Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants
Man from the frozen sea
Gaiden Episode 26
"Oh, I was surprised ..."
Friede sighed as he walked alongside Micha.
"It's not easy to be scolded directly by the Emperor of the next country."
"Yes, that's not to be there."
Mecha nods with a tired look.
But she soon turned bright.
"You, if the world is the world, run the Kamirou party? I'm proud of my luck."
"Well, isn't it proud?"
"Are you serious?"
"Im kidding"
They walk through the palace's backyard, checking each other's security devices for the sword.
"But Mecha"
"Your Majesty's Majesty the Emperor told me about safe shooting methods and what to keep in mind when carrying it?"
"Yes, that's plenty ..."
"If so, why don't you think you've gained this already?"
Friede smiled and knocked with a pistol in a holster at the waist.
"Unlike arrows, light bullets don't fall, so just shoot a little upwards in the open place.
"Okay ... I didn't usually think that safety equipment was so important. I just had to shoot ..."
Since both are still children, there is little awareness of safety management.
However, it seemed a little more conscious.
"Hey, Mecha, what are you going to do? Would you be angry again if you walk too much?"
"I don't have to worry. I've made you, the guest, difficult, and I'll make up for it."
Mecha laughs with confidence.
She climbed up the palace wall and slipped through the iron fence above it.
"Hey, if you're a child, you can only get through the fence here. Let me show you the Imperial City."
"I'm angry again!"
Despite that, Friede kicked the lawn and jumped to the wall.
"Hehe, Rolmund's sweets are the best ..."
Friede was guided by Micha and laddered a luxury confectionery store in the Imperial City of Organia.
Both are famous shops of the Imperial Warrant who line the eaves opposite the palace.
"I can't eat freshly baked in the palace. Sometimes I've got confectioners here to come to the palace."
They have a savory Baumkuchen-like confectionery, and they have a crush on them, and they eat together with a crush.
"But Mecha ... but not" Mysia ", is this okay?"
"It's okay. I'm Mysia, an apprentice maid."
"In your clothes?"
Micha's clothes are children's clothing inspired by the officers of the Lorumund Imperial Army.
The young woman at the pâtissier brought extra tea and smiled bitterly.
"The apprentice maid Misia will come here for inspection only once a month."
"Ah, exposing the imperial family's private life is a violation of Article 43-2 of the Imperial Special Law!"
Friede is amazed by Misha's rushing face.
"You're an apprentice maid, right?"
The patissier's sister bowed lightly with a giggle.
"Yes, of course. Yes, we have the next new work, apprentice maid Misia."
"Please, please"
Mecha nodding body nod.
At any rate, it's completely bald, and this relationship is built after bale.
In other words, it is an implicit understanding that "Let's face it like that."
That was Friede, so I asked Mecha.
"Hey Mecha"
"Either way is fine, but isn't this annoying to the shop staff? Is it okay for the princess to go out?"
Friede remembered himself when he entered the villain's hideout alone.
Then, Mecha flutters her hands while pouring the baked goods with tea.
"I don't need to worry, because this is the consent of my aunt and dad. Do you pay for what you eat and have an escort?"
Mecha answered, pointing with a fork out of the window.
"Borca's minions guard the three quarters around the palace at all times. They are the elite of the imperial family, the same people as your father. You can't see them, but you're somewhere."
"That's right.
Certainly it is safe.
Then they blossomed on a girly topic and enjoyed a fun time with one of the confectionery toppings.
"Now, let's go home with a perfume."
Friede shook his head, as Micha said so.
"I'm still early? And there's a lot of smells I don't like because I have a good nose."
But Mecha laughs.
"So why not give them a souvenir for your mother? It's surprisingly fun just to sniff?"
"I guess ..."
As always with the werewolf, we are interested in the new smell.
And souvenirs for Ilia seemed like a good idea.
They go out and enter the boulevard store while looking sideways at the palace.
While the formal clerks were welcoming, the self-proclaimed apprentice maid Misia met the clerks with a really relaxed attitude.
His dignity and dignity are, at best, those of the ruling class, and Friede sighs inwardly.
"I wish I could be a little more like a maid"
But recently, Friede has begun to see little by little the "adult situation".
On the face of it, saying, "This child is Meisha, an apprentice maid, not Princess Mecha," the palace guards and shopkeepers do not need to be reprimanded.
The security goes out of the palace anyway, and if the princess visits him, it will become a shop.
It is such a drop.
Friede was not hesitant to smell the perfume.
Fruit scent, flower scent, herb scent, wood scent.
The fragrance of the plant was quite good, but I couldn't shake my heart because of the instinct of the werewolf.
Then there was only one scent that was furiously exciting.
It has a sweet, large bulge with a sharp, stimulating scent.
"I'm sorry, what is this scent?"
When Friede asks the clerk, she answers politely.
"That's in 'Hyotoraka'. It's a very valuable thing that's refined from the legendary demon, the tiger's liver ....
The clerk laughed.
"It's not actually an ice tiger, it's now made of the sea tiger's liver. Ice tigers are rarely seen anymore."
"A sea tiger?"
Waid may have tilted his head with "Amefurashi?", But Friede had no knowledge of it.
"Yes. I hear that it is a very ferocious beast that lives in the far northern seas. We only buy the finest products from the best hunters in North Lorumund."
Then, from the stairs on the second floor, a man dressed unsuitable for the store came down.
"If you're a sea tiger, ask an eagle, a lady with a Mirardia accent."
A middle-aged man with a beard and fur cloak. He puts a hatchet on his waist and carries a heavy and heavy leather bag. His face was full of old wounds.
It looks like a rustic countryman, but his steps and voices have a sophisticated atmosphere and a certain beauty.
The clerk is in a hurry.
"Oh, a little Kalankov !? So no, don't come to the store!"
"I don't mind you. Listen to the story of Karankov, the best sea tiger hunter in North Rolmund.
A huntsman named Kalankov stood in front of Friede, avoiding clerks and display shelves.
The clerks sigh.
"I can't help it anymore ... Okay, if your wholesale sea tiger's liver runs out, my perfumer will be sharp."
"Because only Karankov can stably obtain a liver that has no bloody smell ..."
Apparently, this exchange has occasionally occurred.
Kalankov sat down on the chairs of the shop and succumbed.
"A sea tiger is a demon living in a frozen sea. It hides in an ice rift and waits for a beast to pass by. As soon as no prey passes, it jumps out of the ice rip and enters the sea I'll drag you in. "
As Friede imagined shaking, Kalankov laughed with a laugh.
"I don't know the land beast that can beat the sea tiger in the sea, but there are pitfalls there."
"He's climbing up on land and the movement is so slow. So don't wrap fur at the end of a long stick, we'll let the ice rip off."
"Did you understand? Retract with a leopard where the stupid leaps into it. Because they are bitter, they forcibly twist their bodies and land on the ice. Punch your belly. ''
Kalankov showed a spear-throwing gesture.
"But a sea tiger can slide on ice. Its body is as big as a bear, and humans blow lightly with a fin blow."
"It's tough!"
"Oh, and don't harpoon your liver to get a good liver. Don't worry about using poison. Let's hit the heart of the rampant sea tiger on the heart of the rampant sea tiger. This is kinda difficult. "
Kalankov laughed, saying that even if the liver is damaged, fur, fat, bones and meat can survive.
"The liver can be a medicine, but it can also be a perfume. I'll use the extras for sale and love myself. I rarely take a bath."
“Well, that smells… .that?”
Finally, Friede noticed that the person in front of him had a "smell of lies."
A faint, hostile lie.
It often smells when humans hide their original emotions and personalities.
The middle-aged man in front of him seems to be hiding something.
The tiger's perfume was hard to notice because of its high affinity for "lie scents", but he seems to have some circumstances.
But Friede knew it wouldn't tell me if I heard it right now.
So say:
"Mr. Kalankov, it's hard."
"Well, the sea is harsh. The sea of ice, the sea of people."
Karankov smiles meaningfully. Only then was the tone slightly changed.
But he asks a question.
"Souvenirs for your mother will be good with perfume, but don't forget your souvenirs for your father. Let's do this."
He gave me animal bones and some dried fish.
"The dried fish of the sea tiger's bones and liver. Sometimes it's decocted into medicine, but that guy would follow the specimen."
"Oh, yes ... but uncle, do you know my dad?"
Then again, Kalankov changed his look and tone.
"Oh. Weid was very caring in the old days. In my name, he would soon notice."
"Well, no matter where you go, you know your father ... I don't feel like you're in a foreign country."
Friede sighed, and Kalankov laughed happily.
"The hero's daughter is painful, uh ..."
"Friede. Friede Eindorf. Why do you know I'm the daughter of Weid?"
In a simple question, Kalankov gently answered with a voice.
"If a girl with a Milardia accent came to the store with her imperial princess, she would be a fairly high-ranking Milardian, and she would be familiar with her martial arts, tender eyes, and black hair. I'm doing it. "
The rough voice before was a sweet and calm beautiful voice like a lie.
And the tone is very well-educated.
Friede immediately knew that he was of the aristocracy.
But earlier than Friede asks, Karankov rises.
"Now, return to the frozen sea and ask for hunting! A cute bride and three sons await! Train them and become a full-fledged huntsman soon."
"Oh, that ..."
If an aristocracy person is a hunter in the far north, he is probably a fugitive.
So I can't say anything open-minded.
But if you know your father, you have to say something.
But Kalankov shook his head with a smile.
"I'm going to live the most enjoyable life right now. All around me are full of honest people. I only need to protect my family, and after that I live and die, I want to live and die. You can decide everything. "
"Hahhh ..."
"The wonderful thing about being able to decide your own life, young lady may not yet know."
Kalankov smiles.
"This is all thanks to your father. Tell him when you return." Under the stars in the far north, the Kalankov fox lives calmly with his wives. Thank you. "
Friede nodded with a serious expression, supposedly to have serious meaning.
At that time, Mecha calls Friede from the back of the store.
"Friede, is the aroma of this green palm scent exactly like the real thing? It's a fruit that only Miraradia has."
"Well, I love snacks, I'll smell it."
Looking back, he answered, and when he looked back, the sea tiger hunter, Kalankov, was nowhere to be found.