The battle of eating halberd was finally over.

The defeat of Qi Ji also announced that Lin giant Lei Zhe and his team had withdrawn from the championship.Xia Yu successfully brought a big victory to the Yuanyue team, and the Yuanyue team became the semi-regional champion of Division A, which is well deserved.

Get down from the front desk.

"Congratulations! A big winner in life!"

In the background, Zhu Qing smiled with both hands clasped his fists.

"Where is Erina?"

The bellows and kitchenware box were put down, and Xia Yu looked around to find people. The girl just fled out of the stage and disappeared.

"Go back to the villa with your childhood sweethearts and others."

As Zhu Qing said, he approached and said with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

"What should I do?"

Xia Yu walked to the dressing room, closed the door, and took off the sweaty chef's uniform. Zhu Qing leaned outside the door and heard a playful voice: "It's the little Nizi with the appearance of an angel. Her father entrusted her to your supervision. Now, you are not interested in making a daughter training plan!"


The door suddenly opened, and Xia Yu hugged the aunt who fell down, and looked at the teasing color on her pretty face. It was really helpless. The elders other than grandpa were really unconscious, better than Erina Teenage girl.

"Do you really believe that cutting thistle is serious? What if he is serious, this kind of entrusted guardianship is not recognized by the law, even if I admit it, Erina will resist it!"

There was no one else in the backstage, so after changing his normal clothes, Xia Yu took the bellows and kitchen utensils, and left the backstage and rushed to the underground parking lot, ready to join the rest of the Yuanyue team.

"She will resist?" Zhu Qing followed with a gust of wind, "Don't guess other people's thoughts without authorization. You didn't ask, how do you know her wishes."

"From teacher to foster father... isn't it very emotional?"

Zhu Qing came with a trace of evil words.


Meng stopped, with blue veins on his forehead, Xia Yu said bitterly: "I really want to slap you against the wall!"

Underground Parking Lot.

At this point, Xia Yu was shocked by the crowded scene.

He quickly returned to the channel.

"All reporters!" Zhu Qing also returned.

"Just go out and take a taxi!" Xia Yu said.

Zhu Qing pretended to ponder: "Well, let Dojima and Caibo help us cover, we'll go back to the villa first."

The two diverted and walked from the stairs to the ground. On the way, Zhu Qing put a warm cap on Xia Yu's head. After thinking about it, he still felt that the camouflage was not enough, and passed the cover from the backpack to Xia Yu. , "Wear this too!"

As expected.

The ground channel was still surrounded by water. The reporters squatted here and saw a lady holding a bellows and a kitchen cabinet. The sharp-eyed people immediately recognized this as a tool used by the young chef on the halberd stage. They shouted excitedly. Flocked to Zhu Qing wearing a mask.

Wearing a cap and a mask, Xia Yu smashed out of the underground passage from a clever trick to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

Aunt Zhu Qing is temporarily not allowed to get away, and Xia Yu is waiting for her on the street outside the a competition area.

Within a few minutes, a young man who also wore a peaked cap and a mask was standing a few steps away, playing with his mobile phone.

Perceiving Xia Yu's gaze, the young man raised his head and glanced, as if recognizing him, his pupils shrank slightly and returned to normal.

The youth continued to play with mobile phones.


Soon, he yelled in annoyance and yelled in standard Chinese: "Day after day, the diamonds are gone again, how many ten consecutive days, where is my empress Wu Zetian?! Even if you give me a rare skin what!"

The young man glanced vaguely at the young man over there. Seeing the other person's hands in his pants pockets, indifferent, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes: This guy doesn't play mobile games?

Therefore, young people who want to strike up a conversation can only change to a more direct way.

"Hello." He walked over.

With a question mark written on Xia Yu's forehead, when he saw the other party speaking standard Chinese, he kindly said: "Are you Chinese tourists? Do you need any help?"

"I know you!"

The youth stared at him.

Xia Yu was startled, and before he could answer, the young man said again: "You are Xia Yu! The star chef who just defeated thistle-cutting!"

"You can recognize this special?" Xia Yu didn't panic either. This place was outside the arena and the environment was open, so he could just open up when the situation was bad.On the contrary, he became interested in youth.

"who are you?"

Hearing this, the young man pulled off his mask, revealing a handsome face, sword eyebrows, star pupils, and those black eyes that gave people a deep feeling.

There was a thump in my heart.

Xia Yu always felt that the youth had a familiar aura. This familiarity was not a face, but a kind of attraction, as if the other party had a homologous thing in his body.

More intuitively, it was the quasi-gold frame [Blasting Flame] cooking skill that gave him the increasingly formed'super touch', a similar breath that he detected.

"Could it be..."

Think of the nationality of the youth.Xia Yu felt incredible.

In the past, he always wondered what the situation would be when he met a chef who had the same cooking skills as him. It was very likely that he would come to the restaurant.But Xia Yu didn't expect that this encounter was so sudden.


The young man met his eyes and stretched out his hand: "My name is Li Han."

"Xia Yu."

Shaking hands with him, Xia Yu asked, "Your last name is Li?"

"Yes, in fact, I am also a member of a certain participating team, a super chef, and it is estimated that we will meet on the field soon." Li Han shrugged and added with a serious look, "I watched your whole process. Shiji, you are a very strong opponent, so strong that I don't have the confidence to win. Even in our special team, you can still sit firmly on the 3rd position..."

Suspicious in his eyes.

"Are you really only sixteen years old?"

"It will be seventeen soon, and my birthday is in November."

Li Han choked.

"What are you playing?" Xia Yu glanced sideways at his phone screen.

"Mobile game, do you want to draw one for me?" Li Han handed it over with his mobile phone and pointed, "Click this for ten consecutive draws. Only the last ten consecutive draws of diamonds on my number are left, please be European! "

Xia Yu just clicked and didn't watch it. "Is this game very popular in China?"

Li Han didn't answer, his eyes straightened and looked at the phone screen.


After the sound of the unboxing sound, a golden hero suddenly appeared in the first position of the ten consecutive draws. It was Wu Zetian, the imperial empress who had smashed countless soft sister coins.

"Fuck, there are matching rare skins!"

Looking back, Li Han was shocked, with a golden skin in the fifth position.He was messed up in the wind, "What a charm this is! One shot into the soul!"

After counting the gains of the ten consecutive years, Li Han raised his head and suddenly said, where is the figure of Xia Yu, he looked up and scanned the distance, only to see a taxi far away.


The luxury bus of the'Baiyulou Competition Group' stopped here. Li Han got on the bus. Uncle Li Quan looked back and saw him look different in the passenger seat. He curiously asked: "How did you lose your soul? Could it be that you failed to hook up the Dongying beauty..."


Li Han rolled his eyes and said with a straight face: "I ran into him!"


"The kid who just smashed a powerful enemy on the halberd!"

A group of special chefs in the car, including two Lin giants who were talking in a low voice, all stared in astonishment.

"I'm sure about one thing." Li Han chuckled. "His control of heat is so abnormal, and there is a reason for it. Maybe, the cooking skills that our Li family inherited are not as complete as his."

Li Quan was surprised.


In a taxi on the return journey.

Xia Yu is counting the system rewards of the Great Broken Thistle.

"You defeated the cut thistle on the halberd."

"The mission [Save God's Tongue] has been completed."

"Successfully created the "Golden Inlaid Jade" taboo recipe and cooked the luminous dishes for the first time, triggering super rewards..." (...)