Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 29-Night Attack

The female cavalry commander looked at Weiwen suspiciously. Although he believed his words because of Weiwen's injury, the tower of thorns that Ye Qi had just moved out made the female cavalry commander have to suspect that what Weiwen said was true.

Although the Tower of Thorns is distracting, its fairness is also well-known-at least for those who have not been exposed to the secret information blocked by the high-level, it is indeed the case.Naturally, he knew Ye Qi, who had been mentioned by a profiteer, but he would not speak out for Uyghur.


The crisp sound of horseshoes broke the dull atmosphere in an instant. With the appearance of the cold-faced man with the headquarters guard, everything has been concluded-Weiwen faced the cold-faced man's five sense control without a trace of resistance. The matter was spoken out.

"I'm sorry just now..."

The female cavalry commander looked at Ye Qi apologetically, and his face was still reddening--just now Weiwen not only told the rangers who had participated with him, but also talked a lot about the female cavalry. The long words of admiration; coupled with the shame of misunderstanding Ye Qi, it made her unnatural to even speak to Ye Qi now.

"It doesn't matter! You are just being used by Uighur to take advantage of the friendship between you!" Seeing the female cavalry captain frowning again because of the word "utilization" she said, she knows the point is over. Ye Qi smiled and staggered the subject immediately: "Where is my tent? When I was young, I always dreamed of sleeping in a tent while camping!"


In the newly erected tent, the female cavalry commander who refused to share the invitation was sent away. Ye Qi smiled and lit the oil lamp. Although it was an oil lamp, the light was enough for him to read "Eye of Maomo"-in the middle of winter During the festival, after half a year of reading, Ye Qi has already studied "Eye of Mao Mo".But as he understood, Ye Qi also knew that it was impossible for him to use the spells in it!Because the spells in "Eye of Maomo" are fundamentally prepared for demon servants, Ye Qi, as a complete human, naturally cannot use it!

Instead of using the spells, Ye Qi was still reading "Eye of Mao Mo" in the months after the Midwinter Festival. Of course, there was a reason-when Ye Qi decided to stop reading "Eye of Mao Mo," it was strange. The wolf appeared again, and told him a mixed news-because Ye Qi signed a sharing contract with it, even if its strength is now sealed by most, it can't obliterate the fact that it was originally a high-level demon.So even if Ye Qi didn't contribute his soul, he could still use the spells in "Eye of Mao Mo"!However, because it is a shared contract, not a soul contract, the spells in "Eye of Mao Mo" cast by Ye Qi will be reduced in power, or even spell failure.And because of the contract with the strange wolf, Ye Qi will not be able to enjoy the healing of the priests in the Holy See in the future, even pure holy water will not be effective on Ye Qi.

After thinking about this, Ye Qi frowned, then opened his brows-the relationship between the demon hunter and the Holy See is not harmonious, and even if there is a relationship, the expensive treatment fee is not something he can afford to be alone. .Although he has a small wealth, he was severely knocked out by the blacksmith when he recast the Yan Modao. Even if the remaining money on the card was remitted by the black market merchant, it was not enough to contribute to the Holy See in exchange for the help of the sacrifice.What's more, wouldn't it be better to use the money to buy some better equipment?Why go to the Holy See, which is more blood-sucking than vampires, it can be called a hypocritical place that eats people and does not spit out bones!

After seeing Ye Qi's unimaginable anger, the strange wolf began to seize the opportunity to entice Ye Qi to re-sign a soul contract with it by fully exerting or even surpassing the power of the spells in "Eye of Mao Mo"!Of course, Ye Qi, who has a system, is naturally not tempted!Not to mention the "Eye of Mao Mo",

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qi closed the "Eye of Maomo"-the basic spells Shadow Warrior and Skeleton Warrior are no problem, but although the Shadow Warrior is easy to use, the flaws are equally obvious; and the Skeleton Warrior's fighting ability is again It's really a problem; as for the zombies of a higher order, they can't be summoned even if they are half-hearted.

But all the methods came up. When Ye Qi saw the spell list in the system attribute bar, he couldn't help but brighten up-the dark spell.

Darkness (Darkness): Casts a spell to cover the surrounding area.Effect: Make the item emit supernatural darkness with a radius of 20ft. The creatures in the range can be hidden, cannot be illuminated, and the dark vision is invalid; Duration: 5 minutes/level.

When he saw the overview of this spell, Ye Qi jumped up directly; because in the past, he always focused on powerful attacks or defenses against himself, and auxiliary spells. Most of these partial spells were swept away. There was no note.But this accidental discovery gave him another understanding of his spells!

The supernatural darkness that blocks the light, the shadow warrior who is afraid of the sun, this spell is a perfect match with the shadow warrior!Coupled with the restraint of the cobweb technique, it is simply the best choice to kill the enemy!

Excited Ye Qi circled his tent twice. If it weren't for the spell slot, he would have liked to add the dark spell to his spell list immediately, and then go to collect hundreds of shadow warriors!

When the time comes, first the darkness technique, then the spider web technique, and finally releases hundreds of shadow warriors to besiege. Although Ye Qi has never seen the Yuehui-level apostle, even the instructors who taught them the cold-faced man and the giant are just star A top apostle, but after his vision was robbed, his body was restrained, and he was besieged by hundreds of shadow warriors, Ye Qi was certain that even the Moonlight Apostle would make him hate on the spot!


"Enemy attack!"

When Ye Qi was still thinking about the coordination of spells, a harsh alarm sounded.Immediately, put away the "Eye of Mao Mo", picked up Yan Mo's knife, Ye Qi walked out of the tent.

Looking in the chaotic direction of the camp, Ye Qi was taken aback. He saw five monsters over twelve feet tall, with huge bodies, bald heads, and pale gray skin holding giant wooden maces that were thicker than an adult’s waist. Waving!


Seeing the other party's special appearance, and the smell of stinky socks mixed with public toilets from so far away, Ye Qi immediately knew the other party's identity.But immediately, Ye Qi frowned.

PS It’s the weekend again~~~ Hey, thanks again to Fascism, Bloody, KING, Ojidlsgda, and writing books, don’t exaggerate the rewards of a few brothers~~~ The support of brothers makes decadence lonely This weekend is full of motivation~~~Don't be stingy with the tickets in your hand~~If you have the ability, you will reward a few~~~