Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2289 Fate

"Of course, I'm going to take this country now."

Gaius shook it from the top of the stairs.

However, Agult XIII, on the other hand, was greedy and young.

"Well, take the country."

"Oh? Maybe you'll light it up for me?"

It was Gaius who slapped his mouth lightly, but Aglut XIII never rode it.

"What are you going to do, steal the country?"

Agult XIII meditated in his eyes and said so in a quiet voice.

Gaius raised his mouth sharply.

"One country after another."

Well, what happened then?

"Take all the land and unite the continent of Melissa."

Then thirty men were groaning, surrounded by Gaius.

And he cast a curse upon Gaius.

Then Aglut XIII sat down and slipped his right hand forward.

And Aglut XIII said quietly while meditating.

Everyone, be quiet.

Then the sigh subsided at once, and the silence came.

Gaius was impressed by his leadership.

"Don't do it. Just one word won't make Date king."

But Aglut XIII didn't react to Gaius's hate.

Aglut XIII slowly lowered his hand and slowly stood up in a quiet flowing motion.

And walking slowly and quietly until now in front of Gaius, he opened his eyes coolly.

Gaius smiled lightly and glanced into Aglut XIII's eyes.

So they confronted each other for a while.

"Why would Melissa want continental unity?"

Agult XIII said in a harsh voice.

Gaius replied quickly.

"That's my destiny."

"How do you know that's fate?"

"I don't care why... I can't tell you all this."

Gaius shrugged his shoulders.

Aglut XIII continued to look at the situation with the eyes of a harsh hawk.

And he slowly opened his mouth and said.

"I can't give you my country."

I'm sure.

Gaius said only lightly.

Agult XIII stared at Gaius and said more.

"You said Melissa continental unity is destiny.But I am destined to rule this country.If you want it, take it with all your might. "