Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Beyond the quiet sea
Episode 324
While I was in such a relatively peaceful day, King Quoru and coastal princes continued to struggle across the sea.
He says he is thinking about trading with Kuwait in the country of Wa facing the southern Shizukai, but he is worried about whom to negotiate. It seems that ninjas have been sent to the area to gather information.
Of course, Miraraldia is also gathering information, led by Grand Petro, the shipping city of Lozzo Tamori.
"Petore, how's the political situation in Kuwait?"
Grandpa Petre, who has recently become a little sick, has begun to send grandchildren to meetings of the council. He has the talent of his grandfather and seems to have become a good alumni with Lünier.
Unusually the old man came here today, so I will talk slowly after a long absence.
"Khwall is already a mess, because that Aho king involved other princes."
Grandfather Petre said he could withstand the cold inland, but he still seems to be fine.
I listen to him as he adds firewood for the fireplace for Petore.
Kwor seems to have originally developed under the blessing of the taiga mejire. As a result, old cities line the meandering river basin.
The basins have monopolized river rights, but no sea-facing ports. So it has nothing to do with this uproar.
However, King Kuhl, who was in trouble due to the conflict with the coastal princes, wept at the lords of the Mejiré River basin.
As a result, the turmoil has developed into a conflict between coastal and basin lords.
I am amazed and recommend a hot medicinal water to Petore.
"That's awkward. Oh, this root vegetable tea is good for coldness."
"Oh, I'm sorry. You're still attentive."
Older people are used to it.
I put a lot of ginger cookies that Rashii baked on the table and kept talking.
"He who stands on top must adjust everyone's interests to avoid confrontation and keep the group together. The king and others are at their forefront. "
Grandpa Petre, who has been with the Senate for many years, heats up to see if something has been switched on.
"I'm almost taxing the harbor suddenly, so both sugar and molasses are soaring.
"Oh, there's no reason to help ..."
Sugar is the biggest reason to trade with Kwor.
Sugar is relatively cheap because they grow sugarcane-like things widely. It can be very profitable if it is purchased at a cheaper price using Tamori's own route and sold in Miraraldia.
Nobody can beat sweets. Even demons cannot win.
I'm thinking about the future, while letting the angry Petre eat more and more cookies.
"Is it going to be a civil war?"
"I don't know. The king may be assassinated before the civil war, or on the contrary, the coastal princes may be silent, avoiding the basin lords."
Petore is still indignant as he crushes and crushes the hard cookies.
"The disagreement between the king of the potatoes and the coastal princes is already decisive. I don't know that king anymore.
That's right.
With that said, it was winter, and the political situation in Kuwait became difficult to understand. This is because wind and ocean currents reduce the traffic of ships.
In the meantime, Warroy was involved in a new sports / ball game where rules are being created, and he was caught by muddy Ashley in the fields.
We prepared for the opening of the university and reorganized the Demon King Army.
The people recruited by the Demon King's Army are working under the title of Demon Knight and Demon War Soldier.
As a precautionary measure, they decided to learn daily conversation in Kuwait.
Similarly, civilians employed by the council can learn more authentic Kuwait.
If anything, they have to travel.
Eventually, an urgent alert from Kuwait arrives at me.
King Kwor issued a summons order to the basin lords, making the conflict with the coastal lords decisive.
It has been said that troops from all over the basin have already gathered to protect the palace.
Coastal princes have also begun warning themselves that they will be attacked. An unofficial request for help has also arrived at Milaldia.
When I heard that, I convened the Emergency Council.
"What do you want to do?"
When I asked straightforwardly, Grandfather Petre remarked first.
"I want to send troops. If the port of Kuwait is involved in the war, the trade between Lozzo and Belousa will be a heavy blow. There are limited places where large transport vessels can enter."
As Rozzo's patron, which continues to develop as a maritime city, he must protect the lives of traders.
Similarly, the pirate city Belousa's Governor, Gauche, raises his hand.
"I also have a deal with Kuwall. It's been familiar since the construction of Belousa, don't abandon it. It's a step-in-law, or a matter of trust in the future."
It's hard to tell the faces of strangers, like the opinion of the port guards.
I know their feelings too.
However, there is still concern, so I will stick this nail.
"If you put your head in another country's civil war, you won't be terrified."
"What's that? Is that the case?"
I shook my head as Grandpa Petre raised her eyebrows.
"Let's think. The power that can be sent from Milaldia is limited. Even if you prepare 10,000 soldiers, there is no ship to carry."
I'm cautious about sending troops, as I've seen such awkward history in the past.
It's a dangerous fight away, and there's not much you can win.
Northern troops are still wary of Rolmund's re-invasion, so they are negative for dispatch.
Of the southern patriarchs, Alam in the trading city of Chardair and Shatina in the labyrinth city of Zaria are sympathetic to Kuwall.
"Teacher, how are you?"
When Shatina worries, Alam supplements her words.
"Our ancestors are Khuls, and emotionally, I want them to be peaceful."
I know how I feel, and I want people in Kuwait to live in peace.
Still, I think it is better not to send troops yet. Once you send troops, you can't go back.
Let's be careful.
"Then, do you send a few diplomats and magical knights in the name of protecting the Milaldia merchant ship and gathering local intelligence? Petore, take out the warship."
"Is it just a warship?"
"If you send a lot of land power, you will not be able to know what will happen by stimulating King Kwor ..."
If a civil war breaks out due to our troop dispatch, the Khul people will be resentful to the end.
"This decision is to maintain Milardia's influence on the coast of Kuwait. If the coast of Kuwait becomes a burnt field, there will be fewer places to earn foreign currency.
Increased trade with Kuwall will help to replenish the national treasury and provide sufficient budget for education, healthcare and civil engineering. For the sake of modernization, trade must be protected here.
"That's why if we cause a civil war, we will fall down. It is not easy to return once in the battle."
I don't know what's right, and probably nobody here.
But this choice shouldn't kill Milardia.
Demon King Ayria nods.
"Okay, let's take the proposal of my deputy. Is there any objection?"
The decision was taken immediately without any objection.
He decides to dispatch one warship and one diplomat and knights from Lozzo and Belousa.
The diplomats were selected primarily for Shizuki Muslims who were of Kuwaiti ancestry.
"Give me any local information you can give me any details. It might be a clue. If possible, I'd also like to network with the basin lords."
The warships will remain in security at some harbor.
Councilor Warroy crosses his arms and laughs.
"If King Qwor attacks the port where Milardia's warships are located, we have a great cause to cooperate with the coastal princes in the face.
"That's right. So let's send it to the port that is most likely to be attacked.
"I'm going to bring another storm to the villains."
"Don't look happy. You won't go."
The coastal lords will understand this intent, so this should help them a bit.
Oh, right. Let's be careful with the old men Petre.
"If the warships were really attacked, rescue the Miladians and the citizens of Kuwait and let them escape immediately."
"I'm sorry. It's no use to fight infantry and cavalry on a warship."
Grandpa Petre was sullen and sullen, but he found himself glad and happy.
Old people are hard ...
With the arrival of full-fledged winter, two Milaldia galley-type warships set sail and entered Bhaza, the largest port in Kwal.
Under the escort of a Demon War Knight, diplomats hire an interpreter from a Meraldia merchant to scatter around the city, meet with coastal princes and begin gathering information.
I pray that nothing will happen, but something will happen.
In the history I know, it was almost so.
The first to arrive was dried grain. Similar to corn, but smaller. Pearl millet might have been like this.
Demon King Ayria has a mysterious face.
"Sent such a thing and what are the diplomats doing ..."
"No, I asked for this. It's just under the council and they're all excellent. This is a Khwar staple. As you asked, they gave me the fruits and the leaves and stems. "
Just looking at the leaves reveals that this is a monocotyledon. Since both corn and pearl millet are grasses, this is probably something of the grass family.
It is called "meji" in Kuwait, and it is said to be abbreviation of "blessing of mejire".
It's a very historical name, but I feel like it's too short.
"It seems that Kuwari grows this crop in the river basin of the river. In Kuwall, they all eat this much."
"Is it delicious?"
"what about……"
Looking at the places where they are not imported at all, I think it is probably not the taste of the Miralarians.
Ilia suddenly leaned her head while reading the attached recipe note.
"So how do you intend to use this?"
"Let's grind this into flour and bake it on bread. Let's taste it together."
Then give the diplomats the following instructions:
With luck, this could be a breakthrough to basin lords.