Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Battle Federation
Episode 314
Thus, the reign of the new human demon King Ayria began.
There was a lot to do, but one of the highest priorities was the creation of the city of Warroy.
The Demon King Airia immediately dispatched the Demon Army Corps of Engineers to work on the construction of the town where Warroy was building.
Giant engineers and dragon engineers were dispatched, and the construction work was speeding up at once.
Meanwhile, I was on a business trip to Klauchen, a mining city on the northern end of Miraraldia.
The day has come for Romund's former Emperor Ashley to come to Milaldia as ambassador.
Ashley, who was abandoned after a political dispute, is not a sinner.
However, it is a bit difficult for me to be in Japan, so I would like you to work as an ambassador at Miraraldia.
There is such a thought on Rolmund's side.
Ashley himself is eager to be appointed ambassador, so I can welcome him comfortably.
"Weid, it's been a long time!"
Ashley looked at my face and smiled and asked for a handshake.
It's a good guy as usual, but he looks fine.
"Mr. Ashley looks fine and above all. It's a great joy for Milardia to be able to welcome someone who is as moral and savvy as you."
This is not flattering.
Ashley is an expert in botany, agriculture, and pharmacy.
There is no doubt that it will enrich Miraldia.
And just as valuable as Ashley himself is a group of formal wear that is stuck behind him.
Exile nobles.
After the demise of Bahasov IV, who was called a boring man, Rolmund fought for hegemony with his brothers Dniesk, Prince Ashley, and our Eleora.
The Dniesk nobility lost their place because the Dniesk heirs had either died or been banished, and were completely destroyed as a faction.
Most of them have reluctantly sworn allegiance to the empress, Eleora, but the rumor remains. The Lorumunds do not forget their favors and grudges.
So Eleora purchased the territory from the volunteer and allowed her to settle in Milardia.
It is said that Dniesk nobles rushed to it.
They know that Warny, the orphan of Dniesk, is in Miradia.
"One of the worries of Rolmund is that it has too many nobles, which is a good story for Eleora."
So glad to say is Klauchen Tadashi Bercken.
Even though you were annoyed by Eleanor, you still feel your favors ...
He is a strong person.
I nodded at his words and returned.
"And it's a good story for us, because we've hired Rolmund's highly educated people at the bottom."
Not to mention literacy, he has mastered arithmetic, tactics, management and history.
For poorly educated Mirardia, they want their throat to reach out.
You will be a good bureaucrat or a military person.
I'm laughing at the side where I'm laughing, and Forne of the craftsman city Viera is also laughing.
I knew what he was thinking, so I decided to stick a nail.
"Forne, I guess they want to move north?"
"I know, I'm just welcomed as a councilor, so don't worry."
It's a lie.
It is a lie without reading the smell.
"So what are the elite aides behind them?"
There are about twenty excellent civilians who report directly to Forne. The best minds to be his swords.
The members were too serious for a greet.
"You're going to pull it out, right?"
You will be resented by the northern guys.
Forne is in a whisper instructing his aides.
"Baron Lehlan is a string composer and one of the best in Rolmund's music world.
"Hello, leave it to you. We have a dedicated orchestra."
I guess you're going to head hunt.
"And be sure to pull Viscount Keshunka. He's not a big deal, but his son, Nolin, is an oil painting genius.
"Yes, Norin seems to have no beauty in her creative and personal life, so we have prepared one of the best beauties as an exclusive model."
Something is already terrible.
I didn't hear it, and I knew it, but Warroy came.
"Ashley! I'm glad to see you again!"
"Warroy! You've been a lot tanned!"
Warroy and Ashley are cousins.
Although he was involved in a bloody political conflict, he was originally a close cousin.
Shake hands firmly.
"Ashley, it's just right. Come to my city. I'm going to hate your favorite field work."
"Warroy, am I an ambassador?"
Ashley smiles as if she was in trouble, but she seems happy.
I'm a gardening enthusiast who hate fighting.
Afterwards, the former Emperor Ashley meets with Klauchen Taylor Berken. It is a ritual that honors Klauchen.
In the meantime, I was drinking tea with Warroy and Forne and waited. And withdrawal of Dniesk nobles still requires the permission of Warroy.
At the end of that negotiation, Warroy extended the city drawing.
"I visited the city of Milardia and felt the city walls. The walls provide a sense of security for the inhabitants in the event of an enemy attack, but they become a hindrance as the city expands. Nara "
"Oh, Rolmund's imperial city was also a double wall."
Lünheit has also doubled because of the new wall.
"Speaking of which, Vera has a double wall."
When I said, Forne shook his head with a clear face.
"That outside is not a wall. It's a mural."
"Will you insist that it's not a city wall at that thickness and height around the perimeter of the city?"
Certainly, the outer walls of the Vera are impressively carved.
Around the corner, you can follow the history of Milaldia.
Well, it's a history that is beautified a lot.
Forne shrugged, drinking tea.
"I talked to the Senate, so there's no problem, right?"
"Are there any problems, are there nearby forts?"
"That's good because it's an outdoor theater."
Vera has a long history of doing all-you-can-drink with connections and backing money.
That was not the beginning of Forne.
Warroy hears it and coughs away.
"I will continue."
"There is a problem with the construction period of the wall. There was also a skeletal soldier's raid the other day, so I abandoned building the wall around the city, so it would be easier to expand."
And Warroy shows the center of the drawing.
"Instead, we plan to build a robust arena in the center of the city."
The drawing shows a circular arena. Pretty big.
"If there is an enemy attack, the residents will go to the castle here. We usually use it as an arena and plan to build a city on a regular basis."
Forne nodded.
"Arena isn't that good? Amusement attracts people and relieves dissatisfaction. People in the north, especially workers, prefer watching sports to theater."
"Oh, I also visited that in the north."
It's not just a person who always insists on winning a battle tournament as a "tour".
However, Warroy crosses his arms as if troubled.
"But no matter how much security you consider in gladiating and jousting, you will be injured and injured every time. Many people are young and retire due to injuries. We cannot welcome the reduction of excellent fighters."
"Yes ... but we need a place to satisfy the brave men."
"Oh, no way. It's also a training for soldiers.
Warroy nodded, but she is still worried. He looks like this and is a cautious man.
Entertainment for training soldiers? Well, that's it.
I made a little suggestion with a light feeling.
"So how about ball games instead of fighting?"
Warroy thinks a little and tilts his head.
"I've seen the Kemari ball game in the country of Wa. It's very sophisticated, but it's not like watching a game at the arena.
Neither Miraludia nor Rolmund has such a ball game.
Rolmund has a lot of snow, so it is only indoor games during the off-farm season.
I shake my head.
"No, it's a collective battle for the ball more fiercely. The ball is made of leather. You don't have to make it round."
"Hey, can you call it a ball game?"
"That's good. If it's not round you won't know how to roll, so it will be hard to read the game development.
What I envision is rugby, or football.
"You can hit yourself to steal the ball. Put on a sturdy helmet and shoulder pad to avoid being injured by the impact. Then, grab the ball and plunge into the enemy line. Is it brave?"
"Hey ... good"
Warroy glanced at the visuals.
"Wearing heavy armor and running to the target while repelling enemies. This is ideal for training a soldier. It can also be strong in combat. You can also learn the cooperation and tactics of collective fighting."
Forne nodded.
"And you can look gorgeous with a helmet and a shoulder rest.
Both of them turned their heads so fast that it seemed to me even with this rough explanation.
"If you donate money, you can have your own set ... if you have a dedicated Vera group, it will be a good promotion ..."
I'm thinking about putting a sponsor logo again.
I keep explaining.
"Because it is only necessary to compete, in a field game you can use anything, not a ball but a barrel or a bag. Ease is important."
"Oh, that's not the case with jousts, but if anything goes, the people will train themselves in their spare time."
Warroy nods several times and laughs satisfactorily.
"You are good at not only fighting and plotting, but also how to capture the hearts of the people! A great man!"
"No, I'm not a big deal ..."
The big guys are the founders of previous sports.
Forne also looks excited.
"I always need a hero, but in a peaceful time, a competitive hero is a good choice. It's going to be the story's material, and there's one more thing I want to do!"
And he turns a cool tone.
"Culture, like religion, has the power to unite and move people. If the people are enthusiastic about this sport, it will be much easier to do ..."
You have a bad face.
Warroy and Forne look at each other with a grin.
"How about Lord Forne, is this tough?"
"Yes, he's a man with a lot of drawers. It's a treasure trove of inspiration."
Neither the drawer nor the inspiration was made by me.
It's just awkward to be praised.
Forne stands and tells Warroy.
"If you go to a new city, you can watch new ball games. This is a great value of the city. Hopefully, people will gather."
"Somaga Forne, can you ask for help?"
"Of course. First of all, make the rules that will be a good starting point. I'll gather experts. I'll gather knights, architects, armorers, and all you can."
"Sorry, thank you. Let's first try to incorporate it into your subordinate training."
The hero of the stadium, not the hero of the battlefield, may soon be born.
I'm looking forward.
Warroy suddenly raised his eyebrows.
"By the way, I have to give this ball game a name. How about" Black Wolf Ball "bearing the inventor's synonym?"
"turn down"
I don't like ball games, so I don't want to be named.
Warroy looked a little disappointed and sighed.
"I can't help naming it" ball "because it mimics the battle. Is that OK?"
"Oh, I think it's good."
I nodded.
In addition, I will join the name as a special member in the "Mirardia Ball Promotion Committee" which was launched later.
I told you I didn't like it.