand in it, you will burn yourself."
"Do you mean letting others do it?"
"Yes, Mao, who knows about it, seems to have lost herself."
Don't say Mao.
He's my aide right now. Far from destroying itself, it is a great career.
I laugh quietly, poisoning in my heart.
"But don't you do too much in Milaldia?"
"Yes, I know the mystery around that. As you can see in the country of Wa, let's keep the morals?"
"It looks like that."
Gegee seems to be adjusting its distribution and trading partners to prevent it from being caught too loud.
I'm definitely a business person.
I drank a drink with a rich scent and laughed thinly.
"But there's no mistake like Mao's."
"I know ..."
Gehee strokes his forehead and lowers his head.
"Taking care of the mistakes at that time, we pay close attention to our business. And when it comes, we will clean it up."
"Can you do that?"
"Yes, that's it. It's the strength of Kinkodo Gehee that it is possible to discard competent human resources."
It's a fucking bastard. This fucking bastard.
Called "fucking fucker" about 100 times in my heart.
Geje was proud of his chest.
"In addition, I am hiring a person to clean up in the escort training now. I do not have to worry about getting away like Mao did."
The outside road is getting worse.
I'm getting sicker because I'm too sneaky, but I'm also a villain, so let's do one of the belly tricks.
"Sometimes that prohibition, the materials are vegetation?"
"This is the wisdom eye. It's on the left."
I thought it would blur, but I admitted it easily.
Do you trust me?
I grin grin while eating the tempura of the table. Eggplant tempura. Oh, this is quite delicious. It's a taste to eat after a long time.
I eat the eggplant tempura muffled and continue like this.
"If you can grow in Miraraldia, can you give me a little territory?"
"How are you really?"
Gehee who is surprised by the remark.
I nodded and this time I tried burdock root vegetable tempura. The taste is solid and this is very good.
It's far more luxurious than the surprisingly simple Tamonin.
That's it.
"Let's look for suitable land for cultivation. For that purpose, we want to inspect the cultivation area."
"... I see."
As expected, Geje seems to have decided.
"I grow it secretly near the summit of Mt. Ogiri. It takes about three days by horse from here."
"Hmm, I need to look at the distant place. It's a convenient medicine. I have to use it."
"You're right."
I flickered the land of Milaldia, and heard from Geje about all the drug trafficking routes.
Sometimes I smell that I'm lying, but I don't know.
It is enough to get a rough overview.
It will be good soon.
When I thought so, the bran in the back room opened silently.
"I will see you as Kinkodo Gehe"
The priestess costume, Humino, quietly entered the room.
Apparently the costume of Humino's shrine maiden was immediately understood by Gehee.
"No way, Tamonin !?"
"You're on the left. Geje, if you're all exposed, don't call yourself a rope."
Humino smiles.
But Gehehe recovers instantly from a momentary upset.
"Although it's the secret of Tamonin, did you think you could go home alone?"
"Maybe you're going to do it?"
"What you know!"
Humino shook his head, shouting Gehee.
"Don't do it.
"Shut up! Meet! Meet!"
At the moment Gehee shouts, the noise between him and his surroundings becomes louder.
"It's important for my husband!"
"hurry up!"
The bran was vacant, and the guys with the swords ran out into the room.
The upcoming guys, unlike those who were in a ban on drug trafficking, are great users.
"A female dog from Tamon-in!
The swordsmen attack Humino all at once.
At that moment, blood droplets splattered.
Of course, the blood is not from Humino.
The leading swordsman had his throat ripped off and collapsed with fresh blood.
"Now !?"
The rest of the swordsmen are frightened for a moment, but Fumino remains standing.
Just hold the flute in your hand and put it on your lips.
The swordsmen did not seem to know the means by which their fellows were buried, but they are still professional combatants.
Be careful with surrounding Fumino and attack from front, back, left and right.
"I'll kill you!"
But Fumino calms down and blows a flute.
At the moment when the sound of the high-pitched flute resounded, destructive magic exploded everywhere in the room.
The swordsmen smoke and fall one after another. Both are quite skilled.
A straight sword line runs as if drawn by a ruler, and red blood spouts mercilessly from the cracked tear.
Almost instantly, the swordsmen were annihilated.
Blood flows so much that the tatami can't be sucked, and the voices of agony and desperation fill the seats for entertainment.
Humino is standing still and doing nothing.
Gehe saw it and put on a butt-mochi.
"What, what ... what did you do?"
Humino smiles when he releases his mouth from the whistle.
"One of the thirty-seven secrets of the crowd," Munaki Blade "... another name is" Naruitojin "."
I'm a magician, so I knew what Fumino was doing.
Unexpectedly, a myriad of threads are stretched inside and outside the room. The material is unknown, but the thread is so thin that it cannot be seen in a room where there is only a light.
And this string seems to resonate with the sound of the fumino flute.
The sound of a humino whistle produces the same effect as casting a spell, which seems to shake the thread.
Ultra-fine vibrating thread cuts human meat like yokan.
Fumino didn't explain that much, but looked at me and looked sad for a moment.
Huh, I understand your ninjutsu seeds.
I'll return with a smile.
I just didn't know how to arrange the thread so conveniently ...
Then, Fumino, looking at my expression, understood, and for a moment, she was proud of her face.
"Our audience is one of the ancestors of astrologers. If you are good at foresight,"
So that's it.
It seems that he predicted the future position of the opponent and set it there.
This is a common method used by predictive magic users when fighting with weapons.
But was it good to tell me?
It seems that Fumino has also noticed that he lowers his voice and crawls on Geje.
"Now, we have all the vegetation done. Call a rope this time."
But Geje had lost all escorts and had not given up yet.
"I mean ... I'll give up on Kinkindo's ransom anymore. But I won't catch you!
Humino stares at Gehee and quietly scorns it.
"I'm sorry"
"Fufu, jokes"
Behind Fumino, the swordsmen who should have died stood up steadily.
Bad ...