Reincarnating to Become a Japanese Chef God

Chapter Twenty-two: Drugged (Part 1)

Mu Xiaoyue grinned and glanced at the beautiful blond girl who looked like an angel in the corner, winking at Xia Yu behind the counter.

During abnormal business hours, such a beautiful girl sitting quietly in the store can only have two identities, either a friend or a girlfriend.

Xia Yu's mouth twitched, too lazy to explain.

Whether it's a friend or a girlfriend, Erina Nagiri must be mad. Xia Yu doesn't want to be ridiculed in front of the two Chinese, so at this time, just ignore the tongue of God.

"Have you kept your belly?"

Glancing at the time displayed by the old wall clock in the store, Xia Yu turned around and walked back to the kitchen, "It's okay to make lunch at this time. Wait, half an hour."

Mu Xiaoyue and Anya sat together and talked quietly.

"Xiaoya, you didn't know that I had insomnia last night!" Mu Xiaoyue looked excited, "That couple's lung film is so delicious that it doesn't look like a delicacy in the world. I hope I can still have it so delicious today. Cuisine."

Anya was speechless.

She is not as cheerful as Mu Xiaoyue, showing all her emotions on her face, but she thinks she has no less expectations for food than her best friends.

The two spoke Mandarin, and Erina Nagiri could not understand a word.

While waiting, there was a sudden heavy rain in the Tokyo sky outside the store, dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky dimmed.

Nagiri Erina answered the phone. During the call, her personal secretary, Hisago Nito, kept apologizing to her.

Because of the heavy rain and sudden traffic jams, the secretary took at least an hour to arrive in Ameyoko.


Putting away the phone, Erina Nagiri looked irritated, wrapped her arms, got up and walked to the entrance of the shop, looking at the old shopping street under the rain curtain, her thoughts couldn't help returning to the morning, when she had breakfast in the main house of Nagiri, she passed by Commander-in-chief, Nakiri Senzaemon, said to her like this:

"Erina, you and Mr. Xia Qing's grandson are the same age. If you can, please help your grandfather and take good care of that young chef. Even if he doesn't enter Yuanyue in the end."

At that time, General Yuanyue also showed a smile.

"I think you should be able to become friends. Erina, you also have to communicate with chefs of the same age. I think Mr. Xia Qing's grandson is fully qualified to be your friend."

Therefore, Nagiri Erina came with the car, but was left here.

Thinking of grandpa's self-determination, Nagiri Erina felt helpless and bitter.

She is the head of the Yuanyue Middle School, the youngest ten in history, and a genius with the talent of a god-level chef like'God's Tongue'. Why should she condescend to be a commoner boy?

Nakiri Erina, who was confused in his thoughts, suddenly let go of her arms and turned her head abruptly. The violet pupils showed an incredible color.

"It's so strong..."

In the heavy rain, the muddy air is empty, so the aroma of the cooking spreads from the kitchen, not only occupying the entire restaurant, but even rolling out the door, lingering between the rain curtains of the street.

Nagiri Erina wanted to go in, but he pressed his lips to hold back the impulse, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart reminding her, "No! You can't bow to that damn commoner!"

From the perspective of God's Tongue, actively requesting to taste other people's cooking is obviously surrendering status.

You know, countless high-end restaurants dream of tasting and evaluating her "God's Tongue". There are even managers who hold a lot of money and find them through various interpersonal relationships. But Nageri Erina, who is originally from a famous family, has a lot of money It can be said to be dismissive.

"Well, there is only one dish today, but there is no limit on rice, please use it!"

Even standing at the door of the store can hear the voice that annoys her.

The scent is more intense, and the air in the heavy rain seems to become dry and intense because of a puff of spicy and hemp.

This time the cooking was deliberately placed in a large stainless steel pot with a lid, and Erina Nagiri could not help being stunned when he saw that he put a pot on the table.

However, the moment the lid was opened, the pupils of the tongue of God's tongue shrank sharply.

Because of the heavy rain, the gloomy storefront was illuminated by a magical cuisine at this moment.

It's like magic, unbelievable, unbelievable.

Nagiri Erina had already put away all the arrogant thoughts in his mind at this time, and only the dishes shining brightly on the table in his field of vision, and the young chef who slowly opened the lid with a calm expression.

The light didn't last long, it completely converged in two or three seconds.

Two Chinese female tourists at the table are also in petrochemical state.

"Please use--"

Xia Yu brought three bowls of steaming rice.


Swallowing the excessive saliva in her mouth, Mu Xiaoyue pointed to the tofu dishes in the pot, without realizing how cute her voice was, and said stupidly: "...This is Sichuan cuisine, Mapo tofu? "

"Ma Po Tofu, this is the name of the dish." Xia Yu said, and glanced at Nakiri Erina who was standing in front of the counter, "Erina, don't you think?"

He asked the last half sentence in English, deliberately for the Chinese tourists to understand.

"Do not!"

Nagiri Erina bit her thumb, staring firmly at the delicious mapo tofu in the pot, shook her head, and said in a positive tone, "This is definitely not the magic mapo tofu I had last time."

"What should I say, the glowing magical mapo tofu is the true face of this dish. The dish that you and the commander tried last time was just my failed experiment." Xia Yu shrugged.

"...Clam?" Nagiri Erina thought that she had heard it wrong, and roared almost ashamed, her clear beautiful eyes were full of anger, "You let my god tongue taste a failed dish?...Who gave it? You are brave enough to put the failed product on the table and let the commander and I have a taste!"

Xia Yu is immune to Nakiri Erina's gaze that seems to be killing.

"In fact, didn't the failed product caused your commander's'clothes to be cracked'?" Xia Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "This finished product is my apologization for you."

Erikai Erina choked immediately.

Her grandfather's skirt was ripped apart and he couldn't do anything wrong.

"It's thanks to you, Erina. If it weren't for your god tongue, I'm afraid I will have to study for a while before I can find the shortcomings of the failed products one by one. It is your tongue that made me I made a very well-completed cooking work. Now, this cooking is almost perfect!"

"I finally understand why those high-end restaurants are holding the banknotes to try your dishes."

The mouthful of praises sounded a bit harsh in Nagiri Erina.


Who is going to help you finish the cooking!!

With blue veins on his forehead, Erina Nakiri resisted the urge to growl as a female tyrannosaurus.

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