Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Labyrinth of Memory (Part 2)
Episode 308
I ran to Iria, but noticed her incident.
Dull silver chains are tangled in both hands of Eyria. The chain extended above the table, leading to a drowlite treasure.
Perhaps that is the spiritual domination magic that binds Iria.
I was reflexively prepared for the battle, but I can't turn into a werewolf.
If you think about it, my physical body is still in the sewers of Lünheit, and is holding up Eyria while transforming into a werewolf.
This sight is a vision of the spiritual world.
The silver chain, which is the commander of Eilea, is like an icon and cannot be physically controlled.
"Ilia, come here to help."
When I say so, Ilia smiles happily with her bound.
However, Ilia looks so surprised that she feels harsh.
"I'm sorry, just because I was open-minded ..."
"No, he was still ambushed until he met the best person for his purpose."
I get angry at how I do not think of people as people.
Not only my, but also our important iris, and let me feel like this.
Did you know whether it is a cultural property or a world heritage?
I'll destroy it so I can't do it again.
I was wary of Drowlite's treasure.
Fortunately, the metal cup remains silent.
If you look closely, there are some chickens around the cup for some reason. The chickens were constantly poking their cups.
"What is this?"
Then Ilia laughed.
"This cup seems to have been using magic since escaping into the basement, but each time more chickens are added."
Necromancy and chickens. What kind of relationship is there?
Oh, maybe a livestock spirit that was carnivored?
Don't bring such things to the spiritual world of Iria.
However, it also looks like an icon, it doesn't squeal and just repeats the same movement.
It was unlikely that there was a spirit.
I approach Drowlite's treasure and look down at the cup being pierced by the chickens.
"You want to make a hero?"
"Are you a hero?"
Ilia said that.
She seems to have no idea what she was doing because she was hijacked for no apparent reason.
The drowlight's treasures say nothing, but the chickens poking the cup turned around. I just stare at me with my emotionless eyes.
I imagine my magic as a concrete form.
Like a chain or a chicken, I wondered if it could be displayed as an "icon" in the spiritual world.
Then a jewel-colored crown appears in my hand.
The crown radiated a soft light, illuminating the surroundings even brighter.
At that moment, the chickens that stood to protect the drowlite's treasure change.
The color of the wings changed from white or brown to dos black, and it became a cloudy black mixed with purple.
Hold your neck and take a menacing posture.
I guess it's quite a demon.
The blackened chickens seem to be constantly stretching their necks and glaring at their foreheads.
The chickens are approaching the forehead, but are each stepping back to be pushed back by something invisible.
"I don't do it. Don't touch it with your dirty" hands. "
If you give this magic to a treasure, you're determined to use it in a ridiculous way.
I turn to Iria and laugh.
"I've dismissed all the magic in Ason's treasure."
"Wayde, it's a violation of the agreement !?"
"I know, but Drowlite's treasure doesn't stop working until it creates a hero. There's no other way, Iria."
To the astounded Ilia, I present a crown.
"With all this magic, there's no trick to making you a hero. With the power of a hero, you can easily shake off the magic of spiritual control."
"Are you a hero? But I am a hero ..."
Iria is hesitant.
No wonder. Both the brave and the false brave who appeared in the past were hostile to us.
For Eyria, the brave is a symbol of a terrible enemy.
I think a little and try something different.
"Now you should be the Demon King, Iria-dono"
"The Demon King ... I'm sure you're familiar ..."
"According to the master's research, the hero and the devil are the same. Both are only mutants with great magical power. "
All demonic heroes are demons because they have become human enemies.
And the transcendents who are paired with the Devil and annihilate the Demon King have been called heroes. Crush each other and return to nothing.
One may survive with some error, but it is no longer a transcendent. It's just enough to beat me.
"The Drowlite and the Ason treasures are all about creating and using heroes in battles. It's stupid that there will be as many devils of the same size as the heroes you make."
Then Ilia immediately becomes worried.
"Then, if I become a Demon King, another hero ..."
"In theory, this is the case, but not immediately. There is time to work out."
It is only recently that the former king has seen a pair of heroes.
In the meantime, there was decades of grace.
If there is a grace period of one or two years, in the meantime, the whole team of Gomoviroa will try to do something.
I'm going to joke a bit to cheer up Ilia.
"Unlike the brave, is the Demon King good?-The Demon King comes with an excellent 'Devil's Deputy'."
Iria looked at me and responded instantly.
"Become a demon king"
`` Hey !? ''
Ilia smiled and responded.
"No matter how dangerous I am, or how ugly and horrible I am ... no worries if I have a Deputy Demon Lord"
"Are you a Deputy Secretary of Devil?"
"Yes, that's why?"
What a smile!
The sky of the balcony is astonishingly clear, and the clear blue sky shines like midsummer.
Is this the image of Ilia's image?
This is not going to escape anymore.
I decided, nodding to Iria.
"No matter what, I'm with you. Live and die together."
Ilia, with her hands tied, fell on one knee in front of me.
I walked in to give her a forehead, but suddenly Ilia tilted her head.
"Speaking of which, what is the view behind the Veit?"
Looking back, I was not behind a balcony. Perhaps it was like this forever.
Behind me is an interior surrounded by dark stone walls and heavy bookshelves.
The wall has only one small window with a grate.
Each time I stepped closer to Iria, the white stones on the balcony were replaced by black stones, and the area of the bookshelves and walls widened.
It is a strange sight, but thanks to it.
"I don't know, but this side is probably my" view of the heart. "
Packed in a glossy wooden bookshelf are worn books.
There are magic books and fairy tale picture books. There were learning manga for children, and some textbooks in junior high school languages.
There are also English reference books and introductory books on psychology.
I was familiar with all of its titles.
And about half of the collection is from the previous world. It's definitely my spiritual world.
Compared to the gorgeous and calm scenery of Iria, it's darker and more subdued ...
Especially the lattice windows are too closed.
"This side is in my heart, and that side is in your heart. I and you are now in the innermost part of your heart."
"I see ... this is the heart of Mr. Waid. I feel calm, ascetic, and untold power and wisdom."
I was relieved to think so, but I hope you do not look too serious.
There are books that boys don't want others to see.
Please understand.
Suddenly, Ilia glanced at the window in my heart.
"A bird-like thing is flying out of that window. What is that?"
I look back at the window with a barred bar.
The windows were small, but the view from them was an office district. This is near my previous life's workplace.
And flying above the airplane is undoubtedly a passenger aircraft.
"That's an airplane."
"What is Hikouki?"
"It will be longer if you explain ..."
To explain that, I need to explain my reincarnation and my previous life.
I have never told anyone about reincarnation or previous life. It is not necessary.
I was going to do that in the future.
However, Iria just forgot, as Ilia has forgotten her predicament and is interested.
"It's what I used to look at in the past. If this is done, let's talk to you in detail."
"What if this was done?"
"Oh, if this matter goes away."
Then Ilia smiled and bowed her head.
"I'm sorry.
I also made a strange promise ...
The moment she put her shining crown on her forehead, thinking so.
An explosive stream of glitter filled the whole sight.