Reincarnating to Become a Japanese Chef God

Chapter 877: Golden Wheat (Part 2)

Early in the morning, the mist was still filling the deep alley.

Xia Yu got up early.

All spiritual training projects are temporarily stopped and focus on researching new ingredients.

"Golden Wheat", "Forbidden Bird Egg", "Sparkling Silky Foot Fish"...

These three had to make a choice, and Xia Yu did not hesitate to study the "golden wheat".

The reason is that it’s normal to like the new and dislike the old. I have used "taboo bird eggs" and "sparkling fish" to cook food more than once before, and I have played with it. The characteristics of the ingredients have been more or less 70% to 80%. "Golden Wheat" is new and unknown to Xia Yu.

Exploring unknown areas is always full of energy.

What's more, the intelligence obtained from Ye Feizhou in this selection of the Liu clan shows that the theme of this selection is "noodles", so the study of "golden wheat" is even more of an opportunity to follow the trend. Kind of move.

Don't look at it just one night, but in the past 12 hours, Xia Yu spent almost a week studying in the mysterious space, and he was in a state of sleepless work.


Staring at the small bowl on the kitchen counter, there is a small piece of dough inside, like a golden jade, which, while clear, has a bright golden light.

Xia Yu pressed her chin in a daze, "I missed the step of absorbing water and kneading!"

Next to the basin, in a ladle, there was about one-third of the water left.

This clean water was scooped out of the water tank.

Don’t forget a secret shared by Xia’s grandparents——

Outer meteorite!

That's right.

Settling down in the old house, the stone brought back from Dongying was naturally placed in the water tank of the old house. As a result, the water in the tank was purified, and there was a vague tendency to match the "cold water", a specialty of Baiyulou.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see that Xia Yu used more special water to get past the step of'absorb water and knead the dough'.

"Water quality, or water quality, is the most important thing?"

Xia Yu got a staged practical conclusion.

"So, next..."

There was hesitation in his eyes.

After the dough is kneaded, the next step is to use the dough to make buns and noodles.

In other words, the dough of "golden wheat" must be formed into a recipe.

Recipes can be created. Of course, you can also use old recipes and try to incorporate new ingredients. Xia Yu himself has rich experience in this. For example, "Frostfall Magic Mapo Tofu" has almost become a classic recipe for his business card. Has it been improved by incorporating "Frosty Tofu"?

Creating a new recipe out of thin air is much more difficult than incorporating new ingredients on the basis of old and classic recipes.

Therefore, Xia Yu knew how to proceed.

"Golden wheat" is a comprehensive and dreamy pastry raw material. It is a dream ingredient for countless pastry chefs in modern times. If the heroes from a hundred years ago, such as Gangbang Jieqi, Pastry King Luogen, they could come into contact with these fantasy As far as the materials are concerned, then ancient recipes such as "Golden Smile" and "Four Gods Seafood and Eight Treasures Steamed Steamed Buns" will inevitably be changed and further..."

Ancient recipes have the advantages of ancient recipes, but they also have their disadvantages.

In this generation, new fantasy ingredients emerge in endlessly, and IGO officials release new ingredient forms every year for chefs to learn and research.If that group of heroes traveled to the present generation a hundred years ago, it is not difficult to imagine that the recipes they have on hand will surely usher in a wave of improvement.

Although the ancients are not there, today's people can inherit their recipes and recast classics!

"It's too difficult to let the "golden wheat" melt into the golden pastry recipes like "Golden Open Smile" and "Four Gods Seafood and Eight Treasures". All in all, it's easy first and then difficult. The truth is right!"

Xia Yu looked through her own record of ingredients for suitable blue-purple pastry recipes.

At this time.

"Mr. Xia!"

A joyful cry, like the cry of a bird in the early morning, was very clear.

Liu Ying ran out of another smaller kitchen in the old house, panting and stopping behind Xia Yu. In her hand, she was holding a bowl of ramen noodles. The bowl was a new dish that she was very proud of. ——Sauvignon Blanc noodles.

Like offering treasures, Liu Ying offered a bowl of ramen, her face inevitably became nervous, "Mr. Xia, you let me try to cook with "golden wheat", I, I did it!"


Xia Yu was startled.

Putting the bowl of ramen on the table, he didn't question Liu Ying, but stared at the "Bao Gai Mushroom Noodle" which was very different from the memory.

As far as the field of vision can be, the noodle soup with ripples and golden fluorescent effect!

But if you look closely, it is the noodle thread in the soup, glowing.

Moreover, the treasure in the bowl, the scorpion mushroom, is tightly combined with another inexplicable new treasure. One is ethereal and elegant, and the other is full of dreams.

With a light sniff, the entangled melody of treasures, like a white snake and a golden snake entangled with each other, Xia Yu's eyes widened slightly because of surprise.

"I will go, no way..."

Still worrying about the second step, as the disciple of the "Devil's Trumpet", just brought out the golden wheat dishes?


His eyes were shaken and he was not restrained. He took his chopsticks and ate his noodles.

With the import of noodles and soup, a pair of eyebrows frowned.

The taste of'Laubergine' mushrooms almost disappeared invisibly and was covered by another dazzling golden dust.


For a time, only the complex taste of noodles vented in the mouth.

Xia Yu chewed and chewed, but the shadow of ramen, udon, spaghetti and other noodles flashed in his mind, whether Japanese-style noodles, Chinese-style noodles, light or heavy...

In short, it is the feeling of swallowing them into the stomach.

This is the first time that Xia Yu has tasted the real taste of "golden wheat", which is shocking. "No wonder that it is a dreamy pastry ingredient. It can eat up all the food in the sky in one bite!"

He put down his chopsticks, closed his eyes and asked the system:

"System, verify the completion of this bowl of ramen."

"Unknown ramen completion is 56%."

Is that so?

Xia Yu let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but open his eyes to look at Liu Ying, "Sakura, can you tell me how you did it? The first step is to absorb water and knead the dough. How did you get through it?"

Master’s refreshing smile reassured Liu Ying. She said with joy: “Actually, I, I have never done the step of absorbing water and kneading. I found that using ordinary water, it is difficult for golden wheat to absorb water and swell, so I changed another One way of thinking is to mix and match golden wheat and ordinary flour. As for the matching ratio, I tried it all night and found that the ratio of 1:22 is the most suitable. That is to say, with 1 gram of golden wheat, 22 grams must be mixed. flour……"

"Well, I used golden wheat as the'salt' for kneading dough! See it as a seasoning!"

Liu Ying added.

Hearing this, Xia Yu's face gradually became solemn.


While the master and disciples were communicating with "Golden Wheat", the early morning network was broken because of a set of pictures.210186