Le Zhengyu was surprised for a while. That's lucky, isn't it?

Chen Mengqi's side did not continue to stay either. A man went to open the room first, and a man guarded the room. After the room was opened, he dragged Chen Mengqi up.

This is the land of the Green Gang. For this kind of thing, we usually turn a blind eye. What really happened, no one dares to do anything about the Green Gang.

And Chen Mengqi's friend was released, but he was warned not to tell them about tonight, and naturally they didn't dare to.

Gu Ning and others didn't play too late, it was almost 12 o'clock away.

Cold Shaoting and Gu Ning were responsible for sending Chu Peihan and Yu Mishi, the other boys, they arranged it themselves.

For the first time, Gu Ning came to the place where Mishi lived. Although the location was not unbiased, it was an old neighborhood.

There is a breakfast shop in front of the neighborhood, and Mish introduced Gu Ning to their breakfast shop.

Yu Mishi's breakfast shop still makes money. If most of the money hadn't been healed by Mishi's mother over the years, they could have bought a new home.

Of course, no one wants to suffer, but if they do, they have to do everything they can to help.

The house doesn't have any, you can try, but without people, there's nothing.

But after this time, Yu Mishi's mother has completely recovered, is no different from ordinary people, and is much healthier than ordinary people, because she can fully work for the reason that she is nourished by Gu Ning's spiritual energy.

So, there's no more burden, and the days are getting better.

Gu Ning also occasionally conveys spiritual energy to Gu Mun and others, so they are now healthy and look much younger.

Cold Shaoting and Gu Ning drove the car very slowly on their way back to Fenghua Court, because once he reached Fenghua Court, he was going to be separated from Gu Ning, and he couldn't help it.

He's leaving City F tomorrow, and he doesn't know when he'll be back.

Gu Ning doesn't know the cold thoughts! She couldn't help it, but she couldn't stop it, because she had her own job.

Separate, to meet again, to work hard, to create a better future.

She was comforting herself, too.

Even though Cold Little Ting slowed down, he eventually arrived at the Windy Palace and reached Area G.

Gu Ning looked at Xiaoting coldly and smiled helplessly. “I know you won't give up, I won't give up, but we all have our own business to do. It is inevitable that we will be separated for a while. You take good care of yourself, I'll take good care of myself, and when we meet again, we won't let each other get hurt, okay? ”

“Hmm." She answered coldly.

Gu Ning was helpless and upset.

All of a sudden, Cold Little Ting jumped towards Gu Ning and pressed her hard on her lips, like a hungry beast finally got a good meal and plundered it on her lips.

Gu Ning knew that he wanted to vent his impending separation, so even though her lips were sore, she kept quiet and responded to him.

For what, his ability to control himself was good, but only for Gu Ning, his ability to control himself collapsed.

Not only is it cold, but so is Gu Ning...

Therefore, Gu Ning does not deny that she has fallen, but also wants to go deeper, but she has reason to know that it is not allowed now.

It wasn't until after both of them kissed so fast that they could not breathe, that they let go of their chills.

Looking at Gu Ning's hydrated and swollen lips, her reddish cheeks, some messy hair and clothes, seemed luscious, but there was another style, which more provoked men's pity.

Nearly, Cold Little Ting couldn't bear to kiss it again, but he knew to control it, and then the result was unimaginable.

“Ning Ning, does it hurt?” Xiaoting rubbed Gu Ning's lips and asked painfully.

“Kind of" Gu Ning Dao, no hard support, it does hurt a little.

Rumor has it, Cold Shao Ting is very guilty, so there is nothing more to do, but the two delayed for a while before they were in love with each other.

· · · · · ·

Chen Mengqi was tortured overnight by two men, all bruised up. The next day he woke up in pain, and the two men who had sex with Chen Mengqi had long since left.

Although Chen Mengqi was confused and lost in medicine last night, she woke up afterwards, so she knew exactly what happened and suddenly collapsed and cried.

She hates them so much. Why did you do this to her? Why is that?

She knows her design is wrong, but that's because she loves him so much! If he's all right, why should she be so humiliated?

Although she has been in love several times and had sex with several men, this time, it happened with two men, and she still hates people, making her sick.

It was the most disgraceful night of her life.

She hates, she hates, she doesn't like it.

After this time, she never had a chance to pursue and approach Le Zhengyu again. Since she did not get Le Zhengyu, she would not let Ansi get it.

Since Le Zhengyu treats her this way, she also has to let Annie taste her consequences.

Think about it. Chen Mengqi stopped crying. Her face was gloomy and full of tears. Her eyes were full of hatred.


Cold Shaoting is a plane around 9: 00 am. Gu Ning did not send it. Cold Shaoting left himself.

However, in the morning, Cold Shaoting and Gu Ning met and drove Gu Ning to school.

When we split up, we were reluctant for a while. If it weren't for the people around us, we would have another long kiss.

By the time Gu Ning arrived at the playground, everyone had run out and was resting.

Because Gu Ning rarely arrived late without first telling everyone something, he was laughed at by Chu Peihan and others.

“Tsk! Boss, it's so rare that you're so late!” Hao said that the tone was the same as their constant absenteeism and sudden appearance in the classroom, which was called a surprise.

“His boyfriend is leaving, how can he not take the time to date his boyfriend!” Chu Peihan threw an eyebrow at Gu Ning and twisted.

“Poor bachelor dogs. Running is all I can do. Alas!” Qin Zihun looked injured and sighed.

“Life is expensive, love is more expensive, if you are free, you can throw both away!” Mukho exclaimed, a look I want to be free, not love.