Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 2 Investigation Team

Among them, the atmosphere between the new apostle and the high-level demon hunter is still friendly, but there is a strong smell of gunpowder with the previous elite apostle-the previous Jagos incident directly deteriorated the relationship between the two parties to the extreme!Moreover, in the past six months, Ye Qi and the newly promoted apostles have had frictions with the previous elite apostles from time to time.After all, there is only one competitive tower, so the chances of the two sides meeting are still very high.

Naturally, it goes without saying that with Ye Qi's participation, the last elite apostle was always disgraced...

"Tonight, we received alarm signals from eight Ranger camps at the same time! As a result, the other seven were feints. Only the one you went to was actually attacked..." The little man crouched on the chair and whispered for Ye. Strangely puzzled, he suppressed the voice to the lowest level at the end: "Ye, is it the ghost of the Deco family?"

"It's not clear yet!" Ye Qi knows that his companion from a merchant family has always been mentally flexible, but he didn't expect the reaction to be so fast; but he couldn't draw conclusions about what the Deco family was just guessing-in different worlds. Among the forces of, interest has guided the assembly or opposition of countless forces. Tonight, these killers are most likely to be hired by other forces in order to combat the demon hunting artificial union, and he was only affected by his status as an apostle. It's just being taken care of by the key!So Ye Qi pointed to Jacob in the assembly hall: "Let's watch the changes! Everything is supported by someone above!"


The little man nodded and narrowed his eyes again, while the big man on the side was still smiling honestly, Awa leaned on the back of Ye Qi's chair and silently wiped the crossbow...

"The headquarters of this incident will be handed over to me!" Jacob stood up after listening to the female cavalry captain's report, and looked at the others in the hall: "From now we know the situation of the other party, although there is The portraits of some people on the other side, but it is not possible to confirm which power or person the other side is. Therefore, I announced that the entire station, airport, and hotel of Shak will be completely sealed off, and everyone who enters or leaves Shak must be strictly based on the portrait. Check..."

After the official narration was over and most of the people were sent away, Jacob walked to Ye Qi and his companions who had been specifically named by him.

"Although the Deco family has hatred with you, it will never cause such a big thing because of that bit of hatred against you! Of course I am not justifying the Deco family, after all, there are never a few lunatics in the world! "Jacob's voice is lower than that of ordinary people, coupled with the hoarse after injury, formed his unique voice: "So, until you find any conclusive evidence, you can't make any changes! If you agree, I will allow you to participate in this survey!"

The previous one is really a temptation!Now it's a showdown!

Ye Qi wisely did not ask about the consequences of disagreement, and immediately nodded in agreement-there were many empty cells in the Tower of Thorns, and Ye Qi didn't want to go to the underground cell to be company with the Uyghur who had just been sent in, even if only temporarily of……

"Very good!" Jacob nodded in satisfaction: "Now the newly promoted apostle Ye Qi has formed a separate investigation team to investigate the attack on the Ranger camp! The team members can choose within your approved range and are directly responsible to me. ..."

"B-level task: behind the scenes. Investigate the attack on the Ranger camp, find the behind the scenes, and eliminate hidden dangers."



After seeing the level of the mission reminder, Ye Qi felt a little tight and began to carefully recall the scenes before and after the attack, hoping to find helpful information for this mission.However, after Ye Qi thought about the incident, he still found nothing.


The group members that Jacob said before are engraved on their own choice within the scope, in fact, they agreed with Ye Qi to convene the members of the investigation group by himself!Needless to say, the big man and others are naturally within Ye Qi's consideration.

"There are enough people in those places to investigate! If they can't find out, it is naturally impossible with our number!" The little man patted his companion on the back, correcting the mistake of his companion: "So We need to investigate from other directions!"

"Yeah! It's good if someone else is staring at the place before!" Ye Qi nodded in agreement, and pointed out the next step: "Among the enemies that attacked my camp before, except for the killer, But there are five giant monsters! The killer can mix into Shak by various means, but with the wisdom and size of the giant monsters, it is impossible to enter Shak silently! Especially the smell on them is really too great. It's too obvious..."



After the three companions left, Ye Qi rode a dark horse towards the Ranger camp-although he wanted to go back to the central castle room to check the upgraded attributes immediately, but most of his belongings including "Eye of Maomo" They are all in the Ranger camp; even if these things are kept secretly, they are still in the tent!And the unexpected incident in the Ranger camp tonight, it is impossible to guarantee that the tent will not be moved!

Ye Qi, who rode into the camp, immediately felt the solemnity and inexplicable sadness in the camp.Seeing the sad expression on the Ranger's face, Ye Qi sighed slightly.Ye Qi knew that he was really not suitable to participate in it at this time, even if Ye Qi wanted to comfort the female cavalry captain in the crowd who was mourning for the sacrificed Rangers, but the sadness around made him only lead the horse. Silently walked into his tent-for the Ranger who had only been with him for less than a day, he was just a familiar stranger!And at the last moment of seeing off the dead comrades in arms, strangers like him should try not to disturb him as much as possible!

The stable collapsed in half under the trolls of the monster.Therefore, Ye Qi did not send back the dark horse that had escaped by a fluke. Instead, he tied it straight out of his tent. He also deliberately removed the saddle and put a thick blanket on the dark horse's back.

Ye Qi, who got into the tent, checked it again. After confirming that there was no sign of being flipped, he sat on the sleeping bag and opened the system character attribute bar.

PS The third is complete~~~ Decadent is going to sleep, I took the train all afternoon, my back hurts~~~ Thanks again to all the brothers and sisters who support Decadent~~~ Especially for the decadent Lanlan at night ~ Sleep with two people against the wall~~~