Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Evil spirits and evil wolf
Episode 353
Parker is entering a crumbled abandoned house and searching for the spirit's sign.
"Oh, here it is. It's just like a demon, but do you really want to call it?"
It's okay to go back to the conversation with King Kwor, but I'd like to talk with you.
After all, he was killed by him under Zachar's minions.
"I may be in secret, and I just want to hear about the story. Is it safe?"
There is no spirit that Parker cannot handle.
He is a master who knows everything about life and death.
The drawback is that you don't see that much.
"I'll call you ... oh, no, it's hard to convince. Let's call it at first."
Parker deliberately coughs, and makes a loud voice, telling him horribly.
"I'm Parker, a man between life and death, a friend of the living, a king of the dead. Wriggling grudge, hear my voice."
I don't know if I'm not a necromancer, but I know Parker is manipulating magic and bargaining with someone who can't be seen.
The bargaining style gives a glimpse of what Parker is like recently.
"Oh, it's useless to hide in such a place !? From here, pull this ......"
It doesn't have to be a cat sneaking into the back of the couch, what exactly are you doing?
I don't think it's the necromancy of the world's best necromancers, but I'll keep it silent as it's a specialist.
Eventually, a dark mist appears, in which the face of a depressing middle-aged man floats.
"Why ... Why do I look like this ...
"Yes, I'll hear your grudge. Let's be more positive. Have your eyes dead?"
Parker actively agitates the ghost.
However, he thought that the response of the spirit was dull, he turned a terrible effect.
"Your despair is far from the depth of my darkness. If it's different, try to speak at best."
After all it was a style of fanning.
In the dark fog, the man's face is distorted by anger and humiliation.
"I just told me to pretend to be the messenger and bring the king! I did as ordered! I haven't killed my enemies as well as my allies! Why I have to be killed!"
"It's a common mouth seal."
Parker will continue to fuel.
All right, this.
However, the ghost is put on a hoodie by Parker and squirms.
"I didn't plan to kill the king! I was supposed to have negotiated with the king, as the captain claimed himself to be a member of the Milaldia camp!"
Was the King's assassination an impulsive act of Zachar?
No, he doesn't trust his men. Perhaps he was using this man for his true purpose.
The mercenary ghost still screams.
"I swore loyalty to the captain! I've done my job perfectly! ! "
King Zakar?
It doesn't sound very pleasant.
Even so, this ghost has become increasingly pitiful.
"Parker, is it okay to talk to this guy directly?"
"Oh, that's okay.
Parker assured me that she was just like a pet store clerk, so I talked to the spirits with confidence.
"Can you hear me? I'm the vite. Look closely at my spiritual body."
Since the spirit has lost its physical vision, it sees the spirit and recognizes the living.
So he finally noticed me.
"Ah, you ...!?"
"That's right, I am Weid. Deputy Deputy of the Demon King, Weid von Eindorf."
First, let me show off my dignity, and then I turn around and soften my tone.
Would you like to feel like Zakar? No, it's a little more elegant ... yes, let's behave like Warroy.
"Come on, you have no reason. There should be no reason to fight me with you. I want to hear your story."
Then the spirit was silent for a while, but soon he answered.
"Rahd .... I'm Rahd, the son of Shariga."
"I won't forget that name. Lahud, do you have a grudge against Zachar?"
"is there"
Rafhad's spirit responded immediately, but continued somewhat weakly.
"But ... there's a benefit to the captain. I was taken care of and I was assigned to an important job, so I ..."
Zachar's hand grip is a pretty good one.
Even after being obliterated, he is still bound.
But I knew he had somehow, so I decided to step in.
"Wake up, Lahud. You have been abandoned. Zachar didn't care for your life or your dream. It's okay to feel good to such a man. "
That dude imitated a black business owner.
I'm intimidated by Zakar. If you are an enemy, you can be an enemy, but take care of your subordinates.
Gradually I'm getting angry too.
Parker murmurs softly.
"What do you do to fuel the demons?"
That's good, this is important.
"You were my enemy, and what you did is a folly that makes the whole of Kuwait unhappy. It's not a problem to be loyal to your boss, but that's it."
I clench my fist.
"I understand that I am not taken care of as a human being, so I understand. So I'll clear your remorse. I'll let that man pay for it."
"Oh, oh ..."
In the dark fog, Lafhad's ghost nodded.
I'll be more energetic. Revenge is patience.
"Let Zachar know how disappointing the disposable people are. You have good reason to be a ghost. I will be with you."
"Veit, hey weid! Your bad habits are coming out again !? You're too close to the dead !?"
Noisy, Parker.
I now sympathize with this unfortunate man.
"I'll take your revenge on behalf of you. First, tell more of what you know. Your secret will destroy Zakar."
When I approached, the ghost nodded with a somewhat pale face.
"Wow ... I understand ... and talk as much as possible ..."
"I'm sorry."
I'm going to take revenge.
The story from Rafhad's ghost was as follows:
Apparently Zachar first sought a way to get closer to the center of power.
Even if you are a mercenary captain, you will return to employment after the contract period ends, and there is no guarantee that Duke Bazza will extend the contract.
So it seems that Zakar used the rebellion to break away from the employed side.
Although no specific plans have been taught to Lakhad, one of them is betrayal to the royal side.
However, this did not seem to be against the king and seemed to have failed.
He apparently switched to a policy of assassinating the king and launching a coup.
It seems that Zakar had not told his men until just before, and Rafhad himself was surprised.
I don't know if he had planned an assassination for a long time or suddenly changed his mind.
Lahud was murdered quietly because he "was too known for his face."
Not too much.
I clench my fist. With anger, the transformation into a werewolf has begun.
"Isn't Zakar doing the same thing as what he is doing? He doesn't want to be hired and thrown away, is he aiming for more than a mercenary? I'll kill you.
When I hit the wall, the decayed brick blew away and strong winds came in.
"Can a poor man be a king of man? Is that so?"
"Oh, oh ..."
She is nodding at all, apparently not sure what the ghost should do.
More revenge and hatred.
The ghost of Rafhad then said:
"You're strange ... why would you kind to me?"
I don't know why.
"I'm dead. It doesn't help me? I told you all the secrets I knew. There should be no reason to be kind to me."
That's it, if you say it.
I thought a bit, but my mind did not change.
So answer:
"I don't know, but would you mind one of those strangers in your life?"
The ghost then laughed at his surprise.
"It's really strange ... Is there a nobleman like you ..."
The white fog slowly disappears.
"Thank you, Mr. Weid .... Oh, if your subordinate, my life would have been a little different ..."
With the words last, the ghost has disappeared.
Parker has been watching for a while, but eventually tells him:
"I'm gone. I don't feel remorse. I don't think he'll be back."
Parker turned to me and said in an unusual tanning tone.
"Your way is messy. The dead are bound by different logic and different rules than the living. Dialogue with the spirit should be more careful. Did the teacher always say?"
"I don't feel like I was told"
Parker then sighed on her back.
"You're too intimidated by the spirits, so you've been terrified, but haven't you been disciplined yet?"
"You're telling me to talk about that already."
I'm a little tired of the fact that it's still a topic when the students gather.
Certainly I was bad.
Many necromancers act like doctors and lawyers when dealing with spirits. This is in order to make a clear distinction between positions and not lose the calm as an expert.
In that sense, it was certainly bad now.
It may have been possessed if you were bad.
Rather, it was done once during the training period.
Parker tied his seal and prayed for the spiritual humble, saying exuberantly.
"It is the teacher's decency that did not let you be a necromancer. The previous dialogue was disqualified as a necromancer.
Parker smiles with a smile.
"I'm convinced that you've saved more souls. I'm proud to have a younger brother like you."
"I'm not my brother, I'm a disciple."
I corrected and turned around.