Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
The dead dance, the living lurks
Episode 346
Assassination of the king by Captain Zakar of Baza Mercenary Corps.
When it comes to public appearance, Bazza Viracoya will be serious.
Virakoya is an important pipe with Milardia, and she has not ordered an assassination, but it can still be a responsibility, depending on the storyline.
And it was the same that could be a liability issue.
"King Khul intends to meet with me and was here. You probably knew I was coming to Calfar."
"And she was killed by a fake messenger."
Monza and I look at each other while running side by side.
Not sure yet, but if this is true it's a big deal.
"The king will probably have told some of his aides about the informal talks. The escort was well with him."
"Then you're suspicious, captain."
Not if you're laughing.
If something happens, you have to prove innocence, but there is no way to prove innocence in this age. I don't usually use standard time to make alibi. I'm off.
For the time being, let's report, contact and consult with the people concerned.
Upon returning, I immediately dispatched a courier to Bazza. Viracoya should start moving within a few days.
The letter contains what I saw and an analysis of it.
Now that the king has died, tax proposals for the port have returned to blank. Originally the coastal princes had no idea of overthrowing the government, so there is no reason to fight anymore.
If the king was killed, the civil war must end quickly and Zakar must be managed.
After the civil war, you no longer need to hire him.
In the meantime, you could ask Zakar to be fired or arrested, but Zakar would definitely revolt.
The mercenary's strength is less than 4,000, but under the command of Zakar, it is likely that nearly every coastal lord in the outskirts of Karfal will be able to destroy it.
A successful arrest does not guarantee that the surviving mercenaries will surrender gently. They are mercenaries, but they are revolutionary.
It is okay for the werewolf to hunt mercenaries with Carfal on the battlefield, but at that size, the werewolf could have more. There will be many war dead here.
I don't want the werewolf to die in these places, so I decided to be careful.
The next morning, I gather everyone and have a meeting.
"Zakal thinks he hasn't yet revealed his conspiracy. Let's see him for a while, as he wouldn't want to be hostile now."
"Is it okay, General, are you so relaxed?"
I nodded as Jerilik tilted her head.
"I will increase my ally now, and that's why Zakar's" gift "is useful."
"Yes, but the king's case is still a secret. Fern, call me three."
When I asked, three Karfal's maids came in with Fern.
"The Duke of Karfal, the maids. Schura is the head of the maid and the confidant of the Fair House of Calfar."
Mercenaries seem to have no distinction between maids and mistresses, but if they are heads of great aristocrats, they have to be very talented. A career woman.
Even in our Eindorf family, the headmaid and vice-servant are amazing.
I'll explain it to everyone while I miss Lynheight.
"I'll try to help Duke Karfal to build the Zakar siege. I'll protect Karfal citizens for the foreseeable future, and will help him return and eventually have him become an ally. That's it. "
"Yes, I have already sent a message to my Lord. Let's be happy."
Schura smiles. Unlike when he tricked Kummerk, this time there is no sign of lying.
It looks good to trust.
Duke Carfal seems to be a "sloppy uncle who loves women," but seems to be "sufficient as a ruler."
..., Shura was saying.
"Well, with such a character review"
"Thank you. Your wife is also angry. "
It seems that up to two mistresses are legal and I just forgive them.
I shake my head lightly, reminiscing last night's interaction with Schura.
At this time, let's keep in mind whether you like women.
"Since Duke Carlfal is a distant relative of the royal family, he can talk to the royal family."
The King himself is dead, but he has not yet communicated to Schura. The matter had to be spoken directly to Prince Carfal.
I keep talking, keeping a close eye on everyone.
"The downstream basin lords, who are already in harmony with the coastal lords, need to renew their ally.
Make Zakar siege net now, and keep me and Viracoya free from allegations.
This is an issue for the future.
Once all these tasks have been completed, Zakar and the mercenaries will be exhausted. I want to do it quickly if possible.
But if you make the mistake, "King Zakar and the Knights" could create a new kingdom.
Honestly, I don't want to have diplomatic relations with the country in which he reigns, so I'll do my best to maintain the status quo. For the national interest of Milaldia, and for the security of the people of Kuwait.
I decided to proceed with caution, but as soon as I wasn't able to get any results, the cloud was getting suspicious.
About two days after the assassination of the king, rumors that the king had fled began to flow throughout Calfar.
"Hey Hey Captain. Is it really true that the King escaped?"
Even Mrs. Paga, the boarding house, is saying this.
"Where did you hear that?"
"No, my neighbor heard it at the market. So, if I asked my guy, my son also heard from my son. My son heard from a customer."
I've heard about the process of spreading false information in this pattern in the past.
Rumors of the king's fleeing were probably sent by Zachar's minions.
Mercenaries entering and leaving the tavern and prostitute drop money and rumors that "it's only here ...".
The rumors spread all over the place, and citizens have to listen to the same rumors over and over different routes.
Then, "Oh, that rumor was still true. What everyone is saying."
The same thing happened in the past when an accident occurred at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in the United States. ... seems like.
The wrong number seems to have walked alone.
It would be surprisingly easy to disseminate false information if you have the means.
Zakar is not only good at fighting, but also good at manipulating rumors. It is troublesome to be good at information warfare.
The king is actually assassinated, not escaped, but he is absent anyway.
The rumor of the king's escape continues to spread indefinitely, as the King himself appears and cannot deny the rumors.
Over time, rumors will spread to the capital city of Encaraga and surrounding cities.
The dead king is running around the country and dancing people.
On the other hand, we who live can only breathe.
And Zakar, the mastermind of all, trains soldiers with no face. It's awkward to come to my place sometimes to say hello and have a white conversation and go home.
According to reports from the Monza squad, he has no suspicious activity.
Rumors he has created continue to spread while he knows.
Anyway, Pajam II was originally rated as "Aho King, who likes art and beauty and has no interest in politics, economy, or military."
When I was told, "Pajam II fled because the coastal lords approached the royal capital," I would like to be convinced.
Honestly, I'm not afraid to be a king assassin, and it's a little helped.
…… why I feel like a criminal.
I had another meeting with Captain Grizz of Belousa Squadron.
The hurdle is quite high at the time that only Mohawk can talk about his strategy.
"Now the question is how the powers move from here."
"It's much later that Zakar's fucking guy strips his tusks. If he goes to the coastal princes, he'll have to turn over to the king, but he can't do it anymore. Hey you"
"That's right. With the money and the thousands of soldiers stolen from the Duke of Karfal, he cannot rule Kuwait."
Carlfal could dominate, but it is evident that it will eventually be crushed.
Grizz tilts her head.
"And then ... yes, what about those in the royal capital? Husband, are you not grabbing anything?"
"No, not at all. However, a letter came from Duke of Karfal, who was evacuating to the upstream city of Wajar. It looked like a letter of thanks."
He thanked him for keeping Calfar safe, and for keeping the servants safe and honored.
Judging from the content, it looks like a fairly decent person. It would be okay to cross hands.
"In the future, I'm going to ask Duke Karfal to be a pipe with the princes of the upstream. I'm going to tell him about the situation of the royal city. Since Duke Karfal is far from the royal family, we have senior officials stationed there."
"I see, that's good."
The evil Mohawk face smiles grinningly.
Am I not really a king assassin? I'm getting anxious.
Fern comes over there.
"I'm just going to be here ... Captain Weit. I've heard a lot from the market with the Belousa Land Squadron."
Werewolfes are not very good at Kuwait, so it would be easier to do something with an interpreter. Monza guards often miss hearing the conversations of the Zakars.
Fern sat next to Grizz and looked tired.
"It was a little surprising that Zakar sent rumors without moving the army."
"Oh, and it's a good idea to have the king gone."
It's the same way I once exiled Lünheit's top priest Juhit.
As soon as the top dies, the next one takes its place. It is a human strength that demons do not have.
But if the top is alive and absent, it cannot be replaced immediately. The top could come back.
So even in the royal capital, there is no talk about choosing the next king. You should look for the missing king for a while.
I explain so and cross my arms.
"The alleged fleeing of the king has reduced the prestige of the entire royal family. Telling the royal family that the king had died would allow the next king to throne, in which case I and Duke Bazza would be charged. That's it"
Fake messengers are too painful. The real messengers would not have expected that they would be killed.
Duke Bazza is a rebel rebel, and I'm a commander from another nation sent to shoulder the Duke.
You can come up with as many motives as you want.
In that case, I and Miraldia are in great trouble, so I have to move carefully here.
"Let Zakal carry everything and restore this country. Before he begins to show his true nature, put him in a cage. An invisible cage."
"The captain is good at that."
Grinz grinned as Fern grinned.
"Oh, my husband is a true villain."
Wouldn't you call me like a mastermind of evil ...?