Ye Qi’s appearance was abrupt, even judging from the two assassins of the coffin of the underworld, they did not expect Ye Qi to have such an attack—in fact, their attention was more It was placed on the legendary powerhouse of Saint De Ge.

After all, if there are many people, and the other is lonely, anyone will have a clear choice.

When the light of the sword suddenly appeared, Ye Qi's figure suddenly appeared in the field, as if he was using a mirror to cover his figure, but at this moment, the mirror suddenly shattered--[Dark Crow Swordsmanship] With the support of the legendary [cold weapon], it was brought to the extreme.

It does not exceed the extremes of [Dark Crow Swordsmanship], but it incorporates Ye Qi's style-if you do not move, it will kill you!

The two killers of the coffin of the underworld locked by Ye Qi's blade changed their expressions slightly, and the two daggers in their hands broke out and pierced Ye Qi, and their whole body was even more embarrassing. The determination to forget death, his body was like two arrows from the string, rushing towards Ye Qi regardless.

For the killer, completing the mission is survival; and the mission failed, most of the time it is death-although, compared with the death of the assassin, their probability of survival is much higher, but don’t just because of this. Doubting their determination to complete the task, especially when faced with a situation where there is no retreat, they do not lack the heart to die.

Of course, their opponents will also die with them-in fact, this is the belief that the killers can die together, and it is also the belief of the original assassins: unsuccessful, benevolent!


The blade passed over the bodies of the two killers and divided into four.Blood is flying.The internal organs were scattered; and their four daggers were between the twisting of Ye Qi's body.After wiping Ye Qi's body, the same bloodshot was scattered on the ground; however, such a small injury did not care about Ye Qi, who had a legendary level [Physique], even if there was poison on it.

Whether it is the legendary basic [Physique] or [Dragon Physique (Elder Dragon)]'s resistance to toxins, Ye Qi has long since stopped fearing such toxins.

but.At this moment, what caused Ye Qi’s headache was not toxins, but the two legendary killers of the transcendent realm who had been slashed. They did not die immediately, even if the internal organs were scattered all over the place, but the strength of the transcendent realm was the support. They continued to act, so that they hugged Ye Qi firmly.

Such a dying attack will certainly not last, but sometimes, a momentary delay is also unbearable-Ye Qi shook his shoulders.From the embrace of two dying legendary killers, and this time.The assassin leader had already rushed in front of him, and not only daggers but also sleeve arrows were stabbed in the hands raised by the opponent.

Puff, puff!

The two sleeve arrows that were shot out were nailed to Ye Qi's chest accurately. In the unavoidable situation, Ye Qi twisted his body as much as possible, avoiding the heart and other vital points. However, that The icy cold that pierced into the body, and the burning and tingling sensation afterwards, still made him involuntarily snorted.

The two sleeve arrows are only about the length of an adult's middle finger, but at this moment, except for the tail, they have all submerged into Ye Qi's chest, and can penetrate the legendary level [Physique], [Dragon Physique (Elder Dragon)] and [Dragon Scales] A (Ancient Dragon)] defense, this penetrating power is enough to show the particularity of the two Hidden Arrows.

However, in the face of the two daggers that followed, Ye Qi could not investigate carefully-and for Ye Qi at this moment, it was not all bad news; at least, with the death of the two legendary killers , The power gathered on the assassin leader's body is dissipating, allowing the opponent to return to the original strength category again, giving him more confidence.

After taking a deep breath, and slowly spit it out, his right hand pulled out the Yan Mo knife on his waist again.

The figure that came quickly and has reached Ye Qi, in the [Dragon Breath] linear plundering time, involuntarily took a meal-as I said before, sometimes, a momentary delay is also very frustrating. Unbearable; in the sound of the scabbard of Yan Modao, this killer who does not have legendary levels [Physique], [Dragon Physique (Elder Dragon)] and [Dragon Scale Armor (Elder Dragon)] The leader, facing the sharp edge of the Sun Yao-class sacred artifact, was split into two straight from the center of his body.


After Yan Modao returned to the sheath again, before the assassin leader's body had not fallen to the ground, a chill suddenly appeared on the streets of the town on the other bank in midsummer.

Click, click, click...

The blue translucent ice crystals spread in all directions with Ye Qi as the center, causing the legendary powerhouses in the transcendent realm that Springshui City and Saint Dege rushed up to suffocate, watching the spread carefully. The ice crystals that came—in fact, after watching Ye Qi once again beheaded the strongest trio of the Coffin of the Underworld so quickly, they were somewhat frightened at the moment.

And this is exactly what Ye Qi needs. Whether it is to quickly recover physical strength, accumulate the strength of the next full blow, or slightly'bandage and treat', all require the other side's caution.

[Sajman’s Ice Blade Domain] The extremely large area covered the area of ​​220 feet square was filled with blade-like ice crystals, and more cold air gushed out, causing that The legendary powerhouses of Quanshui City and Saint De Ge's Transcendent Realm had to face them intently.

Perhaps, such an attack will not cause real damage to them, but as long as it is contained, it will undoubtedly create an excellent opportunity for their opponent, the Shak’s dragon; it does not need too much, it only takes a moment. Enough for them to die-if the legendary powerhouse in Springs City was an accident for the first time, then the trio of Assassins in the Coffin of the Underworld is an iron fact. They are all proving the dragon of Shak How powerful, sharp, and unstoppable his attack is, even if it is the same legendary powerhouse, it is still killed by a single blow.

"Everyone, be careful!"

A legendary powerhouse of the Transcendent Realm in Spring City whispered, meanwhile.Flames emerged from his hand.Expelling the surrounding ice blade and freezing air; and the legendary ascetic monk of Saint De Ge.At this time, I also stood beside the Quanshui City quartet. For this kind of gathering, the Quanshui City quartet did not have any surprises or contempt. If at this time, the other party is still insisting on his pride, then he must die. It's the other party, and then it's them.

Judging from the shot of the Shak dragon, the opponent obviously won't let them go-and once they are separated.They don't have any confidence in facing each other at all, so it is necessary to be united at this time.

The red flames and blue ice crystals kept colliding.

Chi, Chi, Chi...

This sound of intertwined ice and fire seemed to be the only sound in the town on the other side at this moment.

Because, after seeing the battle between Ye Qi and the coffin of the underworld, the residents of the town of Beyond, including those fanatics to Saint Dege, fell into silence.

They were frightened by Ye Qi's fighting style—the kind that seemed to pass by death every time, and every time it was like a dance between blades.The residents of these towns on the other side involuntarily felt that their backs were cold and numb; some elderly residents of the towns on the other side had obviously thought of something.His face was blue and white.

"The Way of the Assassin?!"

With such a suspicious words, the expressions of the elderly residents of the town on the other side became more complex, and some even shivered.

"No, no, at the time that woman brought up a red light, he had nothing!"

A person who was unable to withstand the psychological barrier, roared in a low voice, that kind of continuous repetition, and constant words, obviously with a meaning of about to collapse; the people around immediately surrounded him, the one who served as the mayor. The old Terry ran over and shouted loudly: "Everyone stepped back temporarily and returned to the underground hall of emergency evacuation!"

Following the words of Old Terry, the entire crowd of onlookers became chaotic. If they did not understand and were still wondering before, the words of Old Terry entering the "underground hall of emergency refuge" at this moment have already explained. After all, there is the last line of defense in the town on the other side, and the most helpless defense.

Can only evade, not resist-because resisting will bring greater disaster!

Obviously, there are no fewer people who have heard the rumor, especially after Old Terry made the final decision. Several young people, including the captain of the guard who just woke up from a coma, became amazed. stand up.

"That scarlet demon?"

The young captain of the guard muttered to himself in a low voice, with deep doubts in his tone; and no one around him could answer, they just lifted him and moved forward to the other side of the town—there was, The entrance to the underground hall of emergency evacuation.

The onlookers in the town of Beyond, tremblingly entered the underground hall of emergency evacuation in the story born in the memories of the older generation, but not all of them left.

The Howling Moon Wolf King, the scruffy swordsman, and a few bold young men did not move their steps; and the young captain of the guard was supposed to be one of them, but he was directly affected by the old Terry The order was carried away; the seriously injured captain of the guard had no resistance at all, and could not even make a loud retort.

However, the people who stayed seem to have some other purpose besides courage.

The scruffy swordsman looked at those young people who were flushed and seemed to have a hint of crazy color. She sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart: "The way of assassins? The way of killing is really the correct name-but choose this one. People on the road..."

"The Scarlet Devil? Isn't it already dead in the hands of the Master Sword Saint?"

The scruffy swordsman obviously knew something that ordinary people didn't know, and she was thinking attentively.

And the Xiaoyue Wolf King who stood on the side scanned the field-its gaze crossed the layers of ice crystals, trying to find Ye Qi's figure; even the nose and ears were constantly changing. Twitching; apparently, this wolf king is using the unique abilities of their clan: smell and hearing.

As a werewolf, his sense of smell and hearing far exceeds that of normal humans. Even some mysterious human experts are far behind them; and the existence of such a level as the Wolf King, his sense of smell and hearing .Has reached a terrifying point.It can be said.Even in Hailin District, such a complicated place, as long as you let it know your smell, then it can find you if you hide in a tree hole.

And even a few kilometers away, a footstep can't escape its ears.

However, this is the sense of smell and hearing.At this moment, the Xiaoyue Wolf King could not lock Ye Qi's position; in other words, he could not find it at all!

"how can that be?!"

Xiaoyue Wolf King frowned, completely unable to accept this fact; after all, Ye Qi had already received considerable trauma before, and the bloody smell could not be concealed from it, even if it was an ordinary person with a slightly sharper sense of smell. Humans can smell it, not to mention it, the king of werewolves, a wolf king with a sense of smell that surpasses humans dozens of times?

but.Just can't find it.

Even after it uses some special techniques.Also nothing.

And just as Xiaoyue Wolf King frowned, the legendary powerhouses of Spring Water City and Saint De Ge's Transcendent Realm agreed to frown as well--

Where is the Dragon of Shak?

They were also thinking about this issue, just like Xiaoyue Wolf King, they were looking for Ye Qi's whereabouts even earlier; however, looking at them frowning, they obviously didn't find it.

"The cold is fading!"

The legendary strong man in Spring City, who controls the flames, reminds his surrounding companions-in his experience, this time is definitely the most vulnerable time; when the fierce attack is slightly reduced, it must be another kind of more The beginning of the fatal attack, not to mention, this kind of attack is not violent at this moment, at most it is just a little troublesome.

However, such a harassing attack, in his view, is undoubtedly a prelude to another attack.

Especially after seeing Ye Qi's two shots, the legendary powerhouse in Spring City has already determined that Ye Qi is the kind of legendary powerhouse who is good at surprise attacks.

In fact, not only the legendary strongman of Springs City thinks like this, the remaining three legendary strongholds of Springs City and the legendary strongman of Brother Shengde also think so-and the previous information about Ye Qi's intelligence, some descriptions above?They had already ignored it.

No matter when and where, these powerhouses on the bridge over the other shore undoubtedly believed more in what they saw than the descriptions on paper.

[Sajiman’s Ice Blade Domain] The time has come. The ice blades and cold air began to dissipate, and the heat in the air of the town on the other side returned once again; however, the violent attack they imagined did not occur, and even, Lian Ye Qi's figure was not found-such a weird situation made the remaining five legendary powerhouses of the bridge to the other side frowned; they would not forget the sudden appearance of Ye Qi before.

"Three, stand back to back!"

The legendary powerhouse of Saint Dege gave a low voice and acted first; and the four legendary powerhouses of Springs Water City did not hesitate to cooperate with the action—including the Saint Dege’s. The legendary powerhouse stood back to back with the two legendary powerhouses wearing spring water, and the legendary powerhouse in Spring City, who controlled the flames, stood back to back with another legendary powerhouse in the same organization.

In an instant, the team of five people split into groups of three and two.


Xiaoyue Wolf King still did not find Ye Qi's whereabouts, but this does not prevent it from expressing its disdain for the legendary powerhouses in front of the Bridge on the other side-in its view, the opponent has not corrected its own battle from the beginning Mentality; the initial kind of lined up to stop drinking, seemingly majestic, in essence?Similar to fighting with children.

After that, a companion has died, but he still doesn’t know whether to focus on the strongest superior power, or to stick to the rules according to the composition of the respective organization. Of course, the legendary strong man of Saint De Ge, who acts alone, is obviously It's a bait!

However, they didn't seem to notice that when they released the bait, their attention was already distracted by the bait, so that the strongest side was hit by Ye Qi-even, the Wolf King Xiaoyue was sure that the dead was in a group of people. The combination of the coffin of the underworld in the most powerful, did not expect that he would be blocked.

Just like at this moment, the five people gathered together are divided into two groups again, seemingly defensive, but in fact they are divided into strength!

Xiaoyue Wolf King, who had fought Ye Qi before, knew Ye Qi's strength very well.

Especially that kind of powerful resilience makes it still fresh in its memory-with the time that was delayed just now, it can be sure that Ye Qi must have completely recovered.

And in the face of Ye Qi who has fully recovered, what else can these legendary powerhouses on the Bridge to Beyond have to look forward to?

"What a bunch of idiots!"

Facing these hesitant and no fighting mentality, the legendary powerhouse of Bridge to the other side, Xiaoyue Wolf King cursed again in a low voice.

ps first more~~~timing~~~~

Continue to add expertise-

[Secondary Sun’s Praise: Under the sun, wherever you are, it is the main field; effect: under the sun or in a positive energy environment, the recovery speed of physical strength and energy is accelerated by 50%; strength, agility, physique, and perception gain 10% Bonus; gain characteristics: Sunfire.

Sun Yan: absorb positive energy and turn into the fire of the sun to burn opponents for 3 seconds; front: you need to be under the sun or in a positive energy environment, you must make an attack on the burning target, and in the second attack, stimulate the sun Inflammation; if the sun is deep in the sun or in a positive energy environment for more than 1.5 hours and there is a dense positive energy that can be absorbed around it, it can directly stimulate sun inflammation; the fire of the sun ignores water, cold, hard ice and other environments; negative energy exists, Inflict 200% damage.

(The fire of the sun, the basic flame characteristics are, the realm of legend) to be continued..

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