Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Chapter 159 Cooperation

Deep in the darkness, in a room in Noda City, Ye Qi looked at the dark girl who was attached to his believer, and shrugged noncommittal about the other party's evaluation-the wizard emperor said to the spider queen, It is also a mortal enemy; although, the two sides did not really fight head-on.

However, the attitude of the wizard emperors towards the gods has already explained everything.

What's more, the spider queen at this moment, under the control of that'destiny', has already become Ye Qi's mortal enemy-even if the other party does not know it.

Therefore, if it is only about hatred, Ye Qi and the dark girl are equal in the hearts of the spider queen.

The former is the identity of the wizard emperor.

The latter is a kind of existence similar to natural enemies.

"Of course, your boldness is definitely not just to appear here... I didn't expect that the Wizard Emperor would unite with...!"

The dark girl expressed her surprise with the body of her believer.

"It's just a common enemy!"

Ye Qi explained casually.

"No, no... you know, I'm not talking about that!"

The dark girl shook her head, indicating that she knew far more than Ye Qi imagined.

"What do you think you should know?"

Ye Qi looked at each other, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, Ye Qi began to re-examine the goddess who was chased by the spider queen and fled in embarrassment.Similarly, he began to think about his attitude towards the other party.

After all, some things cannot be known by anyone.

"You are thinking how to... kill me?"

The gloomy girl showed her'straightforward' side.


Ye Qi nodded very directly.

As for the inner condemnation?

Facing the gods, Ye Qi thought he didn't need to have such a condemnation, as if the other party suddenly appeared in front of him at this moment.Of course, Ye Qi would not believe it, and the other party appeared without any preparation.

Now, at least there are believers of the dark girl who cannot be controlled by the spider queen at the same time, who have been'dedicated'.

Only under such circumstances can the other party dare to appear.

Undoubtedly, killing such a'god' seems to require no inner condemnation.

As for Amon's help?

Of course. There will be some, but Ye Qi is even more sure. The help of his contract partner is absolutely limited, at most it is just a reminder.

The rest needs this dark girl to complete.

After all, Amon's attention is now focused on the Destiny behind the Spider Queen.

Even Ye Qi only guessed--the reason why his contracted companion would help the dark girl is also the queen of spiders who needs to be closely observed.

It's like, at this time, the dark girl is tempting him.

That's right, it's temptation!

Ye Qi felt the volatility that began to accelerate after he nodded, and he began to affirm that the other party didn't know something; or that... he should know something, but it was all speculation.

At least. Both before and now.

After all, even if Ye Qi showed killing intent, the other party only confirmed some of his own guesses about the relationship between Ye Qi and Amon.

As for the real secret?

If the other party really knows, Ye Qi believes that he will contract the character of his companion, and he will definitely not let the other party be so safe.

However, Ye Qi did not curb his killing intent-he hated the attitude of the other party being high, as if everything was under control, and... that kind of contempt.

God's contempt for man.

Ye Qi thinks he needs to correct this sense of contempt.

At least, if they are to cooperate, he needs an equal face-to-face, not such a gift-like attitude.

A cold feeling wrapped the dark girl in front of her.

Although it was only possessed, the sense of coldness invaded her divine fire, causing her to shiver subconsciously - dangerous, unprecedented danger.

Even when facing the spider queen, the dark girl did not feel such a sense of crisis.

However, when facing the dragonborn emperor, he appeared.

In fact, the dark girl is very clear about the things on the ground, whether it is the wizard dynasty or the wizard emperor, this god has carefully observed it.

Therefore, she has such an attitude.

After all, in her opinion, an immortal who has just become a wizard emperor, even if it is strong, cannot be as powerful as it is-although the application skills of the power of faith can be learned, the accumulation of the power of faith is a rather slow process. .

Without hundreds of years of accumulation, it is simply a joke.

If Abigail or the Glutton Emperor appeared in front of her, she would take it seriously, not the kind of joking tone.

Because the other party has the courage that she must treat like this.

As for the newly promoted Dragonborn Emperor?

Obviously, this goddess thought it was unnecessary.

However, now, the dark girl found that she had done something wrong-because in Ye Qi's body, she found something that she must be afraid of.

The feeling like a long knife against his throat is really uncomfortable.

Especially looking at each other's eyes.[,!God, the dark girl unexpectedly began to escape unconsciously.

Although, the next moment, this goddess turned her head stubbornly and forced herself to stop avoiding, but the body that had already taken a step back had already explained everything.

"I think you need to explain your intentions!"

Ye Qi looked at the opponent's tough expression, but his backing body couldn't help but chuckled--no doubt, this is the concrete manifestation of toughness on the mouth but honesty in the body.

Moreover, it's not just this dark girl.

It seems that the drow people who believe in this dark girl also behave like this.

Whether it is the dark elf girl or the drow priest, they are exactly the same.

"Sure enough, is there a reason for belief?"

In the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi thought this way.

But the whole person is sitting in a chair, quietly waiting for the other party's answer.

And the killing intent had already been reduced - if it continued, the goddess would naturally be fine, but the possessed drow priest would definitely collapse.

Although Ye Qi didn't like the gods that the other party believed in, Ye Qi still had good intentions about the other party himself.

After all, the other party made his exploration mission a step forward.

"The Dragonborn Emperor..."

The dark girl did not answer for the first time, but whispered in such a low voice. After a while, she raised her head. She said in a very formal tone: "It's an honor to see you, Your Majesty Dragonborn! "

"It's also my honor to meet you, dancing lady!"

Ye Qi answered, as if facing the wizards in the highest tower.

However, this time, the dark girl did not have the slightest dissatisfaction - whether the strength is strong or not is naturally related to the treatment received; and obviously, the dark girl has a deeper association.

The disappearance of the'sun, moon, and war gods' is no secret to their gods.

Even, at the first time, I knew it.

Therefore, when she encountered the'sun' before, the dark girl was very surprised.

And when the other party suggested that they could come to Ye Qi for help, the gloomy girl immediately developed a sense of conspiracy - of course, it was not a conspiracy against her.

It was a conspiracy against the entire Lorient, including the two worlds on the ground and the underground.

After all, the'sun', which has long been missing, appears again, and is also entangled with a wizard emperor. Anyone, any existence, will feel that it is a conspiracy.

However, in any conspiracy, there are also masterminds and vassals.

Naturally, at the previous moment, the Dark Girl still regarded'Sun' as the mastermind, while Ye Qi was directly classified as a'vassal'.

This is the most direct division of strength.

However, in the same way, after feeling Ye Qi's strength, the Dark Girl noticed her own mistake.

And it's the wrong, very outrageous kind.

After all, according to her previous perception, the dragonborn emperor in front of her is at least the same level as the spider queen, and as we all know, in the underground world, the spider queen is another'sun'.

The strength of the two sides is not much different.

Even if it is a conspiracy, it is a collaborator, and it is impossible to have a so-called vassal.

no no……

Have vassals.

For example: her!

The dark girl thought a little sadly; however, when facing Ye Qi's gaze, the dark girl quickly converged her chaotic heart and began to slowly say: "Your Majesty'Sun' said, I can get help from you! "

"Get rid of the pursuit of the spider queen?"

Ye Qi asked.


The dark girl nodded.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Ye Qi continued to ask.

For Ye Qi, a person who has been chased for a long time will have a self-solving solution, let alone a god; even if the other person appears in front of him and seeks help, it is only for his own The plan has become more secure; therefore, Ye Qi will never overstep.

"In order to recover to the heyday as soon as possible, I will fall asleep in Tan Ruier's body, but during this time, I need absolute safety!"

The dark girl said.

"So, I need to act as a bodyguard?"

Ye Qi asked rhetorically.


Thinking of Ye Qi's strength before, the dark girl nodded with difficulty - she was very worried that such things would offend Ye Qi.

However, to the dark girl's expectation, Ye Qi didn't mean to be angry at all. After a little thought, Ye Qi asked directly: "So, what's your reward?"


As if surprised by Ye Qi's refreshment, the dark girl was taken aback.

"Do you want free service?"

Ye Qi's tone sank deliberately.

"No, no, of course not, but what do you need?"

The dark girl's tone became nervous, she seemed extremely worried about Ye Qi's excessive demands.

The other party's performance at this moment is no different from the previous dark elf girl.

Ye Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes[,!]

"I need knowledge, knowledge about the underground world-the more the better, the more detailed the better!"

Ye Qi made his request.

"No problem...but, I need Tan Rui'er to tell you that in order to avoid the spider queen, my power has been dispersed by tens of thousands in an instant, and now there is nothing..."

The dark girl answered very happily, and then she became stammered.


Ye Qi answered like this.

Regardless of whether the opponent is really lacking power, or to increase his protection time for the opponent.

Ye Qi wouldn't care.

After all, before the rest of the wizard emperor returned from the'cloud', he still had a lot of time, enough for the drow priest in front of him to tell everything that he would know.


The team composed of underground lizards set off again.

Ye Qi and his party bid farewell to the enthusiastic Dwarf City Lord, and then set off for the next city in the original plan, Chico City.

The reason was that the original plan was not changed.

It is because there is an entrance connecting the surface world, and after receiving the promise of the dark girl, Ye Qi obviously does not need to continue walking through the underground world.

On the ground, in the sun, listening to the other party's narration undoubtedly made Ye Qi more comfortable.

"My lord, today we are going to talk about the second history of the underground world..."

Tan Rui'er, the priest of the dark girl, said to Ye Qi with an extremely respectful attitude.

It was as if he saw the gods he believed in.In fact, Ye Qi guessed that the other party's such respectful attitude must come from the instruction of the dark girl.

However, Ye Qi didn't stop it.

You can accomplish your goal, and the narrator is respectful, reaching a complete level.

Facing such treatment, what is Ye Qi's rejection?

He is not a so-called ascetic monk.

"Will the spider queen fight against other underground gods?"

Ye Qi asked.

"Yes, my lord!"

Tan Rui'er replied respectfully.

"Then, let's start!"

Ye Qi ordered like this.

"Okay, sir, the god who was the first to deal with the spider queen..."

Tan Rui'er slowly began to tell.

While walking next to the underground lizard, looking at Ye Qi sitting on the back of the underground lizard, and Tan Rui'er sitting opposite Ye Qi, the dark elf girl couldn't help but snorted softly.

"Damn guy, hypocritical surfacer, profiteer who is all evil!"

A series of evaluations expressed the anger of the dark elf girl at this moment.

Of course, what makes the dark elf girl even more puzzled is Tan Rui'er's attitude towards Ye Qi.Although she showed enough respect at the beginning, she saw that the respect was out of respect and the current thoroughness. It's different from the inside.

Especially, Tan Rui'er had promised her to stay in Noda City at the time, but now she wants to go on the road with Ye Qi.

There are too many strange places in it.

"I must keep an eye on that guy, otherwise, sister Tan Ruier will suffer!"

After finding a fair reason for herself, the dark elf girl looked at Ye Qi and Tan Rui'er without blinking.

ps want to eat braised

Thanks for the reward of Misty Mufeng 588 starting currency, the prodigal son of the world, the reward of turtle0920200 starting currency, and the reward of my lost heart 100 starting currency~~~Decadence bow again and thank you brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~