Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 334 Battle in Hailin District ⅩⅣ

"Well, I think the day we have been waiting for seems to be coming soon!"

A gray-haired demon hunter stood up from his chair tremblingly, holding the window sill and looking out to the sky; the surrounding demon hunters and rangers stopped instantly. After complaining, gathered behind the old man, looking at the wonders of the sky.

"I don't think this phenomenon has anything to do with the plans of those guys!" Another very old ranger curled his mouth, shook his head, his eyes flashed with compelling energy, and continued: " The plan of those guys can't achieve such an effect... It should be the beginning of the prediction!"

The gray-haired old demon hunter turned his eyes to his friend, and asked solemnly, "Is it sure that it is the prophecy? Shouldn't the prophecy exist?"

"Yes, there are also prophecies that sixteen wizard emperors can be immortal, and the result? The wizard dynasty is not completely perished!" A few old demon hunters and rangers followed and nodded.

The elderly ranger shook his head: "The nature of the prophecy is not wrong. It is just that people who understand, distorted the meaning by themselves! After all, the immortal was born at that time. , It’s just not those wizard emperors!"

The old gray-haired demon hunter looked at the sky that had returned to normal. After turning around two times in the same place, he suggested: "I think we need to ask the professionals for their opinions!"

In response to such a proposal, the old people present nodded one after another, but.The next moment they looked at each other, one of the old people shouted again and again: "I don't want to see Pedenange. Every time I meet with her. I always feel how sad it is to decline before I am old!"

"Your age, according to ordinary people, is indeed an old man!" Another old witcher smiled indifferently: "We are all old people. This is a fact that cannot be refuted. , What can be avoided?"

"How about you go?"

The old people looked at this calm companion one after another. The latter shrugged and said indifferently: "If you are not afraid to reveal our secrets, I don't mind going!"

"Cunning fellow!"

The old men despised this companion at the same time.The latter smiled indifferently, looking at the demon hunter and the ranger who spoke first; these two old men, who obviously had extraordinary status in the group, looked at each other and smiled. The old white-haired demon hunter came out and said, "I'll go!"

The elderly ranger followed: "I want to leave for a while, and I need to visit an old friend!"

"Well, I'm going to visit old friends too!"

"I remember I still have something to do!"

"Yes, there are some things!"


This seemed to be talking to himself, but the louder words were words that anyone could hear, after the old ranger finished his words.In the next moment, it rang continuously in this room; then, these demon hunters and rangers who were still looking at the old age before.It disappeared into the room at an incredible speed.

The gray-haired old demon hunter smiled and said, "A group of duplicity guys!"

The old rangers also chuckled, "Are they also planning ahead; after all, what we have now is power..."

The gray-haired old demon hunter couldn't help but laughed at himself: "Yes, there is only power left-what was originally pursued has become the only thing... the lives of the two guys, John and Ward, It really makes me envy, I really want to live that kind of life!"

The old Ranger also sighed: "Unfortunately, we have no choice... Isn't Gu Sige the same? Compared to him, we are lucky!"

The gray-haired old demon hunter did not speak again, but shook his head with a wry smile, while the old ranger also showed a wry smile. After looking at each other, the two old men walked side by side to the outside of the room. ; Then, the sound of footsteps drifted away in the corridor.


The inanimate king who left the Hailin area also saw such a spectacle. However, it is obvious that such a spectacle is not important to the inanimate king; after taking off the scarlet windbreaker, it is long After her silver hair was shortened to the level of a normal man, the lifeless king dressed as an'ordinary person' looked just like an ordinary human; it could not be that his face was a little more handsome and pale.

At this moment, the lifeless king was mixed in a team of demon hunters, walking towards the defensive camp outside the demon hunters Landingburg-these demon hunters were talking about the vision overhead, but the lifeless king He was smiling and kept listening; and as the camp approached, the inanimate king subconsciously sorted out his clothes and straightened the wrinkled areas.

Then, he waved his hand at the surrounding demon hunters, left the team first, and quickly walked towards the camp-because in the past few days, demon hunters from all over the country have come to support them. There are several entrances and exits in the Demon Hunter Camp.

Of course, there is no shortage of guards and inspections.

However, when the inanimate king lighted up the "Devil Hunter Code", the demon hunter who was in charge of the inspection happily let it go; and enthusiastically informed several important places in the inanimate king camp; this one The demon hunter in charge of the inspection pointed to the inside and said: "There is the quarters department. If you need to collect ammunition or repair guns, just go directly; there will be a tent next to our companion who is responsible for arranging accommodation, which is definitely better than sleeping on the street. ...If you want food, there, um, is where Monroe is standing, there will be food at any time... and, if there, it is Master Blanc’s tent..."

The inanimate king patiently listened to the other's instructions, then smiled and nodded: "Thank you!"

The demon hunter in charge of the inspection immediately laughed: "Al, when the war starts, you must be careful! The war is over. I invite you to have a drink!"

The inanimate king shrugged with a smile: "At that time. I invite you!"

Finished.The inanimate king waved his hand and walked towards the camp. Obviously, relying on the perception of the inanimate king, it does not need such guidance at all; however, when facing the person who is about to meet, this inanimate The king's mood, always like that, will get better inexplicably.

In such a good mood, it naturally doesn't mind wasting a little time.

Bypassed the tent of the tower master of the relic tower.Perceiving the opponent’s unconscious aura from the flames, the aura of the inanimate king becomes even weaker, almost the kind that can’t be noticed when you see it; and because of this hiding, the inanimate king, It was very smooth to enter the tent behind the main side of the Tower of Relic.


A duo with an extremely boring look, he subconsciously raised his head when he heard the noise of the tent curtain; when he saw the figure standing in front of him, the red-haired girl shouted in surprise; Alcatel immediately stood up. Raising her index finger, she made a silent gesture in front of her lips; the red-haired girl immediately covered her mouth with her hands and did not dare to make any more noises.

Alcatel said with a warm smile: "Duo Duo, you don't need this; we can talk normally. As long as you don't shout out!"

Dodo. Mamu immediately nodded and said with joy, "Carter. You finally came to see me! Do you know? I'm waiting for you every day!"

Alcatel stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of the girl's head, and whispered: "I am the same, but there are some things that must be completed before they can come... This time, I am already indulging myself!"

The red-haired girl raised her head very puzzled and asked, "What are you going to do? Duoduo can help!"

Alcatel laughed immediately. It stretched out his hand and gently scratched the girl’s nose, and said: “How can I help with such a thing? It’s something I need to understand; of course, if I help, I Found it too!"

Dodo Mamu said with a bit of frustration: "Mom and Sister Randy are saying, Carter, you are a big man, a random action is related to the life and death of thousands of people, let me not disturb you casually ...Are you really such a big man?"

When this question was asked, the red-haired girl was obviously a little nervous, nervous that she didn't even know.

Alcatel shook his head with a smile. It would not refute the explanations of the girl’s mother and the unrelated sister; after all, that’s a fact; but it’s facing the girl she likes. , But needed an explanation; Alcatel bowed halfway, so that his eyes could look directly at the girl's.

Alcatel said seriously: "I am Carter in front of Dodo Mamu. I am not a big person, nor will I become a big person... So, when I finish that matter, you are willing to be with an ordinary person. Is Carter together?"

After a pause, Alcatel said suddenly.

With a rush of ground, Dodo. Mamu's face turned red, redder than her hair; the girl replied in a bewildered manner: "I, I...I want to... But, but , I have to tell my mother and sister that they also need to agree to... Um..."

Dodo Mamu's words stopped in shock, and the cold temperature of Alcatel's lips came on his forehead, making the red-haired girl's thinking completely plunged into chaos. The red-haired girl seemed to be bleeding cheeks. At this time, there was even a hot temperature, which made Alcatel who was close to her feel a touch of warmth.

After a long time, when Alcatel’s lips left Dodo Ma’s forehead, the red-haired girl covered her forehead with her hands, stepped back, and said incoherently: “Yes, in the, no such... ...This, this is a husband, husband, husband, husband, and wife..."

Facing the incoherent Dodo Mam, Alcatel smiled: "There is no problem with husband and wife; I will be approved by your mother and me!"


Dodo Mamu nodded weakly like a mosquito.


The Sealed Land, Bluestone Hall.

Feeling the extraordinary power, the star-eyed boss of the strange wolf, who was always sleepy and loose-eyed, became shocked and unbelievable at this moment.

"Hong, Hong Su..."

Such a name rang in its mouth, but he quickly shook his head.It whispered to himself: "No. It's not Hong Su. The strength is very similar, but it needs to be sharper, like a blade...what, what's going on!"

Just when the strange wolf whispered to himself, it suddenly felt through the power of the contract that many parts of its contractor were shocked by the power. At this moment, the boss with the strange wolf's mouth opened, as if seeing it. What makes it unacceptable is normal.

The strange wolf muttered incomprehensibly: "The coexistence of the sun and the moon... how is this possible, how could the crystal wall allow such an existence... not right, impossible. I must have made something wrong!"

While muttering, the strange wolf quickly perceives the strength in his contracted person; this time, the perception is not as random as before, but very thorough, from the inside out, even deep into Ye Qi at this moment. The touched place is perceiving.

And when the perception was over, the strange wolf was completely sluggish.

"It's not just that the sun and the moon coexist...Moreover, thunder, storms and tides are accompanied by sharpness and blood dance...not the stimulation of blood. It is not the use of...but the existence...what is going on with this guy? Is it because I taught him things he shouldn't touch in advance?"

Guai Wolf asked such a self; it shouldn't, it immediately denied such questioning—such a thing.It is not the first time it has been done. Before it went, there were also a few humans who had gained such favor; and these people, except for one or two who were unlucky halfway through, entered smoothly and profitably. At that level, he became its ally; none of them would happen like Ye Qi.

Suddenly, the strange wolf muttered from low to high: "Blood, blood, blood! That's right, it's blood! It must be because of this guy's blood...what kind of blood is this?"

In the bluestone hall, only the whispers of the strange wolf were left.


And the same old wizard who uttered unknown whispers.

"Everything starts suddenly like this!" The old wizard whispered to himself, and then smiled and said to the uncertain wizards behind him: "Let's go back to the wizard's castle. I need to arrange some things in advance! "

"Yes, my lord!"

A group of wizards immediately obeyed.


Standing in the safe zone behind the lakeshore, Ye Qi, who was looking down at the system comment, did not see the spectacle above his head. At the moment, his attention was focused on the latest special expertise——

[Promotion of Specialty: Extract Darkness-Aria of the Lesser Moon]

[Aria of the second moon: under the moonlight, wherever you are, it is the main field; effect: under the moonlight or in a negative energy environment, the recovery speed of physical strength and energy is increased by 50%; strength, agility, physique, and perception gain 10% Bonus; gain characteristics: moonlight.

[Moonlight: absorb negative energy and turn it into the light of the moon to slash the opponent; front: The attacked person needs to be under the moonlight or in a negative energy environment. When Moonlight faces the target, he needs to be in sight and perceptually visible. ; The same target cannot become a repeat target within 30 seconds; the light of the moon ignores armor, force field shields, etc.; it causes 200% damage to the existence of positive energy.

Looking at the characteristics of [Secondary Moon’s Aria. Moonlight] completely different from [Secondary Sun’s Praise. Sun Yan], Ye Qi made a simple comparison-obviously, the basic attributes of the two major options are basically the same. , But in terms of characteristics, compared to the former, the latter is more silent, and even has some assassination implications.

In the moonlight, blood suddenly splashed. In such a scene, except for the assassin, Ye Qi did not think of anything else; and obviously, under the [Aria of the Second Moon. Moonlight], this assassin will come more The shadow disappears without a trace-Ye Qi couldn't help narrowing his eyes when facing a blow from the legendary assassin. He now expects that the Holy See army will suddenly appear in front of him, the Holy See army bathed in moonlight!

However, it is obvious that it is impossible to be bathed in moonlight at this noon, and the enemy he is facing at this moment is definitely not the army of the Holy See, but one of the strongest seven in the world, the Xiaoyue Wolf King; Ye Qi It was clear that after three seconds, the fire of the sun was extinguished one after another. After lacking the necessary obstruction, the Howling Wolf King had walked onto the lake bank without any hindrance.

Of course, some scorching blackness is inevitable on this Xiaoyue Wolf King's body; but, other than that, there is nothing, even the bone-seeing wound created by Ye Qi before. At this time, he was completely healed, covered by a thick and long hair.

Under the sun, Xiaoyue Wolf King slowly walked towards Ye Qi, the muscles all over his body, like squirming steel, were full of explosive and defensive power that made people unable to underestimate; Ye Qi believed it very much. Ordinary swords, if they slashed at the opponent's body, it would definitely not be the Howling Wolf King who was injured, but the people holding the sword or the sword itself.

At a distance of more than 30 yards, the Howling Moon Wolf King stopped and looked up and down Ye Qi, as if it was the first time the two sides had seen each other, and such a look lasted for more than a dozen. Seconds later, the Howling Moon Wolf King stretched out his paw, pointed at Ye Qi, and said again: "Now, you have also become an enemy I must take seriously!"

Ye Qi put his right hand on the sword of Yan Mo, and smiled: "It's a great honor!"

The next moment, both sides disappeared in place at the same time.

ps first update~timing~ (to be continued...)