Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 13 Skills Part 1

In a room of more than 150 square meters, there are eleven-storey bookshelves, one by one along the wall, arranged in an orderly manner. In front of the bookshelves, there is a wheel that can be moved freely. A ladder that is convenient for people to take all kinds of books; and in the center of the room is a normal-sized desk and matching chairs. Ye Qi is sitting on one of the chairs, flipping through the books in hand to remove Ye Qi One person can no longer méu other people in the entire room, ng, for the "Private Library" of the Tower of Wisdom, it is not a simple matter to obtain permission to enter it; even Ye Qi, it is also because of the strength of the legendary realm and his teacher that he can easily obtain this license ""The novel chapter is updated the fastest.

Even among them, there is the Tower of Moon Night temporarily managing the entire Demon Hunter headquarters, the Tower of Wisdom, and the reason is not closed; if the original Tower of Wisdom is in power, Ye Qi believes, Even with the strength of the legendary realm, it is difficult to enter here.

However, this kind of difficulty, for those who enter here, is a trial worth enduring. The secrets of the fundamental méu appearing in the history of Lorient, or the truth of history, are so grandiose. Recorded in a book, placed on the shelf; of course, there are also the key points of Ye Qi's trip: those skills that can be called secret techniques.

Before méu entered this'private library', in Ye Qi's impression, even for the collection of the Demon Hunter headquarters, there should not be too many techniques called secret techniques; it should be in the dozens to There were hundreds of species, but when Ye Qi really entered this'private library', he realized how wrong his estimate was.Put aside the about five bookshelves of books that record the truth of history and the truth of some special events.The remaining books in the entire'private library' are all records of what can be called secret techniques.Or it is a secret technique in itself.

There are nearly twenty bookshelves!

Although some books are made of special paper, which makes the whole book a lot thicker, or some are recorded in the form of sheepskin scrolls, the total amount is still far beyond Ye Qi’s imagination and more than he estimated. More than ten times more!

What an amazing wealth!

This is Ye Qi's heartfelt sigh after confirming the number of secret techniques and occult techniques in front of him. After such a sigh, it is another kind of helplessness; as the tower of wisdom, the owner of the tower is private. Library', here is a clear catalog of books.Perhaps it was because the owner of the Tower of Wisdom was too busy. Although these books are neatly arranged, they lack the key to finding them.

And, obviously, āng that hides important secrets like this, of course, does not hire ordinary people to organize and clean it. Therefore, after scanning the entire book on occult techniques, Ye Qi confirmed that it is indeed méu. Generally, the book catalogues in the library are only shelves with books.

In this regard, Ye Qi hesitated slightly.I started looking for what I needed according to the oldest method

Rely on the shaking of the spine to increase the force of the arm swing.Like a whip...

Very good technique!

After reading it for a while, Ye Qi closed the book in his hand and put it back on the shelf. Then, he picked up the next book and started reading. Although this technique is good, it is good enough to be placed outside, enough to be a family. The core inheritance of, but for Ye Qi, it is not what he needs at the moment.

Although the number of books in front of him is dazzling, Ye Qi and méu forget that what he needs is the secret technique related to the increase of physical fitness, not these applications. In his mind, he is only discussing such applied techniques. The skills in the memory of the Dragon’s Inheritance are enough to surpass everything he has seen so far; needless to say, the skills in the memory of the Dragon’s Inheritance [Sword Wind] alone, in the books that Ye Qi has read, méu and néu achieve that effect.

Before Midsummer, there is still a week of rape!

Within this week, I must find the skills I want in these books!

At most, it can only be delayed until the fifth day after the Midsummer Festival...

After getting a new book, Ye Qi scanned uwéi's bookshelf, and compared the reading and job search that he had just started. He couldn't help feeling the slight swelling of his temples. Obviously, the progress at the moment and the rest If you compare it with evil, it's the kind of hurry.

ng, a month later, the secret rally of Dude and Duozhan, three dark mercenary organizations in the top ten dark mercenary organizations, The Thought of Breaking Slaughter, The Hand of Abyss, and The Nest of Terror, Ye Qi is still very concerned about removing because In addition to these three dark mercenary organizations, more are because the Holy See and dark creatures mentioned by the chameleon are involved.

Regarding the doomed enemy of the Holy See, and the existence of the opposite of the dark creatures, Ye Qi, of course, would not ignore it under the situation of dào; ng, for the enemy, any slight or carelessness will bring absolute trouble, even It is a disaster of extinction; therefore, for the gathering with the participation of the Holy See and the dark creatures behind the scenes, Ye Qi will of course investigate. Although the chameleon promised to help, he must do some things by himself; this is not trust and No guā is just the development of the situation and must be under control; for Ye Qi, who has always been cautious, this is an inevitable result.

Before heading to Xia Lin District, Ye Qi still wanted to go back to the bar in Landingburg; ng, he still had to confess to his friends when he lacked skills for some things, so he actually left it to Ye Qi's spoils in Xia Ke did not last long, plus his arrival the day before yesterday and yesterday's banquet, he only had spoils for about half a month at most.

It's a game of racing against rape again!

Ye Qi thinks of the bloodline of the dragon of time, and at this moment he can't help sighing lightly. He really wants to use the power of the traitor to separate himself and obtain the "permanent" traitor. Obviously this idea is just a good wish;.néu reaches this level.I'm afraid he doesn't even have to worry about the war after nine years and five months; ng.This ability is enough to make him invincible!

Master Blank or Master Hessel should have a certain understanding of this library!

Once again disappointed to put the books in his hands back on the bookshelf, Ye Qi couldn’t help but think of it; however, as he passed by the central castle hall this morning, he couldn’t help but smile wryly, and temporarily pressed the thought of yesterday’s banquet. After the voice of the tower master of the Moon Night Tower fell, it started straight; the méu aristocratic social circle.Numerous demon hunters are like the bars and restaurants of various clubs, freely taking food and drinks.

After Ye Qi dealt with several waves of demon hunters with champagne and juice, looking at the demon hunters who were still gathering, he had to run to the corner where Nofa and Ted stood. The near breath really saved Ye Qi a lot of trouble, and the latter's non-rejective attitude made the demon hunters who came to drink one after another. With his tall body, Ted can drink. It was completely manifested last night, except that the tower master of the holy relic was supported by drinking and the legendary body, this demon hunter with the title of'giant beast'.It is the most drinkable of them.

Barrels after barrels of ale were poured into their stomachs by many demon hunters, just as the tower master said.The wine prepared in the hall of the scene was just a fraction of the beginning, and it was almost completely exhausted within an hour after the banquet started; someone had to send someone to deliver the wine to the hall from the cellar in the basement of the Moonlit Tower; And this scene of drinking and transporting lasted until midnight, before it stopped slightly.

The drunk people in the hall were lying on the floor almost like an arhat, while the people walking around in néu bid farewell to the uwéi at the moment the clock rang. Among them were Ye Qi and Ted. Compared with Ye Qi’s restraint, this cold-faced man only responded with juice from start to end. After Ted was drunk, the cold-faced man showed his true colors and the air temperature dropped sharply. , The demon hunters who wanted to come over for a drink also evaded one after another; although Ye Qi exists here, it is obviously the latter compared to the tower master of the holy relic tower who sits in the middle of the hall and does not refuse. The attractiveness of Ye Qi is greater; and the young demon hunters who regard Ye Qi as an idol will respect Ye Qi's choice, so that Ye Qi will not be difficult to deal with.

Ye Qi, who left at midnight, returned to the Central Castle in the morning. When heading to the Tower of Wisdom, he passed by the Central Castle. What imprinted in his eyes was still a lively scene, the tower master, Ted and Jacob. The group of people and the others gathered around and drank again. Páān Monroe took some demon hunters and prepared a new breakfast with the ingredients left over from yesterday.

Although it is not dào that the tower owner of the tower of the holy relic was drunk, but in Ye Qi’s memory, the other party was first Jacob and his party to fall to the ground; and at this moment, néu is sitting here happy. Drinking, obviously after waking up, at the beginning of the second wave, Ye Qi wisely chose méu to go in and say hello, but bypassed the gate of the hall and walked straight to the Tower of Wisdom.

Judging from the situation last night, the tower master of the relic tower is absolutely inseparable from the lobby of the central castle today. Even if you go to ask the other party, you will only be dragged by the other party to join the unfinished banquet. It is far better to search for it yourself, and then, until tomorrow, looking for a suitable opportunity, to ask the tower owner of the Tower of Relics to pull out a book from the shelf again, Ye Qi made the decision.

As for the tower master of the moonlit night?

At last night’s banquet, when he talked to the old man about Jacob’s "discovery" in the corner, the other party left the banquet first. Obviously, for such a "discovery", this old man fan ngbái is important. Sexuality, and the hidden dangers in it need to be solved immediately; and this is not a simple job. From the entry and exit of the tower guards under the Moon Night Tower this morning, Ye Qi is fascinated by ngbái, and the old man is still adjusting The previous plan.

Keep improving is always better than casual handling.

As the tower master of the Moonlit Tower and the temporary president of the Demon Hunter headquarters, this old man is obviously a requirement of the former; even if it is such an individual and coincidence phenomenon, we must eliminate it, the same Ye Qi, who was habitually cautious, naturally chose to agree; and, by the way, he also expressed to the old man his idea of ​​changing the position of the female cavalry chief; and the old man, the master of the tower of the moon night.Just after smiling.He agreed very happily.

Obviously.As an old man, such worries are understandable by the tower owner of the Moonlit Tower, and in terms of the gender and position of the female cavalry commander, such a situation is also forgivable. Although the méu males are inferior to the females among the demon hunters, but When something happened again, everyone still habitually let the ladies stand behind them.Even old people like the tower master of the Moonlit Tower supported this view with practical actions.

For the tower master of the Moonlit Tower who helped a lot, Ye Qi is naturally not good at trouble anymore. Therefore, temporary search becomes inevitable.

After pulling out a book along the bookshelf again, he was disappointed in succession. Ye Qi and méu returned to their seats and looked at the books in their hands. Instead, they stood straight in front of the bookshelf and looked at the books in their hands; but.This time, Ye Qi just turned a few pages.There was a hint of joy from the bottom of my heart because the book in his hand was exactly what he was looking for, néu'non-damaging' life and potential, and the secret technique to increase physical fitness.

However, this trace of joy did not exist for how long méu existed, and was soon extinguished by disappointment. Although this book described the importance of physical fitness in great detail at the beginning, it was not too much in terms of how to increase the various qualities of the body. Good advice, still depends on the temper of elders, from quantitative changes to qualitative changes.

And that kind of training method, Ye Qi is familiar with it, and after turning a few more pages, he can be sure that most of the training he received back then came from this book; it was not that Méu found the teacher’s signature on it, Ye Qi I even thought it was a book compiled by his teacher. Some of the descriptions above are exactly the same as his teacher’s explanation...

Teacher, it should be based on the text...

A coincidence is still a coincidence, but when several words are full of yàng, Ye Qi naturally guessed what was going on. He sighed that he had gone through the training at that time and it was still intact. At the same time, he gave the teacher's teaching Ability was reported with deep suspicion; ng, according to the explanation in this book, some training projects require considerable protective measures; but Ye Qi can recall very well that his training at that time was very simple. The unfolded.

Not only méu's so-called protective measures, but also precautions, his teacher has missed several items!

Is this because the teacher is assured of me that I can use this method of training at will?

Still have confidence in the ability, thinking that even if I receive a fatal injury, I can be rescued?

Ye Qi closed the book with a wry smile, put it on the side table, and then walked to the bookshelf again. Although this book was not what he wanted, it had something to do with what he was looking for; therefore, Ye Qi Qi chose to put it aside separately.

ng, taxonomy, is the simplest way to help people think in disorder, simple and orderly. Obviously the latter is more conducive to helping people think; and Ye Qi is very sure that in the next books, Many kěnéng books appear to be similar; placing these similar books on the shelf in a disorderly manner will obviously help him a lot.

And as Ye Qi thought, after finding a book related to'improving physical fitness', such a book quickly appeared in front of him, and as the evil passed, Ye Qi also found There is a regular "private library" in front of me. Although there are any catalogs such as book lists, the books placed here still have a certain pattern.

Starting from the bookshelf on the far left, there are the simplest and less powerful secret techniques, and if you turn to the right, some real secret techniques will appear in front of you. From the beginning, it is impossible to remember the inheritance of the dragon. The secret technique inside [Jianfeng] was on the same level, until he gradually got a little worse, he stood in front of the fifth bookshelf.

And this kind of progress consumed Ye Qi for about a day. The guardian of the Tower of Wisdom reminded him that the sun went down and the sky was completely dark.

Rejecting the enquiry from the tower guardian of the Tower of Wisdom for dinner, Ye Qi began to quickly sort out the books he had selected on the desktop. There were ten books of U. Obviously, it was not Ye Qi who read carefully at the moment. Of these ten books, apart from the first one, only three of the remaining nine books, Ye Qi, have roughly doubled over, and these two hours have been spent on Ye Qi’s work!

Because of this, Ye Qi just flipped through the preface and the opening of the remaining six books and put them on the table. Although there would be some errors, the speed of searching was indeed greatly accelerated. The whole morning, Ye Qi Qi Ye just finished searching one of the bookshelves, but in the afternoon, U, ng finished searching the fifth bookshelf.

There are still fifteen bookshelves. Tomorrow, as long as the speed is fast, the remaining bookshelves can be searched...

After that, it is time to read in detail!

With this thought, Ye Qi reorganized the books on the table, turned around and walked out. In the Ranger camp, the female cavalry commander may be ready for dinner and is waiting for him.

ps second more~~~ so hot...

Thank you to the prodigal son who is wandering around the world for rewarding 200 starting coins, June Snow 4200 starting coins, 100 starting coins rewards, Wu Qingying 1100 starting coins rewards~~~ Decadence bows here and thank you all for supporting decadence Brothers and sisters~~~To be continued.