Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The Treasure Eater Wolf and the Demon King of the Eater Wolf
Episode 309
I return to me.
This is inside a dim sewer. I'm a wolf, hugging Ilia from behind. Ilia seems to have lost consciousness.
I gave most of my magic power to Ilia and I'm back.
I just went back to my former place, but I was a little heavy with that exuberant power gone.
Then I realized something strange.
The surroundings are bright, even though it should be a sewer without lighting.
The air is not stagnant.
When I looked up right above, there was a large hole in the ceiling of the sewer.
What is that?
At that time, I finally realized that there was a pillar of magic around Iria.
It was late to notice because I was holding Iria, but apparently this was the cause of the big hole right above. It's a magic geyser.
I was safe.
Nevertheless, why is magical power so much blowing up?
Loss occurs when handed to Iria, and it is a bit too much even as "spilled magic".
There is already a tremendous amount of magic in the surroundings.
It's a dangerous amount for a blast.
I decided to evacuate to the ground with Iria hugging. If something collapses, the area will be buried alive.
Drowlite's treasure is rolling a little further away.
Do you want to keep this guy alone?
"Can you talk?"
After a while, a faint voice was heard.
"It's possible at the moment"
The cup tells me a voice, trembling with magic, not air.
This is possible only because the concentration of magic in the atmosphere is abnormal.
I looked down at the disabled cup and laughed grinning.
"Can you do something?"
"I can't. The magic around you has neglected his necromancy. '
"He is"
Who are you?
Either way, this space is under the full control of Eyria.
Even if Ilia doesn't mind herself, she's overflowing with the magic of the Eylea seal.
I think what to do with this.
Since this is a tool, it can only be broken or turned off.
"Tell me how to stop you"
"not exist. He set it up so that once he started it would never stop. '
So who is he?
"Who is he?"
"His name is hidden, so he does not even know. The magician who made him. "
I don't know much about him, but I suddenly remembered.
This is my confusion, which is apt for the intelligence created. Intentional flaw.
Long ago, the teacher was saying.
Drowlight's treasure, on the other hand, asked me questions.
"Why the finished body doesn't start destruction ... Despite gaining power, the transition to the next stage was not made. Verification is needed ... "
"You're stupid"
I told the magician who made the treasure, not the treasure.
"Not everyone who has gained power is drowning in power, because you have chosen only those guys and created them all."
Someone who has a grudge against something, who is dissatisfied with the current situation.
If they had equal strength to God, they would certainly use their power to resolve their resentment and dissatisfaction.
If I had such power in the previous life, it might have been a little dangerous.
But Ilia is not such a flimsy person.
A person of patience and self-control, acceptance and mercy.
So I was able to entrust everything with peace of mind.
A complex magic crest appears on the treasure, and it flickers repeatedly. This is all of this, programs and circuits.
"Re-verify the procedure ... apply exceptions, apply the four-two ..."
I'm not planning anything again.
Some are emotionally unforgiving, but above all this is too dangerous.
Let's destroy here.
"Wolf ... If you can control yourself, you might have different results next time. Accept his rule ... get infinite power and become a transcendent ... "
The "roots" of spiritual domination created by magic have grown like tentacles.
However, due to the magic of Ayria that fills the surroundings, the "root" collapses and falls.
"A fool. It's in front of the Devil King, Ilia, the roots are high."
Lunehite is now guarded by the powerful magic she emits.
Even if you try to do something with magic, everything that doesn't fit Elya's will be countered.
Nothing can be done with an old cup.
"Redefine ... Revalidate ..."
Seeing the treasures I hadn't given up yet, I inadvertently smiled.
"I guess I'd become a Demon King just before verification, but I'm not asking for power, and there's no one to shake my power anymore. It's pointless."
The magic crest flickers violently in my words.
In human terms, it's like blinking repeatedly.
"What are you, you ...? Your behavior doesn't match his definition of “Wolf” or “Demon” …… ”
That's probably right.
But I won't tell you anything.
"It's just an aide"
I answered, and wiped the magic crest that emerged in the treasure with my hand.
I sigh, turning the treasures of ancient wisdom into just antiques.
"What do magicians destroy their magical heritage?"
My immaturity is remorseful.
But now, the rescue of Eyria is more important than regret.
I embraced the unconscious Iria and jumped out of the large hole in the ceiling to the ground.
It's outside at night.
He seems to have spent quite a long time in the spiritual world.
Iria was still emitting magic, and it was falling all over Lünheit. The shining particles slowly fall like snow.
Fatigue disappears when you touch the radiance of magic, and you will feel strange and calm.
I have never seen such magic or phenomena.
At that time, I noticed that Ilia opened her eyes for a moment.
He seemed to have regained consciousness.
She closed her eyes immediately, but I asked her about it.
"Ilia, I'd like to talk to you if you're awake ..."
"Yes, yes."
His eyes opened.
When she met her, she turned red and looked away.
In terms of smell and gestures, there seems to be no influence of mental dominance.
Ilia stood up and looked around.
"Is this what I am doing?"
"Maybe. Magical power is flowing from you, and only you have so much magical power."
When you have enough power to change history, how do you use it?
The answer is individual.
The Demon King Friedenrichter sought to establish a living area by fighting humans in an effort to protect the Dragon and other demons.
Heroes Ashes decided to defeat the Demon King from the anger of losing an important person.
I want to get back the important area.
And Ilia ... probably is trying to protect Luneheight.
I think so much and laugh at Ilia.
"Is this the answer of you who became the demon king, Iria?"
After thinking for a while, Iria replied:
"Yes, I thought this was too much power for me, I don't need it."
"got it"
I stopped asking more and looked up at the night sky.
Glittering light falls from the starry sky. The stars seem to be falling.
And the whole city is wrapped in soft light.
It was a strange and very beautiful sight.
"Yes, it's a bit mysterious that I'm creating such a fantastic sight ..."
Ilia looks up at the sky with a distracted face, so I want to tease a bit.
"The scenery is beautiful, but what I want to say is the beauty of your heart."
`` Hi !! ''
Iria, who looks back at me astonished, laughs with her hand on her chest.
"You are a man of self-control, patience, acceptance and mercy.
"It's not that big ..."
Looking at the squeaking Iria, I decided that this was the biggest opportunity.
I take Ilia's hand and bring her face closer.
"If I live with you and die with you, I have no regrets. Well, that means ..."
When this person was taken from me, I was really upset and bitter.
In short, I love this person.
And now is the time to win this battle.
I have to charge.
But I don't know how to charge.
"I don't know what to say ... but ..."
It's gudaguda right away.
I try to look weird, so I don't really care.
Give me ashamed me.
Then Ilia laughed and looked up at me.
"Veit. Can I be called the Demon King right now?"
"You are definitely the Demon King, Eyria."
Only transcendents can perform such miracles.
But now that's good, listen to my poor confession.
Iria tightly grips my hand and says with a smile.
"Well," A Deputy of the Demon King "will follow, right?"
"Oh, oh ... that's right."
"Sincere, responsible, unaffected by pride and frustration, wise and tranquil, and exquisite in eyebrows ..."
Some expressions are different from the facts, but maybe me?
"But you're such a deputy who promises you can't be honest and dares to go away from love?"
After all it's me, right?
"Yes ... I think I'm such a deputy, maybe."
When I nodded, Ilia smiled like a bad boy who succeeded in a mischief.
It was a very good smile.
"Because I am a very bad Demon King, I will never miss such a lovely aide. Please be prepared, Mr. Weid?"
Did this take me forward with my will?
Great follow, Demon King Airia.
I nod in full defeat.
"I'm ready, I swear to devote my life to you. I'm yours, Ilia."
"Thank you, Mr. Weid .... I'll ask you immediately."
"Can you close your eyes?"
A soft object was pressed against my lips with my eyes closed.
The heart rate jumped reflexively, but it took a few seconds to figure out exactly what this was a kiss.
I want to see Ilia's expression. Can I open my eyes in such a case?
Can I hold my shoulder?
I didn't write this in a magic book or a reference book.
But I can't help standing up, so I hold Eylia's shoulder. Ilia also turned her arms and was tightly hugged.
I don't know how much she kissed, but Ilia's lips slipped away.
When I opened my eyes, Iria, whose eyes were moistened, stared at me from a close distance.
"I'm glad, Mr. Weid"
"... me too"
Ilia clings to me and looks a little dissatisfied.
"But, Mr. Weid, would you like to be able to kiss a human figure if possible?"
"Huh? ... oh !?"
When I thought about it, I was always a wolf.
"I'm sorry, wait a minute."
I'm in a hurry to solve my transformation.
The clothes are worn out because of wearing cheap things, but I can't help it in an emergency.
The moment I return to humans, I am kissed again.
Having lost the power of the werewolf, I couldn't support Ilia's momentum and put a butt cake on the rubble.
However, the terrible evil king, Ilia, still didn't let me go.