Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 2158: A Thousand, Too Little

“You..." The man startled, surprised to find out that this gentleman Lan's roots were rotten.

After everyone heard that the roots of this gentleman's orchid were broken, they all expressed regret. If it were good, it would be worth 30,000 yuan!

Most of them are ordinary people, and $30,000 is a lot of money for them.

“So, I'm only a thousand, and if you want to sell it, I'm going to, if you don't, forget it, but if you want to pay for it, that's impossible.” Gu Ning said that it was not her kindness, but that she had a way of saving this gentleman's orchid, so by then, it would be worth more than 20,000.

The swamp gentleman's orchid is not cheap either. If the roots of the swamp gentleman's orchid were not rotten, it would be worth around 30,000.

But when this gentleman Lan gets to her, she can live with her spirit, and she can also make the variety better, so by then, it won't be more than 30,000, 50,000 are conservative.

“What? A thousand, too few, no.” As soon as a man listened, he jumped like a thunder.

Yes, this basin of swamp gentleman orchid is really rotten, it's not worth much anymore, but a thousand, too little.

If this gentleman Langen didn't rot, it would be worth 30,000!

However, it is also because this gentleman Langen is rotten that it is worthless. Otherwise, there is no need for him to take it out and touch porcelain, sell it directly on the ground, and it will be bought back soon.

“Not much? Well, I don't want it either. Anyway, you and I both know why. There's surveillance footage on it! Even if you have everything to do with the police station in the area, I can go directly across the regional police station and report it directly to the Public Security Bureau. So, if you continue to meddle, I will follow you to the end, and see who laughs at the end..." Gu Ning Qingguo's provocative words look like bullies, but it doesn't make people feel like they're pretending, but like they're emanating from bones.

“You..." manly knot, but in the face of Gu Ning's bullying, the man hesitated. After all, this is the capital city, and it is extremely prestigious. It is really possible to kick the iron plate inadvertently.

Though a thousand is a little short, if he doesn't sell, he'll just have to wait and die. Don't say a thousand, not a cent.

“A thousand is too little, or you can add some more.” The man was unwilling, so he talked to Gu Ning. However, the man's words also represented a compromise.

“One more word, and I don't want a thousand.” Gu Ning Dao.

“This..." The man had a problem, selling a thousand to Gu Ning, he was unwilling, but if he didn't, nobody would pay for it.

He also wanted to be hard, forcing each other to ask for $20,000, but also afraid to kick the iron plate.

Although he usually does a lot of kidnapping, it doesn't mean he's not afraid of anything.

“All right, all right! A thousand is a thousand.” After all, the man compromised. As to why Gu Ning spent this thousand dollars on this dying Gen Lan, the man did not even think about it.

Gu Ning took out a thousand yuan, gave it to the man, and the man left.

Gu Ning spoke so well this time, it was also a man's intellect. If a man is not intelligent and continues to get involved, she should talk with her fist.

Then, Gu Ning bought a flower pot in the shop next to him and planted Gen Lan.

In front of the crowd, Gu Ning didn't give the Swamp Gendarmerie Lan any spiritual energy. Gendarmerie Lan didn't die so soon anyway.

After finishing up, Gu Ning and several others also left and went back to the store to rent.

I waited about five minutes and the landlord came.

Although Gu Ning called, after the owner came, Jing Yunyao interviewed him. Jing Yunyao was also a businessman, so he knew how to talk about it.

The owner is also a person and the rent is fair, but the owner also understands and Jing Yunyao said that his son is a better gambler and loses a lot of money, so he has been trying to get ideas about the store and may come into trouble later.

The previous renter ended the rental because his son was in trouble, so let them think about it.

Neither Jing Yunyao nor Miao Jing are worried about this.

Though Jing Yunyao will not be in the store often, even if the Miao elite didn't fix it, he is no match for ordinary people, so he will not be afraid at all.

However, Jing Yunyao also clearly said that if something really happened, they beat people up and asked the owner if he would hold them accountable.

Of course, it won't be too heavy.

When the owner heard the rumor, he sighed and said that he would not pursue it, but that his son was to pursue it, and he had no control over it.

As a result, Jing Yunyao and Miao Jing had nothing to worry about, so they signed the contract directly.

Five years after the signing of the contract, there will be no change in rent within five years, during which they can sublet if they do not do so, it is their business.

The doors are messy, so they need to clean up first.

The flower shop doesn't need much decoration, paint a white wall, make a counter, and simply decorate it.

These things can be done in a few days, so it's time for them to go to a plant supplier.

Decorating these things was left to Jing Yunyao and Miao Jing, but they are not in a hurry. Now, they go back to the Four Hood for dinner, and get workers to paint the walls in the afternoon.

After a good meal, Gu Ning also went back to school. Looking for a wholesale flower merchant was the thing, Gu Ning handed it over to K. After all, K. After all, this kind of thing is relatively long.

Soon, K investigated, because the decoration shop will take several days, so Gu Ning is not in any hurry about the purchase, it will be a weekend soon, wait for the weekend to go.

When Baili Zongxue knew that Gu Ning had come to school, he spoke to her privately, because he knew why Gu Ning had left school, so he asked her how she was doing.

Gu Ning: Things were taken care of, the ghost took revenge, and the soul dissipated, entering the circle.

Baili Zongxue: That's good.

Baili Zongxue didn't think it was inappropriate for Gu Ning to help Zhao Xiaoxi kill, because the man deserved to die, and, moreover, Gu Ning didn't kill him himself.

The man died purely because of retribution.

Song Yang died news, Song Miaosong and Zhang Zichen also saw it, so when they went to dinner together after school this afternoon, Song Miaosong and Zhang Zichen also talked about this.

“You say that Song Yang did something harmful to people to cause the death, or is it purely a delusional disaster!” Song Miaosong asked, and in her heart, she also felt that Song Yang had a better chance of offending people.

“I think so! Someone should have been offended. After all, the police didn't even find a trace of the killer, so obviously it was carefully planned. If it is nothing more than a delusional disaster, there is a high probability of leaving evidence and traces.” Zhang Zizen said.