“No...” Yin Shi quickly rebelled, but only the voice rebelled, the body struggled a few times, but because the wounds were too severe, it could not.

“No? It's not up to you, Shadowstone. Our vengeance should be over.” Jing Jining smiled coldly, then raised his hand, creating a spiritual power in his hand, and then struck at the shady field.

Yin Shixun widened his eyes, the next moment, a "bang”, Yin Shixun's Dan Tian burst, all worn to ruin, then, people also broke their breath.

Gu Ning wanted to release the fox demon and suck away Yin Shixun's fix, but with Jing Jining present, Gu Ning still dispelled this idea.

It's bad enough to expose the spirit. If you expose the fox demon, you expose the space.

Even though Jing Ji Ning is one of her own, she can keep it a secret if she doesn't reveal it.

Jing Jining looked at Gu Ning's words and stopped. He wanted to ask her what happened to her spiritual energy, but she was afraid of suddenness and was not suitable.

Gu Ning also saw Jing Jining's thoughts, but Gu Ning also had some thoughts to avoid, so it was not possible to mention them voluntarily.

“Uncle Jing, who is this man?” Gu Ning asked that from the conversation they had just had, she knew that the man was a female family, but did not know his specific identity.

“Son of Yin Jia Second House, Yin Shi Xun.” Jing Jining said: “I met Yunyao today and he saw me. ”

“Let's go!” Gu Ningdao did not ask about the resentment between him and Yin Shixun. Since man has settled, there is no need to stay.

Gu Ning and Jing Ji Ning went down the mountain, and Jing Ji Ning did not ask why Gu Ning had spiritual affairs and had not yet been discovered.

If you can't say it, even if you ask, Gu Ning won't say it.

At the time of descent, Gu Ning called Gao Hui and asked them to pick them up here.

While waiting for Gao, Gu Ning also texted Chu Peihan to tell her that she was okay.

After Chu Peihan left, he was also hidden in fear, although he believed that Gu Ning would not go wrong. Chu Peihan was completely relieved until he received Gu Ning's text message.

Half an hour later, Takashi arrived and Gu Ning and Jing Jining boarded the car.

Gu Ning still felt tired in the war with the repairman, so Gu Ning didn't want to go back to school tonight, so he went straight back to Century Heavenly City.

Jing Jining, because he rarely came back to Beijing City before, did not have a residence in Beijing City, they all stayed in hotels.

Gu Ning arranged the Shengshi Hotel in Nancheng District because he had not booked a hotel since he had only returned today.

Back at the villa, Gu Ning took a bath.

Just after the shower came out of the bathroom, Xiaoting called. Gu Ning also told him what happened tonight and told him to be careful.

Although Cold Shaoting is also worried about Gu Ning, but there is nothing he can do about it. He cannot stay with Gu Ning at any time. Therefore, Gu Ning can only be advised to pay attention to safety. If anything happens, he will go to Guanyang.

Jing Jining also called Jing Yunyao when Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting spoke.

“Yunyao, the fixer you found today was Yin Shixun, and I met him later.” Jing Jining said.

When they were in the restaurant today, Jing Yunyao felt the smell of the practitioner. However, he did not know that it was Yin Shi Xun. After all, it was not low, so he could hide it.

Jing Yunyao didn't want to be exposed, so he left.

At that time, when Yin Shixun saw Jing Yunyao, he was not sure. When he saw Jing Yunyao leave, Yin Shixun followed him, but soon lost him, so Yin Shixun came back to follow Jing Jining.

“And then what?” Jing Yunyao heard that the divine color had become a little heavy and asked.

If Yin Shi goes to snitch with Jing Jia... she is not afraid that Jing's family will find her, but she is afraid of the cold and less exposed.

At present, the cold and sparse repair is still a bit low. If you want to fix it high, it's not good.

Though there are dragons around Cold Shawting, the dragons are not very tall, can not fully guarantee the presence of dragons, Cold Shawting will be fine, so Jing Yunyao is inevitable to worry.

“I fought him. I was not his opponent. Later, Gu Ning just passed by and felt the spiritual fluctuations, so he came. Finally, Gu Ning and I joined forces to kill Yin Shi quickly. Although I don't know if the Yin family will find us, he and I have a long history of grievances. He also killed me, and in order to avoid him going back to snitch, he must die.” Jing Ji Ning said that there was no reason for killing Yin Shek Xun.

If only because Jing Yunyao was found, it was agreed that Jing Jining would not easily kill each other as long as the other did not say it.

But Yin Shi Xun is different, they have long had their grudges.

Once, Yin Shixun poisoned him, or he would have died.

However, although he knew that Yin Shi had poisoned himself, there was no evidence and he was not his opponent, which was why he had endured it.

Today he discovered Jing Yunyao, but also found himself. With Gu Ning's help, Yin Shixun finally fell into his hands. With the opportunity, he naturally could not let go of him.

Jing Yunyao was relieved to hear that Yin Shi had died quickly.

“By the way, do you know why Gu Ning can't feel the smell of any fixer, but he can use his spiritual energy!” Jing Ji Ning asked that he was not comfortable asking Gu Ning himself, but he could ask Jing Yunyao.

Jing Yunyao was somewhat surprised to hear this, but also somewhat surprised, because she knew that Gu Ning had many secrets, but only specifically, she did not know.

Who can recover dragons, where can they go?

“I don't know about this, but Gu Ning has a lot of secrets, so she said," If you don't, let's not ask too many questions. “Jing Yunyao said.

When Jing Yunyao's reaction was quite calm, Jing Jining knew that Jing Yunyao knew much more about Gu Ning than he did.

“Good” Jing Jining replied. He also felt that if he should not ask, he would not ask.

This way, Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting went straight to sleep after the conversation ended.

The next day, Gu Ning got up early in the morning and went to school. Because it was soon at its peak, there would be traffic jams, so Gu Ning didn't drive there. He went directly to the subway.

The subway is also at its peak, so there are a lot of people, and every subway is full of opportunities.

But it's good to squeeze it in.

From the station where she went on the highway to the station at Beijing University, it would take about 50 minutes to turn the subway once, which is about the same time as driving, but if you drive, you don't get stuck in advance, if you get stuck in traffic, it will be even longer.