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Celebration 12 (1607) November 1 -

One man sat quietly to bring to the wall of a certain mansion room.

There is no such thing as an unnatural 'thing' in that room.

So much so that I suspected that I was really living here as a human being, that everything I didn't need was eliminated.

And the man, the Lord of that room, has nothing as wasteful as that room.

Tight face, tight body......

The colour of the skin is also clear and white. It looks that way if you say boy, and it doesn't look that way if you say magnificent. More to the point, the distinction is suspicious at first glance even if it is a man or a woman.

It is ironic that we often cannot grasp because there is no waste whatsoever.

But the only thing that goes against his intentions.

It's a 'disease' nested in his body.

Hidden with dripping forehead, his forehead was covered with red foam produced by blisters.

Blisters, an epidemic disease that could also be called 'morbidity' around this time.

Half a month has passed since he became a bum. In the meantime, I did not receive any treatment, and I could hardly eat much food.

Because of that, his life was at stake.

It should no longer be painful to breathe, but a faint grin spills in his mouth on the pretend.

That was because we knew that the 'things' he sought were close to the side.

It was right after that.

I heard a cool voice coming from outside the room.

"Can you ask me for one thing?"

Already his illness will not allow words to pass through his throat.

Time passed while the quiet silence remained spread throughout the mansion.

Then again, a voice like the sound of a bell came into the room without saying no.

"Two days later, Kyo. The other person..."

(i) Lord of breathing voices.

In the meantime, the man quietly meditated on his eyes, concentrating his voice flowing into his ears as much as leaking fine dust.

And... my voice sounded like I was playing a string.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi

The Lord of the Voice is also apparently another useless man. His signs disappear at the end of the word.

After all, it didn't come true to say a word.

Still, he was slightly red dyed cheeks and soaked in the aftertaste.

A glimmer of tears tells me.

But not even tears are wasted. For that reason, I can't even grasp whether it's pity, joy, or emotion that brought his tears.

His life is the same again in the first place.

What purpose do you live for and what 'dreams' you are having?

Because he's such a man, let's just say his name is useless.

So he has rarely named himself all his life.

For that reason, very few people in the world knew that he had the name "Kotaro the Wind Demon".

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Celebration Year 12 (1607) November 3 -

I, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, am in Kyoto right now.

More importantly, he's in a research building at Toyota School.

So I went to see the results of one experiment.

"Dear Hideyoshi! Stay away from me a little longer!

"This is a good place! Come on, come on!

I didn't even listen to Yukimura Maida's words on my side, but I sat there and let my eyes shine.

Already the time is dusk.

The stars shine brightest in the purple-dyed sky.

I looked up at the sky and waited for the experiment to begin, now or now.


- Huh...

And I wondered if the high noise sounded around.

- Dokaaaaaan!!

It was the orange light that vividly dyed the sky of Kyo, along with the roar of


It was Fireworks.

Compared to the fireworks I used to have when I was Taiichi Kondo, I'm pretty sure it's a nasty thing.

Still, my excitement reached its pinnacle the moment I saw a round of luminosity.

"Well hey!!

Unexpectedly screaming out loud from the bottom of my belly.

Of course there are no 'jade stores' or 'keyshops' in this day and age.

Happy Village's eyebrows turned sideways to the letter to, but I couldn't stop this excitement.

"Next time! Next!"

When I urged him to do so aloud, what appeared there was a trolley with huge wheels, called the 'Daihachi (Daihakuma)' in the Edo period.

On top of that, again, there are three giant crossbows lined up.

A giant bullet has already been fitted, and all we have to do is wait for it to fire.


- Dosh! Dosh! Dosh!

Bullets were launched high, along with a sharp triple noise that

- Dokan! Dokan!

The bullet that danced high in the sky played with the explosion. When it flew, it sprinkled the light just as it had done earlier, dyeing the night sky of Kyo brightly.

- Ooh, ooh!!

Now I can hear the townspeople cheering from outside the school.

The light disappears in a flash of brilliance, followed by the scorching odor of gunpowder and white smoke.

I was immersed in the aftermath of them.

Looking out at the sky for a while, Souyoshi Ishida, with a gentle smile, slowly approached me.

"The experiment has been a success. Now let us say that the practical application of grenade launchers is quite close."

I still look up at the sky and ask.

"How's the range?

"I was wondering if it would be okay for 100 years (about 180m)"

"Hmm. Improve it so I can extend my range more."

[]/(exp, adj-na) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk)

Is this distance still the limit in the crossbow?

Then again, it is impossible to target a castle on land in the Navy.

If it feels like gossip and so on, even cannons of this era may be able to fly bullets for about 1000 years (1.8km). Most importantly, it won't depend on power or precision... all the more so if you're going to hit it from the top of a rocking ship.

Still enough for intimidation.

- Sunfu Castle is being targeted from the sea!

It is not hard to imagine that Jia Yang would chill his liver just because of the fact that

If so, the option of still loading the ship with artillery is finally realistic.

I remember reading in something that the Nine Ghost Navy was once loaded with heavy artillery, but when it comes to loading artillery with a heavy impact of one blow, it would be impossible for the strength of a Japanese ship.

We also need to see how strong the western-style sailboats that are being developed around Kiyoshi Kato and Mr. Horiuchi in Kumamoto can be now, as well as the folds that went to Kyushu.

Anyway, we must hurry to develop weapons and equipment.

Because the next step in development is mass production, and at the same time we need to be proficient in how to handle it.

We have to create all of those processes from scratch at the end of development, so it's going to take a lot of time. But there is little time left for that.

In three more years, I want to have enough to fight for.

Because if the historical facts are to remain unchanged, there is nothing more than a "meeting with Tokugawa Jiayang" waiting in four years' time. Because if we show the inside and out that 'even if there is a war with Tokugawa, it is quite ready', we think that there will be a change in the significance and content of that meeting.

The accelerating gear of history. The sound of spinning at high speeds is louder in the ear.

I'm telling my heart not to rush, but still nature and feelings get to the fore.

We're going back to Osaka Castle.

If it was me a while ago, I'd be spending the night at Toyota School.

But I didn't mean to do that from the start.

- You can't waste even a moment!

At that point, he planned to continue his government at Osaka Castle until late at night.



Get out of the school to the night lane. Unlike the old days, there are no street lights that dazzle the city, and only a few bars open.

The late autumn night lanes were giving me a sense of loneliness, say Kyou under the heavens.

"Hey, fireworks are still a good thing! Now I want to show it to you too!

I give a bright voice to the bottom so as to put out some snug atmosphere.

"I see. But if you don't look a little further, it's dangerous."

And, Yukimura was distracting me and returning it with a brighter voice than usual.

In addition to me and Happy Village, Shinobu Maida's faces, including Hidden Misty Talent Zo and Sasuke Monkey, who escort me, are consolidating back and forth in this case. I also feel a little too noisy, but let them tell me that it's still not enough, so how noisy these days are...

Speaking of November in the lunar calendar, you may consider it to be December in the previous era.

The occasional northerly wind was already a hunch for the arrival of winter.


That was after the wind blew out for a while...

"Hmm? Is that..."

It came to my attention that one boy was sitting back at the edge of the road.

"Master Hideyoshi, let us beg. I'll drive you back now, so please wait here."

When Giorzo whispers in his ear, Yuri Kamanosuke and Kosuke Kakuyama try to stop by the boy's side.

But I took control of them.

"No, I'll go myself. If you give him even a little money, he's going to die tomorrow."

I was wondering myself.

Normally, you never get close to someone you don't know.

But why...

Driven by the urge not to let go of the boy sitting in front of you...

- Tattoo!

I approach the boy with a light foothold.

The talents also walk side by side so that they can stick together.

I know very well when I get close. Everything was a white boy.

The colour of the skin, and the Japanese clothes you wear...


The next moment I felt...

The discomfort...

If you really beg...

Why are they so 'white' clothes...?

Not a single stain...?

"Dear Hideyoshi!! Danger!!"

That was an instant.

- Zach!!

Flew right in front of me with the dull sound...

Two white, thin arms...

There's a bamboo barrel in his hand.

When I looked to the side of the fudge, I saw the fog concealed talent collection flashing a knife in the shape of a ghost.

And when you look at the front...

A white boy who stood up at some point.

"Kotaro ooh!!!

When the talent resonated in heaven, the faces of Shinobu Maida simultaneously struck the boy.

But the boy doesn't make it slight.

It was the next moment.

- Brrrrr!!

Suddenly the fog sprays through the boy's mouth.

Bloody liquid wet my whole body.

And when Nitari and I laughed, he whispered to me.

"Don't die."

With those words the boy's figure disappeared like a dream...

I have no idea what happened and stand up with my face wet.

But the next moment, when Sanho Kiyokai wiped my face out with the hand plush he had in his hand, he finally returned to me.

When the five senses return, I hear the screams of talent.

"Tenzo!! We're going after him!! Sasuke!! Ask Hideyoshi!!

Sasuke, who nodded cocklessly, called out to Sasuke when he came to my side.

"Talent! Don't make it impossible!!

When Giorzo waved his right hand with his back turned, he followed the blood trail that seemed to belong to the boy and disappeared.