Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 123: The ability to gather information

"State secrets… and have been of paramount importance…"

Although Gaius thought it would be a nasty situation due to the character of the matter, he had to tremble when he was told once again that it was the most important state secret.

"So I don't know anything about what happened in Bath Village either. All I know is that one survivor of the Bath Village case has certainly been brought to this hospital."

"So that rumor was true after all!?

"Yeah. I don't know the most about it. I'm pretty sure they brought him in."

Then into the conversation between the two of them, Carla suddenly broke in.

"How can you say all that?

Although Nasri shook his body for a moment, he just seemed a lot used to it, and when he coughed up one with Cohon, he corrected his prestige and responded.

"That's because I had to go to the hospital when they brought me in."

Then Gaius and the others raised their voices in silence and a barbaric voice.

"Hospitalized ~!?"

Then Nasri quickly rebuilt his posture and started making excuses, although he was once again vicious for a moment.

"No! 'Cause when he was brought in, he was nothing but a state secret or anything! That's why I just went through the admission process as usual. As soon as it was classified, the procedure was discarded."

"You mean... so there's nothing left about him? Or is he still in this hospital in the first place?

"... come on, I have no idea what happened after that... my boss strictly told me to forget everything too..."

Then Carla pinched her mouth once again.

"Oh, not cursory. Is that your boss? I'm happy to curse and scold you in front of my colleagues, you're roughly the worst boss I can think of, he is. Well, the colleagues who get on with it aren't a lot. But you're an underprivileged man, too."

Karla told me that the earlier humiliation had turned around, and Nasri became a dark atmosphere and a nagging addition and subtraction.

"But you, you're really a man who can, aren't you? You said something about bumps earlier. I thought you had a special gift for collecting materials."

So Carla turned slightly toward Gaius, winking lightly so that he didn't look like Nasri.

Gaius then beckoned with all the deliberate knowledge, and took over the words on behalf of Carla.

"Oh, that's right. When I say material, I mean information. It takes two important abilities to put it together."

Here Gaius advanced a step forward.

"The first is the ability to gather information. If you don't know in advance where in the vast amount of information you need, you'll be confused about where and how to look."

Nasri nodded loudly at Gaius' stand with the words of the water, frowning and listening.

And Gaius, when he saw how it was, laughed in silence.