"This is my biggest concession!"

The dark girl emphasized.


Ye Qi smiled that he wasn't really seeking any benefits, just needed a reason; and this reason was obviously, even Abigail would not object.

Even, they will greatly appreciate it, thinking that this is another victory for the gods.

After all, for the first time a god became a subordinate god of a'human'.; "Net" novel chapter update fastest

Looking at Ye Qi who was smiling, the dark girl breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, in order to survive, she doesn't mind giving more'benefits' even if she is not reconciled, but as long as it is for survival, she will never give up.

Fortunately, Ye Qi was even more'abiding' than she thought.

If it were to change to other gods, she would definitely put forward a lot of conditions that made her unacceptable, and even became angry.

"Do you really just need a reason?"

The dark girl looked at Ye Qi in surprise, with a strong curiosity on her face.

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

Ye Qi asked back like this, looking at the dark girl with a lot of playful eyes, making the latter startled, then he turned his head and didn't look at Ye Qi again, just whispering something; but , The voice was so low that even Ye Qi couldn't make it clear.

"Okay, I think we need to complete the previous agreement?"

Ye Qi is not interested in inquiring about the other party's words, but for the same, some things, Ye Qi can't give up.

For example: those knowledge about the underground world.

His three tasks still need this knowledge to complete.

"What agreement?"

The dark girl was shocked.Asked subconsciously.

then.Immediately he looked suspiciously at Ye Qi's eyes that seemed to be a thief-proof look.Ling Ye Qi rolled his eyes and said, "You don't really want Tan Rui'er to tell me word by word?"

"Huh!! It's that, I thought..."

The dark girl said, lowered her head again.

However, at least the black face could not see anything.

"So can we start?"

Ye Qi spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. For this kind of persecuted god, he thought it was better to complete the previous agreement as soon as possible.

And just when Ye Qi’s words fell, a huge amount of knowledge and memory about the underground world appeared in his mind

['Dark' area.The exploration level reaches 30%, S+ level task: Explore the unknown 3 completed; gain experience: 10000000.]

['Dark' area, the exploration level reaches 40%, S+ level task: Explore the unknown 2 completed; gain experience: 10000000.]

['Dark' area, the exploration level reaches 50%, S+ level mission: Explore the unknown 1 completed; gain experience: 10000000.]

Three S+ level missions were completed, 30 million experience points, and immediately, Ye Qi reached [Level 26: 4052750/25000000] experience bar was filled, and also wealthy to go out 9 million experience.

but.Looking at the 30 million experience required for levels 27 to 28, Ye Qi suffered from a toothache, although he still had a migration mission.But wanting such a simple completion is not Kěnéng.

What's more, level 28 is not the culmination. After level 29, and even 30, you need that huge experience, Ye Qi feels that his temples are swollen as long as he thinks about it.

[Congratulations, the character level has been raised to 27, and the immortal class has been raised to 3; your injuries and energy have been fully restored; you have gained attribute point 1, and you have gained specialty point 1; you have gained 18 skill proficiency points, you can Assign them arbitrarily...]

[Immortal class upgrade to three: get a blood fusion]

[Yes/No, start choosing blood fusion?


Naturally, there was no hesitation, Ye Qi nodded.

[Bloodline Fusion: You who discovered the differences in your bloodlines have started an in-depth exploration. For this, you have gained a lot; effect: all attributes +1; time dragon bloodline source +1.

[Selection of the source of time dragon bloodline]

A. Complete Dragon Wing

B. Complete dragon scale

C. Complete dragon body

D. Complete Dragon Power

It was not the first time choosing blood fusion. Ye Qi was not surprised. He had already made a choice once. He looked at the options in front of him except that the selected [Dragon Breath] was replaced by [Dragon Wing], and nothing changed.

As for the choice?

Looking at Ye Qi’s highest attribute [Physique], it’s natural what Zhidào should choose

"I choose C!"

[Get a complete dragon body]

[Dragon physique (prime ancient dragon) promoted to dragon physique (complete ancient dragon)]

[Dragon Physique (Complete Primordial Dragon): Completely reach the bloodline of the Primordial Dragon Race, so that your physique will reach a level that ordinary people can't imagine. In the face of the power of energy shaping and mental spells, you will be fearless; effect: Constitution +8; various elemental damage reductions are 95%, 50% of the damage is reflected to the opponent, fear, chaos, and stun saves are increased by 300%.

Crunch, crunch...

He strengthened his physique by 4 points again, and changed several times, causing Ye Qi's body to start a special noise, like the rapid growth of trees, and like the compressed noise of a diamond cup, his body expanded slightly. , And then quickly changed back to its original shape; at the same time, a strong breath began to float around.

It is not its own prestige.

Just a breath, a breath that is about to change completely.


Looking at the display of [Physique: 59], Ye Qi murmured.

Then, subconsciously assigned a little attribute point to [Physique].

Suddenly, his physique reached 60.


As his physique reached 60, Ye Qi felt the whole body as if exploding in the next moment, and severe pain began to spread throughout his body.

"what happened to you?"

The gloomy girl watched Ye Qi's sudden change.Asked subconsciously; however.next moment.When she felt the tumbling breath, she was stunned: "The body of the law? Are you condensing the body of the law? No way! Stop it, the body of the law is not so cohesive. In addition to faith, it needs extreme A strong body is good, otherwise, it will explode!"

"A stronger body?"

Ye Qi was startled, then.Immediately assigned a little attribute point to the physique again.

Immediately, the pain began to decrease.

However, the sense of explosion is brewing again, and obviously, this is not the end.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Qi naturally had no choice.

He doesn't want to be'self-destructed', he needs a stronger body.

One point, one point attribute point, began to be assigned to [Physique].

The first attribute point on the face in order to suppress the'self-destruction', after five full points.The explosive feeling disappeared, though.The pain is still there.

However, it faded slowly.

And when everything disappeared, the system message appeared again

Physique (immortality) to promote physique (law)

[The immortal body has been discovered: the body of the sun]

[Follow the law and start to promote the body of the corona (law)]

[Corona (rule) body: your body represents the sun; effect: in the normal, or produced sunlight, positive energy environment, the recovery of physical strength and energy is accelerated by 500%; strength, agility, physique, and perception gain 30% bonus ; Acquired unique characteristics: Nirvana, universal illumination, sanctions.

[Nirvana: When facing inevitable death, the sun will turn into a golden bird and be reborn from the fire; effect: When facing real death, you can repair in the sun, positive energy, and flame until you are reborn (think To speed up the rebirth of Sùdù, it is best to prepare a sycamore wood for yourself); cooling: 10/year.]

[PuZhao: You can freely create sunshine, shine anywhere as you like]

(Note: Strength and area need the power of faith as support, if there is no power of faith, physical strength is needed to replace)

[Sanction: In any sun, or the range of sunlight created by you, all enemies will be continuously burned by the sun's polar flame as you like; if it is within the general illumination range, the effect of the sanction will increase by 50%]

(Note: When sanctions, you need to pay the power of faith, and the consumption doubles when it is within the scope of the general illumination)

A strong burning sensation appeared around Ye Qi.

The sun in the sky suddenly brightened.

Although it's only a slight change, it's so obvious

After all, if the previous sun was dead, then the current sun is alive!

Ye Qi quickly converged his breath.

However, the dark girl who was close at hand couldn't hide it.

"You, you actually condensed the body of the law with your own body... And, moreover, it is the sun! The sun, the sun, that is the sun... Why is this Kěnéng?!"

The dark girl's words became stammered, and her eyes widened.

"Everything has Kěnéng, but I believe that as my obedience, you will keep it secret for me, right?"

Ye Qi smiled and looked at the dark girl in front of him.

"Yes, Shìde!"

The dark girl's answer was still stuttering.

"Then, I want to be alone in quiet, okay?"

Although Ye Qi was asking, his tone was full of affirmation.


The Gloom Girl didn't retort at all, just walked out of the room like this, obviously, until now, she still hasn't recovered.

After all, even natural gods rarely use their own bodies to condense the laws of their bodies. Except for those powerful beings, the rest are all started to condense with the power of faith as seeds.

Even the spider queen is no exception.

However, the human being in front of him is doing things that are no different from those powerful beings.

This, this... is too unbelievable!

Almost staggering, the dark girl left the room.

PS I want to eat steamed dumplings...TT

Thank you for your prodigal son, turtle0920200 for your reward, and your lost heart with your 100 for your lost heart~~~ Decadent bow again, thank you brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ (to be continued...)