Chas Cretan, who doesn't care what they think of him, can't tolerate them being so unjust to himself, so the cold rebuttal said: “You should know how Charles usually behaves. He's a lot of offenders. And you should also know what kind of family the Cretan are, with so many enemies, which one of us is not assassinated from time to time? Wasn't it me who was assassinated today? Charles must have done it! ”


Chas Cretan's father and stepmother were both angry, but he had to admit that Chas Cretan was right about all of this, and not necessarily killed Chas Cretan.

Finally, Chas Cretan's grandfather came out and the quarrel paused.


Gu Ning and Leng Shaoting, after leaving for an hour, also changed the original appearance, appeared in the largest mall in Wei City, the two of them came to travel, happily shopping.

Cold Shaoting also called Xu Jingshen, saying that he had killed Charles Cretan, and then they booked a plane back to Huaxia Jingcheng at 6: 00 this afternoon.

Yes, go back to King City, Huaxia, instead of California, because there's only one last day left on the holiday.

Gu Ning was not in a hurry to go to study. Even if he was in a hurry, he would not be able to make it back now. The ticket was 6: 00 p.m. in Italian country, but it was 12: 00 noon on Huaxia's 7th, so by the time he arrived in Huaxia Jingcheng, it was already 4: 00 and 5: 00 on the 8th, which was a missed day.

So I can't go to school, just take a vacation, Gu Ning just wants to go back to Beijing by the 10th, and then go to the auction.

Now if she goes straight back to Huaxia, she has one more day, and if she goes to California first, it's too late.

As for Seo Jingshen, Cold Shao Ting sent him home himself.

As for why call Xu Jingshen, tell Xu Jingshen about it, and let Xu Jingshen tell Xu Jingshen, instead of telling Xu Jingshen directly!

Because in order to avoid Kreitan investigating Al Kreitan, finding that Kunmin had correspondence records on this side of the city at this time would make it all the more troublesome because he felt that the matter was related to the family.

When the family got the news, it was extremely exciting, although in this case, it was always the family's loss, the loss of Charles Cretan's ambush, Gu Ning's killing of Charles Cretan, the reward of the family.

But nevertheless, they were happy with the death of Charles Cretan, even if those lost because of Charles Cretan never came back.

However, the family has become accustomed to this kind of thing, like gangster fire, spelling, land grabbing, the army and fire can still compete, then fire, spelling, and the result is loss.

So, even though Gu Ning and Cold Shao Ting killed Charles Cretan as a reward, and not as low, they still appreciate Gu Ning and Cold Shao Ting.

Because without Gu Ning and Xiaoting, they would lose more.

Those whose families knew about it, and who were just Min and Bae Ying and their father, would not let the fourth person know, and in order to avoid betrayal, the death of Charles Cretan was confessed to something related to them.

Since Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting returned directly from their country of interest to Huaxia, Xu Jingshan was not prepared to stay much longer, because if it wasn't for the mission, they would not be able to stay more, worried about a sudden mission, and he would not be there.

Although, he was somewhat reluctant to leave, because he had left, he did not know when he would see Baiying again.

Although they don't have much to do with each other yet, they do know each other's minds, but nobody has said anything, because they haven't found the time to say anything yet.

Just when Xu Jingshen was booking a ticket, Min Suddenly said that since Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting could not go back to California, let Xu Jingshen take Baiying with him to Huaxia. He thanked Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting in person before showing his family's sincerity.

Also, let Baiying personally hand over the reward to Gu Ning.

Although this reason is not very convincing, Baiying wants to go, Xu Jingshen also wants Baiying to go, so this way, let it go naturally.

Of course, they all know that Min Min deliberately gave them time to get along.


Gu Ning and Leng Shaoting were 6: 10 planes and arrived at the airport at 4: 30, because they had to go through security and customs again, so they had to come almost two hours in advance.

Otherwise, people take too much time.

And the Kreitan family moved quickly. They had been kept at the airport for a long time. They all had pictures of Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting changing their clothes in their hands, and they followed the people they were visiting to see if they had been found.

Not only at airports, but also on many occasions, especially hotels and restaurants.

These photographs were taken from the surveillance of the hotel they stayed at last night, because Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting left the car directly in the parking lot, and they learned from the surveillance investigation of the racetrack that the car was driven by the murderer, and then found the hotel through the car, and obtained clearer photographs of Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting at the hotel.

Because Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting looked very different after the change, they walked directly from these people, who also saw them, but did not find any similarities or associations with the people in the photograph.

Therefore, Gu Ning and Cold Shaoting went in unhindered, while the Kretan family continued to look for the murderer.

The Cretan family is in a hurry, but they also know that it is not easy to find two people in the great city of Wei.

If the killer has not been found, the Kretan family will first find out who Charles Kretan has offended during this time.

Of course, everything that was investigated was incomplete, because some of the things that Charles Cretan did, like the family thing, were more secret.

The Kretan family investigated the recent ambush of the family and the loss of many armaments and fires, as well as the fact that Charles Kretan had been to the family, but did not find out that the attack on the family was related to Charles Kretan.

This cannot be investigated by the family, because the evidence left behind points to a large family.

So the Kretan family thought Charles Kretan and the Kretan family knew each other, and then the Kretan family cared about the ambush on this side of the national corridor, and the Kretan family just wanted to ask Charles Kretan for help.

So the family was excluded.

Is that the family?

But no trace of the Charles Cretan gang was found!

So it also ruled out the Charles Cretan gang and then got pissed off by that family.