Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Time to be a father
Episode 370
In the second letter given by Lünier, it was written in the master's writing:
"As the astrologer Meety repeatedly divulged, he said that the fetus would not be able to pass through the birth canal. There are several possible interpretations, but normal childbirth may not be possible. Come back immediately. This is an order as the Great Demon King
Fetus in birth canal ...?
"It's Macbeth or Caesar ..."
Suddenly, when you look ahead, Muré and Lünier look uneasy.
Muret opens his mouth calmly.
"Sir, are you really okay?"
"It's okay. That's all I have to say that Ilia's birth is going to be difficult."
It seems like I was a teacher who dared to divide the matter into two letters and made time to cool my head.
The second letter further described the theory of astrology.
Meety's astrology is a complex fusion of astronomy and history, as well as mathematics and magic over the years, and can be expected to be quite accurate. It is often impossible to get a prediction, but it is very unlikely that a false prediction will be obtained.
As I read the theoretical statements, I calmed down a bit. Preparedness also hardens.
Master really understands my personality ...
I took a deep breath, thanking the teacher for his worries. Eliminate emotions as much as possible and organize your mind.
Well, what should we do?
I still have the princes' council that will decide the future of Kuwait.
It is an invaluable opportunity for the Miraralians to be able to attend such important meetings and have considerable voice.
Given the diplomatic interests, I should stay here.
But when my wife's birth is going to be dangerous, I can't afford to think about anything else.
Would someone be able to replace the meeting?
But to whom?
Political negotiations are not left to the werewolf corps. Belize's Captain Grizz is not a politician or diplomat.
The secretary is ...
Parker came in without knocking.
“Hello, Lünier to Muret! Welcome to a sweet country full of sugar! Eat chicken gizzards?”
"Why are you so nervous? Don't come in on your own. And stay away from my cute students, Parker is bad for education."
I'm busy so I complain to my siblings.
Parker ignored me and took a small bag full of ice sugar from his pocket.
"Both of you are the messengers, good old man! I'd like to eat and take a rest. I'm going to talk with me later!" You guys played an important role.
Muret also knows that Parker is the high brother of the Great Demon King.
I was glad to be praised by such a person, and smiled as I could not hide my childhood.
They thank Parker and bow to me and leave. Fern, who guided them, said something, but saw Parker and left.
I was alone with Parker and showed me a letter from the teacher.
Parker reads both letters and nods in small letters.
"It's an important thing for Her Majesty. As you said, you should return home."
"I can't do anything when I return home?"
I am neither a doctor nor an astrologer.
A man who can only fight.
Parker then comes to me.
"I was joining Queen Faslin's physician's office in your absence. I was present at childbirth. She's weak and willing to treat anything."
Suddenly what?
To me wondering, Parker says:
"Birth took half a day, but the boy was born safely. I saw the moment of life's birth for the first time. It was so solemn, ordinary, powerful, and ephemeral."
Parker does a sighing gesture. It's just a gesture.
He no longer exhales.
"In my lifetime, I was only thinking about escaping the fear of death. I couldn't afford to look at life.
When he takes off his gloves, there is only white bone.
Sadly white.
"If I had thought a bit about the birth of life at that time, I might have mastered necromancy correctly."
"I know what I mean, but how does that relate to the current topic?"
Parker shook his forefinger bone left and right.
"Life is noble, strict, sacred and beautiful, and it disappears very quickly. It's not just the baby."
I knew he was talking about Ilia.
Parker comes one step closer to me and solves the illusion on her face. The smiling face disappeared, leaving a skull with no expression.
"This isn't about the Demon King or Milaldia, or something like that. You should leave public affairs and return to Eyria."
"But the meeting is still ..."
"If you make that choice, you'll regret it, like me."
In the hollow orbit, darkness without bottom spread.
I have to take his word heavily because the brothers are unusual and serious.
He goes on like this.
"I don't have much friendship, but I've heard of Astrologian Meety. It's her who predicted the emergence of the hero and took you to Friedenrichter."
"Oh ... yes. That prediction was correct and we were saved."
Without it, Friedenrichter would have been beaten by the hero Arches where I didn't know, and he would heal his wounds and eventually appear before me.
If that was the case, there was no victory and I would not be alive now. I was saved by that prophecy.
So you can trust Meetie's prediction.
Parker gently laid his palm on my shoulder.
"You've already fought enough for Milardia and Kwor as the Deputy of the Demon King. It's time to be your father."
"Maybe it is ..."
"Have you ever treated Lünheit Huich Priest Yucht? He was dying, but your treatment saved his life."
"You are probably strong enough as a healer. Healing the Holy River disease of Amani, Prince of Wajal. You are a great doctor."
"I'm not a great doctor ..."
My medical knowledge has only been purchased from previous medical shows.
No, in this world, is it still reasonable?
Parker puts on his gloves and then puts another illusion on his face. The ridiculous handsome side is back.
"Leave the rest of the meeting to me. I'm used to Khmer language.
He turns around and turns into a grin.
"Actually, I was a clan of the southern patrician before the unification of Milardia! I'm a noble lady! I'm a tall bone!"
"I know"
`` Did you know !? ''
Do you have a well-educated bone like you?
"Once you've become seriously ill and you're working on necromancy, you're sure to be rich.
"That's the same. You came here, you got one!"
Parker removes one arm bone and laughs.
It's really annoying.
Blowing the big brother exactly.
I twirl Parker's arm bones in the same way as a pen, then return to his arm.
"It's me who got the one. Thank you, Parker."
"You are welcome"
Parker bows reluctantly while grinning.
It's totally annoying.
Alright, let's go home.
What is a prophecy?
For destiny, I'll bend it for my convenience.
I've always done that.
I can not stand losing.
"Parker, I left the meeting .... Oh, yes."
"What is it?"
"Lyunier and Muret will also be attending the conference. It will be a good study and they are inexperienced but excellent. It will be a good stop for Parker."
`` Leave it and it's not bad to stop !? ''
I'm afraid something is going on.
When I called two people, somehow they came.
"Weid-sama, good luck"
Unscrupulous merchant Mao bows with his right knee in the style of a Quebec.
"Did you come?"
"I guess the Great Demon King couldn't have two children as messengers to another country, I've attached my escort Demon Knights and me."
So that's it.
I approached Muré and Lünier, and whispered like Mao heard.
"Well, that uncle is a bad guy. Don't trust him."
"Could you not tell me to hear me? I'm not an uncle."
They're really bad for education.
"Just right. Mao, attend the meetings of the princes. I'll be a diplomat."
"Is that ok?"
"Parker can do political negotiations, but he lacks cunning skills, because he grows up."
"Do you want me to do nasty negotiations ..."
Mao has a sullen look, but her mouth is still fragile.
Let's keep in mind.
"Diplomacy is not beautiful. But don't be ashamed of being an adult right in front of the children?"
"Isn't that compatible?"
"Make them compatible. Show me an example of negotiations."
Can you do it?
"Kwor and Mirardia both ask for great gains. If it works, I'll bite a piece of sugar trade with Kwor."
"I'll do it"
Looking at Mao's expression, I tell Muré and Lünier.
"Don't trust him because he's that kind of guy, but you can trust him only when you give him enough profit, so count on this conference."
"So why not ask me to hear?"
"If you're not told, stop giving bribes to breathe out."
If I don't change my behavior, I'll be in prison someday.
"Okay, Parker will take care of the rest. I'm preparing to return."
I told everyone and started packing.
Wait, Ilia.