Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 2817: This Cold Family, Be Arrogant

With these in mind, Yuan Culture doesn't know how to talk to Cold Yuan Yuan, so I hung up directly. I need to talk to my father about what to do about this, but I can't let Dai's family get ahead of me!

If they really let Dai's family succeed, replacing the regular family, then all their preparations would be wasted.

The seniors' ideas are much clearer than the seniors' brothers', and soon they want to understand this.

He had no doubt that the Dai family would face up to the usual family and the Cold family about the matter, so he also did not believe that the evidence found by the Dai family was due to the Cold family.

It's just that Cold House accounted for a small part of this, or a large part of it, or the Dai family supported by Cold House, so I don't know.

But since this has something to do with the Cold Family, why does the Cold Family support the Dai Family instead of their own power?

As Cold Won said, just because the Dai family found strong evidence, did they support it just to deal with the regular family?

However, he preferred to believe that the evidence was mostly investigated by the cold family. He could not believe that it was investigated by the Dai family. Although the Dai family was not weak, it was still much stronger than the cold family.

If the evidence is mostly investigated by the Cold Family, then why is the Cold Family supporting the Dai Family, not their own forces?

Wouldn't Cold House be stronger if it came to this?

The old man couldn't figure it out at first, but then he figured it out.

Cold family does not support themselves as a force, because they fear that their power will be broken down into two forces, then Cold family power will be greatly weakened, which is undoubtedly a proposition for Cold family.

So they prefer to support other forces, so that they can have a brief partnership with other forces, even if they won't become Cold Family forces, but they will definitely support Cold Family.

So he suddenly realized, and then he talked to his brothers in the Yuan culture.

And when they heard it, they suddenly understood.

However, they felt that they could not give power to others, and they could not do so.

“If that's the case, then this cold family would be so deserving!” The metatext reads.

“I would certainly not hesitate to support my own forces until I had thought about it, but after thinking about it, I would hesitate to choose whether to support other forces or my own.” The old man said.

While it would be unfortunate to support others, and if friendship were to be achieved, it would be to create an enemy for oneself.

But there are disadvantages and advantages, so that your original forces will not be broken down, and you will still be that powerful force.

“So what do we do now? Can't you just watch Cold and Dai come out and put on the top of the house?” The metacultural industry is unwilling to say.

“Of course it's impossible...” Cold Master said, the darker the divine color, the deeper the eyes, and the stronger the grief.

Anyway, this cold-blooded behavior made them feel fooled, so of course they couldn't just let it go.

“What should we do?” Yuanwen asked, it is also hard to see the cold family and the Dai family coming out, then the Dai family replaced the regular family.

Although, under the circumstances, the chances of Dai replacing a regular home are high, even so, they cannot do anything.

“Go and investigate Daijia. Daijia's superficial style is always good, but not necessarily in the dark. If you can investigate something bad, then expose it, so that Daijia's reputation is affected. Then, look into the ambitions of the cold-blooded faction, but use it to provoke, it would be even better if they could get into civil strife. And then our people couldn't wait to die. Didn't we have some evidence in our hands? Get involved in this.” The old man said.

“Yes," replied Yuan Culture and Yuan Wen, then immediately.

It was only when their investigation began that a major official of their faction was exposed to embezzlement, which made Yuanjia anxious.

When something like this happens, they can depress, they can't depress, they have to give up, even if they give up, they have to leave it clean, so now they're kind of busy.

“Things went wrong at this time, it's not about the Cold Family! They're definitely worried about us sticking our legs in, so they're trying to fuck with us.” Metaphorical speculation, though mere speculation, seems likely.

“Definitely. Otherwise, how could something happen at this time?" ”The Yuan culture said outrageously, feeling that the cold family was too unkind.

Just doing bad things should be ready to get caught at all times.

It's not that they don't know, it's just that state officials are allowed to set fire to the fire, and people aren't allowed to light up the mental state.

If someone finds out they've done something illegal, they'll definitely report it positively, but what about them? If they are reported, they will hate.

The old man's face is also extremely ugly, because he also feels it must have something to do with the Cold Family.

“This cold family, be arrogant!” The old man was angry at the table, but nevertheless, he could not go to Cold House to settle the accounts. After all, his people did make a mistake, and if he went to Cold House to settle the accounts, things would only get worse.

“Dad, what do we do now?” Metacultural asked.

There is nothing they can really do about asking the senator, just because the senator likes to take power, the Cold Family must ask him about everything, so they have formed everything to ask the senator.

If they decide for themselves, if things don't go well, they will be scolded by the old man.

Good end, who wants to be scolded!

Mainly they want to make a good impression in front of the senator.

You succeed in one thing, but you're wrong in two things. Not as good as you are in one thing, but better for one thing.

Yuan Culture is the kind of person who does three things, for one thing, and Yuan Culture Reading is the kind of person who doesn't do things easily, but does the right thing, so it turns out that Yuan Culture Reading, for the old man, just didn't do anything wrong, he will feel more stable.

“What can we do? Let's see if there's room for things to turn around. If not, we'll have to give up.” The old man said that his anger was desperate and he was stuck in a heartbeat, and some of them couldn't get out. It was so annoying.

Leng Weihua, this is so deceptive!

Of course, it's for the former family, but they deserve it.