Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
End of ambition
365 episodes
I showed Zakar a custody order from the Kuwait Legal Office.
"Capture you on charges of assassination of the king."
Zakal moaned because he understood that he had been socially obliterated.
He can no longer return to the royal capital and gain social status within the limits of Kuwait law.
It's completely over.
The werewolf take Zakar away.
The Waddy's came back there.
"I've finished inspection of the battlefield. Some unlucky people were alive."
Wondering, I ask Grandfather Wod.
"Is lucky?"
Grandfather Wud smiled and sighed a little.
"I don't have a way to help. I've seen a lot of them in the mercenary era, but that's no good.
"... I see."
I'm a strengthener, not a healer.
Rather than regenerating torn limbs, it is no use if you lose a lot of blood.
Surgical treatment is all about disinfecting and closing the wound, so patients who need massive transfusions cannot be helped.
Shortly afterwards, reports arrive that all POWs have died.
Magic guns are too powerful. It is a weapon like a water gun that loses power when it loses its power, and there is nothing to do with its structure.
Then Wadd muttered.
"I understand why you didn't want to use that weapon, a magical rifle."
"What happened, suddenly?"
"This time we hit nearly 500 humans with forty-eight people, a difference of more than ten times."
Grandfather Wod looks at the full moon in the night sky.
"How many armed wolves will die if they attack ten times as many armed soldiers, but this time we're all intact. In addition, all the enemies must be slain."
"That's probably right"
I turned into a werewolf and shot it with a magical gun from above.
Here, the opponent is completely visible, and the sword and spear beyond can not reach here.
Grandfather Wod strokes an old scar on his face.
"I don't think it's a war anymore. It's just a slaughter ... no, it's a slaughter. It's the same as squeezing livestock."
There was some deep sadness in the voice of the old soldier.
"Magical rifles are useful and strong. They don't completely change the war in the future. I feel like some kind of jade is used in weapons."
I guess ...
Grandfather Wadd dabs and sighs his normal-spec magical rifle.
"Is it going to be the era of shooting each other with these things?
And he laughs.
"I may have fought during the happiest times for mercenaries."
"A happy era ..."
War and happiness are not tied to me, but I think it's a wolf-like value.
Eventually, mountain people gathered after the battlefield inspection.
"It will kill 500 horses instantly ..."
"And the werewolf is intact."
"I may have scorned it ..."
Listening to the conversation of the elders, I laugh at my heart.
Although bad for the dead mercenaries, the battle seems to have helped show off the strength of the "Mildia Demon King" to the mountain people.
Because demons are meritocracy, strong people are treated well.
Perhaps this is the planned "most impressive plan" that could be implemented.
But before that, we will have to decide what to do with Zakar.
The old people of the mountains tell me.
"Veit. I'm grateful that you have defeated the pirates that destroy this land."
"No. Originally, it was this omission that made the secret of the royal family known. Don't worry."
Far from being known, he rose and drove Zakar into the Kayankaka Mountains, but let's keep it silent.
The mountain people see Zakar.
"I heard this man's words behind the scenes. I look down on us and look down. We are a family whose friend is the people of the flatlands, but we don't care about him."
"I can't trust you"
"It's weak"
Someone said something extra, and Zakar was dismissed.
"What! I'm the undefeated mercenary captain, Zakar!"
"Isn't he losing now?"
"I was weak."
There are really many words.
When I thought like that, I saw my wolves, not the people of the mountains.
Just as we have seen Zakar's wrongdoings, there must be some thoughts by the werewolf.
I know.
Zakar is so serious about the mountain people.
"I can't even ask for my life now! But I'm not weak! I'll be in command of the battle or slashing on the battlefield, but no one can beat me! I'm a true warrior!"
"Hmm ..."
The mountain people looked down and seemed wondering what to do.
I'm in trouble.
But the people of the mountains respect honor.
After the elders talked with a little glance, they concluded, "Oh, that's it."
"That's okay. Zakar, show your valor and honor in God's Battle."
Zakar raised his eyebrows.
Then the elder tells.
"Since ancient times, Kayankaka has used the" god judgment duel "as a means to gain" rights that cannot be obtained. "
The elder pointed to the stone pavement of the temple floating in the moonlight.
"This ancient temple is the place of the duel duel. Regain your honor as a warrior, and we'll save you."
After saying that, the elder laughs.
"If you can do it"
After listening to the rules, I offered to be an assistant to Zakar.
"What are you going to do?"
I sigh.
"I want to fulfill my last responsibilities as the person who drove you to ruin."
"Is it the last?"
"It's the last. There's no way to help you. It's in the form of a duel, but it's an execution that starts now."
There were various sacrificial rituals in the previous Aztecs, but there were also duels.
Put a weight on the sacrifice legs, bouquets instead of weapons, and feathers instead of shields. Combat power is almost zero.
On the other hand, "opponents" are selected warriors, appearing in Gachi armament. The result is self-evident.
This was such a type of duel.
But Zakar doesn't know.
"Aside from a werewolf, the opponent is just a barbarian? A single-handed single strike. Is there anything that defeats me?"
Please let me know if there is a winning element, but I have no further right to explain the duel.
So keep silent.
In fact, there was a lot to say to Zakar.
Why killed the king and his men?
I think there was a way to get better results without killing them.
In the first place, I want to see my own good eyes.
I wanted to hear that a little, but what came out of my mouth was a different word.
"How long can you be, but you cannot be king"
"What suddenly ..."
"A man who only considers his interests is not a king. A true king is a man who does not want any money, no life, no honor, no status."
Then Zachar sneered at.
"Does such a greedy man want to be king at all?"
"Yes, but only I know that there was such a king."
In my mind, a profile of Friedenrichter, who squats down in the study and writes a book, appears.
He worked only for others, pursued only the happiness of others, fought for others and died.
That is the true king.
I can't imitate it very much.
As I got up, I looked down at Zakar, sitting there to preserve my strength.
"I know what a real king is, so I know I'm not the king's vessel.
With quiet anger, I tell Zakar.
"You are not a king's vessel. Can a man who couldn't beat even his deputy be a king?"
Zakar stood up with a grumpy face and threw a sword band at me.
"I don't need a discussion like a scholar right now.
Just then, there was a call from the arena calling Zakar.
"Enter, challenger!"
Zakar turns and laughs at me invincibly.
"Thank you, Weid. If you lose here, you will die as a warrior, not a sinner. It's much better than exposing yourself to the head in the encaraga of Encaraga."
"I didn't think you were a man who stuck to death."
"I live as me to the end. Whoever stomps, I am me."
Sakar said, and walked.
The arena resembles the Colosseum in Rome. The scale was much smaller, but there were seats.
At the arena, the bonfire is blazing and is very bright, coupled with the moonlight.
The only woman who has skin is waiting for Zakar on a stone pavement where the game will take place.
Sure, he's the one who has captured Deputy Kummerk.
Zakar laughs.
"Are you a woman with a waist?"
The woman smiled bewitchingly.
"A man with a round waist is the opponent."
And she gives her name in warrior manners.
"I am the people of Kayankaka, the son of Orunte, Ermerzia!"
"Zakal, the child of Jakarn"
A woman named Hermerzia laughs. "Jerkarn" is the name of the last war god in Kuwait
Hermerzia untie with Surri. Then spread both hands to the left and right, and take a dance-like attitude.
"I like it, it's an interesting person."
"I'll be more pleased."
Zakar lowered his hips, responding with a low voice, and stood halfway. It's a stance when armored warriors are laid down on the battlefield.
At that moment, the elder declares.
I decided to see Zachar's death.
Hermerzia kicks the cobblestones and flies, she transforms in the air.
To a tiger beast who has golden and black fur.
The demons, legendary human beings, are known as "human tigers."
A kick is fired in the air, but Zakar has not yet moved.
This is because human visual acuity cannot capture it.
The tiger's legs draw vivid arcs at night, capturing Zakar's head.
The head of a pathetic ambitious man shattered, sprinkling sinful blood and brain fragments.
His ambitions will never hurt again.
Sleep in peace.
When it landed, Hermerzia returned to its original human form. It is a terrible early work.
Her clothes haven't been torn, as she has unraveled the belt beforehand. Although it is quite disordered.
The body of a man who has lost his top from his neck collapses on a stone pavement.
"Winner, El Merzia!"
I quietly prayed for the peace of Zakar in the great cheers of the mountain people.