Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 14 Transfer (Part 2)

Ye Qi felt that his head was about to split, and he fell to the ground as soon as he swayed.In a trance, Ye Qi seemed to have a figure wearing a black cloak, silver scale armor, and holding a rapier in front of his eyes.This figure seems to be fighting something. As he quickly dodges his figure, he emits flames in the sky, then turns into ice cones and lightning in his hands; and the rapier in his other hand is like a poisonous snake, hitting the enemy directly. The key to...


The scene in front of him is getting faster and faster, and Ye Qi's head is getting more and more painful. In the end, Ye Qi, who couldn't bear it anymore, let out a miserable grunt and fainted.


I don't know how long it took, the call of the black market merchant awakened the unconscious Demon Hunter.Opening his eyes and looking at the black market merchant who was supporting him, the demon hunter couldn't help but smile: "How long have I fainted?"

"About half an hour, Ye, are you okay?" The black market merchant's worries made the demon hunter grin: "Of course, it's just a momentary loss! Mori, everything here can be solved! Waiting for you to deal with these things. After you finish, remember to transfer the money to my account!"

"no problem!"

The black market businessman nodded happily.If it were before, the black market merchants would still hesitate because of their distressed money, but when they saw the extremely shriveled "creature" with bat wings and a group of blood slaves with mouths and fangs at the feet of the demon hunter, it was I agreed without hesitation—professional problems still have to be solved by professionals, even if they pay a certain price for this, they will not hesitate.Because the cost now will be far less than the loss in the future.The black market merchant knew this when he controlled the underground trading on the first street in his life.

Although the demon hunter lying on the sofa wants to check the changes in his property column after his transfer, it is not very convenient to be in front of the black market merchants.

Therefore, the demon hunter stood up from the lying sofa, moved his body slightly, and felt that there was no problem, he immediately squatted down and started the finishing work of the task-cutting off the bat wings behind the vampire.This is one of the important proofs to complete the task.

Fortunately, most of the bat wings themselves are made of bones, otherwise they would have been sucked dry by the wolf.It would be a hassle to go back and explain to Old Ward then.Although the pair of bat wings is a bit tattered now, it is more than enough to hand in the task.At the same time, the demon hunter did not forget the fangs of the blood slaves.

Take back all the task items, put it in a sofa cover that you can pull over, wrap it into a package, and put it on your back; after re-wearing the scattered equipment one by one, the demon hunter who is anxious to change himself will be the same as the black market. The businessman greeted him, and regardless of his somewhat embarrassed appearance, he rushed out of the mad dog's place and went to the deserted alley beside the street.


Name: Ye Qi

Title: Trainee Demon Hunter

Level: 5

Occupation: Warlock Level 1

Attribute: Strength: 16

Agility: 16

Physique: 14

Perception: 16 (+2)

Charm: 14

Unassigned attribute points: 1

Specialty: Beast instinct; vampire touch, combat spellcasting.

Number of specialties not selected: 1

Skills: Appraisal 5, Bluff 5, Concentration 8, Trap Making 4, Heal 2, Hide 18, Listen 15, Heal 2, Rumor 2, Unlock 10, Pickpocket 2, Search 10, Gunpowder Weapon 25, Cold Weapon 20, Spell Recognition 10. Mysterious knowledge 10

Unassigned skill points: 10

Zero-level unassigned spell slots: 4

Unassigned spell slots at first level: 2

Looking at the unallocated spell slots,

But this regular distribution gave Ye Qi another surprise.

"The skill gunpowder weapon reaches 30, and the skill is upgraded to gunpowder weapon proficiency..."

"Gunpowder weapon proficiency: You have been with gunpowder weapons for a long time, and when you use any gunpowder weapon, you have an unimaginable power. Effect: When using gunpowder weapons, the power is increased by 10%."

The sudden news reminder made Ye Qi stunned. When adding skill points in the past, because the system settings were very vague, even adding skill points did not have an immediate effect like attribute points or specialties. Points are not too important.But judging from the current skill upgrade, skill points are also very important!Although only a 10% increase in power, this 10% depends on the user, which means that whether Ye Qi holds an ordinary pistol or resists a bazooka, it is effective!Maybe the power of the pistol is not obvious, but if it is replaced with a bazooka, it is not a simple matter!And now that gunpowder weapons have only been upgraded to mastery, who knows if there are any other levels behind?If so, how much can that power increase?

All of this made Ye Qi look forward to it, especially after seeing the upgrade of gunpowder weapons, Ye Qi wanted to see what effect the other skills were upgraded.However, Ye Qi also knew that if he wanted to upgrade all his skills, the difficulty was not as big as usual. Even if his current skill points had 3 more bonus points per level because of his conversion to a warlock, it would be impossible to complete.

But Ye Qi then thought that these skills were all he had learned through John's training, not directly given by the system!Suddenly a thought came up in Ye Qi's heart, maybe these skills can be upgraded through usual training even if they don't pass skill points?

Of course, this is just a conjecture. It needs Ye Qi’s later practice to be sure, and it’s definitely not the time-after allocating skill points, Ye Qi, who was surprised, added the attribute points he had accumulated before to perception, and immediately reached 16. Perception becomes 17-from the introduction of the warlock profession, it can be seen that the basis of the magic spell cast by the warlock is perception!Ye Qi, who has already embarked on the path of warlocks, certainly has to expand his own advantages in this regard!As for feats, Ye Qi still had no choice, because although new feats and heavy armor appeared in the existing feats options, for the current one and the previous three, it does not increase the power of professional warlocks and their own strength or attribute points. Ye Qi is not satisfied with his expertise—have the instinct of beasts; the three specialties of vampire touch and combat spellcasting serve as references, and Ye Qi's gaze has unknowingly increased.

After dealing with all this, Ye Qi was finally able to focus his attention on the spell options in the attribute column.

"Yes/No to choose zero-level, first-level spells?"


"The list of level zero and level one spells is open!"

Immediately, a list full of spell names appeared in front of Ye Qi's eyes, and the voice of the system also explained to Ye Qi, who opened the spell list for the first time.

"Spells can be divided into schools according to schools: plastic energy enchantment protection spells necrotic changes prediction eight schools... the spells start from low to high, from zero to nine... the remaining options for zero-level spells: four; one The remaining selectable number of level spells: two; please choose..."

"Zero Spell Selection: Improving Resistance, Switching, Reading Magic, Mage's Hand"

"First-level spell selection: Burning Hand, Mage Armor."

Through the introduction, Ye Qi knew that zero-level spells are collectively called tricks.When the level of a warlock is still too low, it is generally difficult to perform in battle, so Ye Qi just chose a few very characteristic spells as a backup, in case it is needed from time to time.The first-level spells can already be called real spells, and their power cannot be ignored.Although there are many spells to choose from, Ye Qi's spell slots are limited.Therefore, each of Ye Qi's compromises chose a spell with outstanding attack power and good defense power.

Burning Hands (BurningHands): emits a cone of flame, hurting all enemies in front of you.Effect: 1d4 fire damage per level (up to 5d4).

Mage Armor (MageArmor): Summon an invisible and intangible armor to protect the caster.Effect: Gives a +4 armor bonus to the subject.


"The hand of the mage!"

The demon hunter who had chosen the spell couldn't help but cast the zero-level trick he just got to an empty bottle beside his feet.When he saw the empty wine bottle floating and dancing in front of him like his own wish, the witcher cheered twice immediately-grabbing the empty wine bottle and throwing it into the sky.Then he picked up the package again and rushed to the old daddy's bar happily-no matter how happy, the demon hunter did not forget that the profiteer still had a task to hand in.

PS The northwest wind is whistling, and the nose blows decadently~~~ Remind brothers to keep warm~~~ And thanks to the Fascist brothers for their rewards~~~ Hey, this reward is like a winter one Put the fire to make the decadent heart warm~~~~