Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Empress and knights
Gaiden 21
"Knight Yuri Palace" is a salon where influential nobles who support Eleora gather.
Grand Duke Recoma sighed in a spacious and sunny room.
"It's hard to do ..."
Everyone there nodded.
"By the way, the first diplomatic mission is to be accompanied by the daughter of Mr. Weid ..."
"I heard that Heraldia's strong request was the result of Millardia's acceptance."
That was said by Sir Pety, one of his allies.
A dozen years ago, he was the lowest rank of the Baron, but is now granted the Earlhood and vast territory.
Archduke Rechomya put his cheeks and nodded small.
"That's right, your Majesty especially cares about Vite's daughter."
"Isn't it still ...?"
"No, not at all. Your Majesty probably wants to confirm the succession of Mr. Waight."
All nodded at the words of Lord Rechomya, but again sighed.
"But, it's still awkward to meet ..."
"Don't mourn, 'The Petty of the Conspiracy'"
"Don't call it by that name, 'The Imperial General'"
Sir Pety crosses her arms without embarrassment.
"It's almost like Bad Vight, because he'll hide all his achievements."
"I can't help. Spreading the defeat of the Emperor with the help of the Milardians is too much for his Majesty's prestige.
"That's why I want you to stop imposing your credit on people ...."
The people of Rolmund, the noblemen and the military, are touted by the Toshihide, who are praised as the "14 Guardians".
"We were able to invade North Lolmund during the Dniesk rebellion because Veit was holding his back."
"And it wasn't just about defending it. He took the expeditionary captain, Prince Warroy, as a prisoner and occupied the castle on Lake Kleich without any injuries.
Immediately after the destruction of Emperor Bahazov IV, a revolt occurred by the Dniesk family, the family of his brother.
Prince Warroy, the second son of the Dniesk family, was eager to go to the castle on Lake Kleich near the Imperial City.
"It is also Vit's achievement that Prince Warroy gave up the invasion of the Imperial City and switched to Kagojo in the first place."
"Because the Sveniki Castle, which had been secured by the Dniesk army as a foothold in the Imperial City, was recaptured by Veit before their arrival."
With the invasion of the Dniesk ceased and the fight stalled, Eléora's army set out to move north, avoiding Prince Warroy. To beat the base of the Dniesk family.
At that time, containment of Prince Warroy was 7,000 Lorumund soldiers, led by Miladian visitor Vaid.
He nailed 25,000 Warroy troops and devastated them, and Waid ultimately captured Warroy.
This drove the Dniesk revolt to ruin.
Therefore, if you hide the existence of the Vight in this battle, you will not understand.
"I don't even know the grand priest who captured the prince.
"I don't know how to do it, because I was a person who wasn't willing to get credit."
"On the contrary, I'm in trouble ..."
When Archduke Rekomya muttered, they nodded uniformly.
The lower aristocrats gathered by Waid and Eleora were unlucky at the time, and they were all justified.
I do not forget that the current situation is thanks to Vaied and Elora.
Archduke Recoma continues.
"Veit, you just did it and said, 'That's not a good thing.'
"Oh, no matter how dependable you are, that Onito is the commander of Milardia. We can't afford to leave us behind the Lorumund aristocrat."
"If you think about it now, I guess he was aiming for that too ...
Completely misunderstood, the Vight is still the incarnation of the war god for the 14 guards.
"And it was hard to say that the greatest merit was so humble and unscrupulous that we would be rewarded after the war."
"I came to that. I fought that much and got only one village."
"However, if we were to become lords at once, we would have grown."
Archduke Rechonya said, everyone nodded again.
"After that we tried to be as clean and noble as Mr. Weid."
"It's obvious that he is not as proud as Mr. Weid."
After Vaid's return, it was undoubtedly the 14 who supported the chaotic Holy Lomund Empire.
But no one here could be proud of it.
Finally, Lord Shoch mumbles selfishly.
"Once you realize, everyone is praised as" The 14 Guardians "or" Organian Hero Knight. "
"I did my best, but every time I was called by that name, Vite's smile flickered."
"You too. Me too."
Lord Mottimo smiled bitterly.
"That Onito is not sarcastic or unpleasant, and he is really pleased.
"I'm making all of that letter a heirloom. It's going to be a gem of my family."
"Because it's the great hero of Milardia. I'm sure he'll be handed down a millennium as the founding father of the Commonwealth."
All of them were sighing, but they all smiled at their mouths.
"That winter was fun."
"Oh, it was fun. I died many times."
`` We're the understated aristocrats of the shade, who have been rampaged during the war that marks their history. ''
"It was exciting. We were able to prove our worth with our own hands."
Sir Rechonya said, but scratched his head.
"... Thanks to Mr. Weid"
They smiled and nodded again.
At that time, the room door opened quietly.
What came in was Elora, the master. They stand and bow to the emperor.
Eleora raised her hands lightly and urged everyone to sit as usual.
"Do you always say that you can relax in this room?"
"I like it, my Majesty."
The 14 generals laugh.
When Eleanor was seated, they all looked curious and faced the empress.
"How was Friede, your Majesty?"
When Smile Rechomya with a smile asks on behalf of them, Eleora laughs.
"It's hard to hear. He's a man who looks full of gaps and can't afford a minute. The daughter of Lord Black Wolf will eventually be a great commander of Miralldia."
All of them seem strangely relieved.
"It's as expected."
"On the contrary, I was relieved. Only Mr. Weid cannot fail to nurture his successor."
Eleanor smiles and nods to the words of the loyal members.
"If Friede was a stupid little girl, that would have been a bit of a problem."
"Maybe your Majesty is thinking about re-invasion of Milardia?"
One of the generals asks, but Eleora shakes her head.
"No, Miraraldia is a home of the northern, southern and demons. They all have different cultures and values. It's not easy to unite."
Eleora closes her eyes and mutters like a thread of memory.
"We need to be very careful to put that country together. Milardia is resilient because it recognizes diversity, and fragile because it recognizes diversity."
She keeps her eyes closed.
"And the prosperity that a rare hero built in his first generation often vanished with the death of the hero. He was worried that the lack of his successor could lead to political and civil war."
Eleora opens her eyes and laughs again.
"But at the moment I don't seem to worry that much, because not only Friede, but also a lot of other people are growing up."
Eleora said so and touched on Shirin and Juhite.
"Everyone who has met the mission of Milardia is impressed by their depth of knowledge and insight. There are many excellent students in Rolmund, but they have to be one step ahead. The talent is excellent in every field and seems to be very thick. ''
The Archduke Recoma, who heard it, responds happily somewhere.
"So the correct answer is that the Milaldia Federation will continue to be safe and the Empire will be on a cooperative route with the Federation ..."
"Yes, I felt like that, how are you guys?"
They looked down and smiled.
"In the will of His Majesty"
"I don't want to fight the country where that Oni is."
"Hopefully, we will continue to peace each other."
Eleora smiles.
"Okay, so let's take this matter. Now it's time to clear up the disturbers. The 'hunters' have found their prey."
At that moment, the expression of the 14 generals becomes sharp.
All of them stood up together, with a completely different spirit.
"In the will of His Majesty"