Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Devil's daughter and emperor's niece
Gaiden Episode 22
After finishing an audience with the empress, Eleora, Friede was captured by Eleanor's niece, Princess Micha.
"I was blocked by my father yesterday, but can you talk slowly today?"
"I guess I'm going to talk forcibly, maybe?"
"Yes, that's right."
Seeing Mecha's face nodding as usual, Friede gives up on everything.
Then it was long.
"Well, my aunt made the slaves a peasant, a way to become a liberal person. There are few slaves who want to be a peasant because they have to pay tribute."
"That's right ..."
"Is this necessary? What do you think?"
"Why ..."
It's always been like this.
Mecha is a very enthusiastic girl who has a lot of questions and her own thoughts.
It also focuses on fields such as politics, military and economy.
Friede is an ill-educated girl for her age, but she is good at magic and science. Politics and economy are difficult and I don't know.
I'm not sure, but Friede was out of luck.
"Hmm ..."
Friede closes his eyes and grunts for a while.
Then I opened my eyes and stated my thoughts.
"It's useless when you think about it, but isn't it important?"
He leans forward as Mecha is interested.
Friede leaned down and continued to speak.
"Isn't it boring to be forced to work? I'm not motivated."
"It's boring ...?"
It seems that there was no such idea, and Mecha flutters his eyes.
It's bad, if you don't do this, you'll think you're an idiot.
Friede who is impatient will explain quickly.
"If you aren't motivated, you don't think you can do a good job. There are good things you can do as much as you do your best in the field, so motivated people should plow."
Mecha, who heard it, looked strange for a while, but eventually turned back.
"If you tell me ... in theory, it's right."
Apparently Toraguchi has come off. Friede is relieved to die.
But that was the beginning of a new passion.
"If there are more motivated farmers, the yield is likely to increase even on limited farmland. One way might be ants."
"Yes Yes"
"But in that case, will there be no crack in the status system? Isn't it better if the slaves are slaves as far as nobles and ordinary people are better?"
"Well ..."
Friede sighed deeply to talk about a little girlish topic.
After that, I was faced with questions about Miraraldia's status system, food culture, agricultural technology, and so on.
Finally, Friede screamed.
"Well, what should we do differently?
"Oh yeah?"
Mecha, who has been knocking on Nori, seems a little dissatisfied.
But as soon as he smiled, he stood up and took his hand.
"Come on, you have a perfect place."
"to me?"
He was taken to the training ground on the palace grounds. This is where guards are training between work.
In one corner was a firing range for a magic gun.
The guards were surprised at the sudden visit of the princess ... and thought that she was salute to Mecha with a natural face.
Apparently she seems to be a regular here.
Micha laughs at Friede when she receives a rifle from a welcome officer on duty.
"You, when you came to the Imperial City, would have hung a sword on your waist, right?
"Oh yeah, yeah. I took it off when entering the palace and I've never worn it since then ... why do you know?"
`` Uh !? ''
Mecha distracts her gaze from her expression.
Friede slowly turns to Mecha.
"Did you see outside the palace?"
"Well, yeah ... there's never such a scandal, such as the princess getting out of the palace and watching the embassy ..."
I could tell she was lying by the smell of sweat.
Friede stared at Meecha's face for a while, but laughed a little crazy.
"Well, okay. Can you shoot that much better?"
"Yes, do what you like. The distance is Hanyuri, the first firing range of a general magical soldier. That target is heavy infantry."
The target is a humanoid, but the right side is largely missing. The part of the big shield seems to be "losing".
When Mecha sets up her sword, she casts a small spell to inject magic.
"I'm not a magician, but I'm learning how to fire this gun.
Mecha uses a familiar gesture, similar to a matchlock rifle.
She breathed in and aimed at her, she squeezed the trigger.
A light bullet is released, crushing the target. Just around the chest.
For a bow and arrow, it's a place where the armor's armor can prevent it, but for a sword, that level of armor doesn't matter much. The torso is a small part of the movement, and can definitely kill lives.
Mecha smiles at the back of a human-shaped board that has blown apart.
"How are you?"
"You're good! Awesome!"
Friede admire Mecha's precision shooting. I applauded for applause.
"I'm not good at aiming, so I don't yearn for it."
"Huh, I'm still qualified as a heavy sniper for the Imperial Army.
I don't know what qualifications are, but I guess it's amazing.
Friede speculates so.
Mecha gives a freehand gun to Friede with a generous look.
"Imperial swords are sophisticated. They're easy to shoot, so why not try it?"
"Oh, yeah."
Friede received the rifle, but honestly she's a bit in trouble.
"Because it would be troublesome to break it ..."
"If it's military, you can hit and kill the enemy with this, but it's not impossible to break it just by using it normally. Even the magic capacity can afford a lot."
Mecha laughs crazy, but Friede, by contrast, remains in trouble.
"I'll shoot, but ... I'm sorry if I broke it?"
"Don't worry if it breaks, a good technician will fix it right away."
"I see. I'll shoot."
Friede is relieved and holds a magical rifle.
"Hmm ..."
I don't feel like hitting at such a distance. I am not good at detailed work.
In such a case, let's use the example. This gun seems to have a lot of magic capacity, and Rolmund is the birthplace of the magic gun.
Friede controls the flow of magical power and releases the stored power.
And shot.
At that moment, the shooting range is surrounded by a torrent of light. The building shook with the roar.
`` Kyaa !? ''
I could hear Mecha's scream, which was also drowned out by the roar.
"Protect your Highness!"
The guards come and change their blood, ignoring the danger.
Friede, on the other hand, had a sad face.
"Magic gun, broken ... No, it broke ..."
The magic gun she had had turned into a tragic figure.
Imperial army rifles roll on the floor, melt and bend into something you don't know. There was smoke.
Both the guards who rushed in and Mecha, who is wearing a butt mochi, stare at it.
"This is broken ...!?"
"Yeah, I broke it. Because I got on the track and shed about 20 kites ..."
Friede explained with a mysterious face, but the Lorumunds do not know the unit "Kite".
The stunned members suddenly look into the shooting range.
All shooting targets had disappeared. Countless pieces of wood fall into the embankment.
"What ...?"
"Heavy infantry targets have disappeared for each squad ..."
As the Konoe officer barely mutters, Friede bows with a grim face.
"I'm sorry! This is a repair for a technician ..."
`` I can't do it !? ''
Mecha shouted at the melting bar.
* * *
at that time. The magic city Lünheit, far south across the northern wall.
A fuss man over Friede was getting ready to go.