
< 3. Gangnam Station (6) >

"Have you decided?"

While Hansoo was on his way to the convenience store, he gave the three of them time to decide.

Then Mi-hee nodded.

‘Course you do. ’

I can tell by Tae-soon's case.

Stats are important, but skills are also very important.

If that skill enters somewhere up there, the gap between them can collapse with a single blow due to their hard hunting.

That's why one of the three trustworthy people buys the skill first.

‘It was worth collecting runes as a result. ’

One rune lacks enough skills to buy, but that's all you need to borrow.

Hansoo smiled and asked.

"Who's got it?"

Mi-hee replied.

"It's me."

‘As expected.’

I guessed it.

Hansoo saw Mi-hee pick up a magic rune earlier.

No one can say that he killed him, but he wanted to hide what he had eaten.

The more hidden you lose, the better. ’

After all, that skill requires magical power.

That's why it is so burdensome to invest runes in upstream and in Taesoon, where there is no magical power right now.

Besides, you never know when a Magic Rune will come out.

However, Mi-hee obtained a Magic Rune and confirmed the possibility that the Magic Rune was coming out of the hunt.

Moreover, Mi Hee would have found the performance of the skill quite attractive.

The other two said they would lend me a rune if it made them feel safe to put skills in their hands, not other people's hands.

After borrowing the rune, Mi-hee shook hands with Sanjin and Tae-soon, she approached Hansoo.

"Okay. Here you go. We have three agility and three sensory runes, seven stamina and strength."

"I've agreed to give you a 5% discount, so you only get six Strengths."

"That's thorough."

Mi-hee stared at me with a slightly grumpy look.

This level of stats can make you really strong.

I fought a few times, but I knew right away.

Without a rune, you're close to death.

Even though it had a skill, I felt sorry for it.

Hansoo smiled at Mi-hee's expression.

"Don't think too much of it. If you take it for free in a place like this, you die quickly."


What kind of bargain is free in the world?

If you follow something without a price, you get paid elsewhere and it explodes.

It's not a place where no one complains about running away like a tasting corner.

‘Let's see.’

Now that you've caught the rattlesnake and the deal is done, we have one last thing to do here.

Hansoo began looking around the subway.

‘Having a Scale Serpent means having Juterium Ore. ’

There were indeed several orange ore floating like crystals around the subway.

Hansoo grabbed it with his bare hands.

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It's called metal, but it's so soft, it feels like it's ripping through the rubber.

Hansoo hand-folded the juterium ore.

The three carefully observed such a move.

An awl or a needle? ’

Tae-soon, who saw the juterium metal forming like clay on the metal theme, was interesting to watch.

Hansoo, who placed a needle less than 20 centimeters in a corner, approached the rattlesnake and began to tear off the scales and cut his stomach.



Hansoo looks satisfied to see that the amniotic fluid in the rattlesnake's stream is still not dry.

After installing the burners and pots that were taken from the convenience store, Hansoo collected all six springs of lysate in his body and started squeezing them on top of the pot.

Bean Duck

Soon, the pot was filled with a green liquid.

Hansoo begins to put the scales torn by the scales on top as the liquid begins to boil.

The strength of the scales on the scales' skin was great, but not nearly unbreakable.

‘It's not much of a weapon. ’

That's why we have to make a new one.

in the same way that a rattlesnake made its own scales.

Surprisingly, when the scale that was so hard went into the boiling solution, all of it melted.

He saw the green liquid gradually flow into silver, and when the liquid turned completely into silver, he dropped the juterium metal he had made into it.

Soon the change began.

Glug glug.

Less than 30 centimeters, so the juterium metal that had barely gone into the pot began to fiercely suck out the silver liquid.

The orange needle shape began to rapidly change to a transparent color while sucking out the liquid.

Soon it got bigger and bigger.

The needle, which was less than 20 centimeters long, was somewhat more than 1 meter long and almost entirely thumbs thick.

‘The end... is a little blurry. ’

I owe it hard, but the end was a little blurry because there was a process of getting bigger and bigger with my hands.

Hansoo grips the needle in his hand and starts grinding it with a blunt tap with all his might.

Cough, cough, cough.

The strength of the robber that needs to be sharpened with sweat with all his strength.

"Yes, this is the kind of robbery you want. ’

Hansoo looks satisfied, even though he is going to work hard.

‘I like you when you're dealing with strong guys. ’

It's good to cut off if your attacks get nuggets into the target, but the attack doesn't strike well against those who are starting to develop some physical resistance.

A dagger or needle that pierces the opposing Pokémon's defense is much easier than a longsword that can be slashed if it is confident enough to fight.

Even though the damage range is narrow and difficult to strike second strokes such as bleeding, if you know the opponent's weakness correctly, and you are confident that you can stab the opponent's weakness, you are best.

‘And you have to do this much to break through the defenses when you're dealing with him. ’

Hansoo nodded, thinking of the one to deal with to get the second Hidden Piece in the first tutorial.

< Tutorial 1-11 >

11th of 134 weapon combinations that can be made from materials available to monsters from the first tutorial.

If you think that alchemists have worked hard for a long time to complete a combination that can make the best weapons out of useless materials from the beginning, this should be enough.

If you had a Rococo Lizard or Insectivore Sack, you could make a stronger weapon 1-17 or 1-96 times, but even a Scorpion Snake is not bad.

It will probably be hard to find more weapons in the first tutorial.

‘Let's get this over with. ’

Hansoo, who sharpened the edges, lengthened the Goblin Hide that he had left behind and applied the poison he had made earlier.

Chi gains

Hansoo nodded his head and wrapped the leather around the handle of the needle as he watched the leather melt slightly inside.

Hansoo saw a moderate grip on his hand and stabbed the needle in the air with a satisfactory face.

You can apply Goblin poison or paralytic poison to your taste when you use it later.

"Can't we buy that?"

I looked at a handful of weapons with the expression that Tae-soon was coveting.

I'd buy that as a rune if I were you.

Hansoo's going through such a hard time means he's a great robber.

When I used a few times earlier, I couldn't help but get greedy as Tae-soon, who was feeling dissatisfied by the strength of the weapons going by.

Then Hansoo shakes his head.

You can't use this weapon unless you're a superior in the first place.

The damage is very narrow.

Especially a needle this long is much more difficult to use.

‘Well, that's what I'd sell if I had a writer's mind...’

I couldn't leave it and make more.

"I can't make any more out of the solution."


Tae-soon kicked his tongue, looking at the bottom of an empty pot.

Hansoo left them like that and moved into the subway.

‘This will take you off. ’

Now you can take the subway to claim your reward. The battle is over.

The rattlesnake is also strong, but if a stronger boss rides the subway and then shows up, how can a day traveler eat it?

Hidden Piece means hidden, not impossible missions.

Hansoo relaxed in and sat next to the pillar on the subway.

Your favorite spot.

At that moment, I saw someone riding along.

Hansoo smiled and said.

"Why do you guys ride?"

Following that, the three riders looked a little embarrassed.

They are not fools.

A very suspicious subway at the bottom of a subway station.

Plus, the lights are on to see if there's any power in the whole ruined history.

The feeling of greatness.

Something like this in the game will explode.

Even though it doesn't look ordinary, Hansoo with superpowers went into it.

With a relaxed look on his face.

Hansoo, whom they have seen, has never done anything to relax before in battle, so there is a good chance that there will be no more battles.

It's natural to follow them.

However, Hansoo was embarrassed when he said something about not saying anything about catching up.

"This is for one person only. Get off."


"There can only be one rider."

Hiddenpiece is only allowed to one person.

The subway is big, but it only moves when one person is on board.

‘Only about twenty people on the difficulty level were able to wake up and only one of them was able to ride...' ’

If there is a god, it must be quite a hobby.

"... maybe not."

You mutter, just in case.

Then Tae-soon said.

"And is there a law that says you have to go? We came here on our own after all."


When Hansoo saw the corpse of the rattlesnake, all three blushed slightly.

Mi-hee was also making an embarrassing face, but she didn't say anything about standing on one side.

"Ouch. These burns. ’

Hansoo laughs.

It's not that I don't understand.

I'd get the feeling.

When you get a chance, you have to catch it as soon as you can.

I realized it was foolish to miss a chance to be strong because of shame or pride.

The three who were actually speaking were slightly red on their faces.

It means they know it's a crime to speak up.

‘But I still haven't realized one thing. ’

"Oh, of course there's no such law. There's no law in this world at all."

Hansoo held the handle of the needle and held the tip of the needle.

In an instant, the chunky handle was pointed upward and the needle turned into a bat.

Huff. Huff.

A club in one hand splits the air with a threatening sound.

"Get off now. Or you can settle it with me first, talk to your lawyer later, bring a complaint. Choose between the two."


Hansoo smiled at the three of us.


"Son of a bitch."

Tae-soon spewed his words as he watched the subway quickly drifting away with a rumbling sound.

I was so hungry. It's at the end of the subway.

So I thought about it for a while.

I want the three of you to fight each other.

That's what I thought.

‘No, we're still friends. We've come this far together, but it's too bad. ’

If you jump and win, you can have all the weapons he has, and if you lose, you can pray and go smoothly.

Not a bad gamble.

‘Besides, if I had all the runes on his wrists... and anything at the end of the subway, ’

That's amazing.

It is unlikely but low risk high return.

When Tae-soon finished thinking, she tried to take her hand with a knife that was at her waist, but when she saw his eyes, she gave up.

So far he's done it with words because he hasn't done anything about it.

"Son of a..."

His face was smiling and Thatcher was dazed, but his eyes were completely different.

The man stares at himself as if his killing eyes were funny.

Eyes filled with anticipation as if they were watching one way or another.

"Fuck. Fuck..."

It was so unfair to be afraid of one eye, but I was forced to go down in the end.

"Let's go up. We need to move, too."

Mi-hee opened her mouth, looking at Tae-soon.

Sanjin and Mi-hee, who were standing next to me, were somewhat expressing that it was a natural result.

Tae-soon dubbed her insides out.

"You idiots, that's why you can't. ’

Why are you looking so ashamed?

Anyone would have done what they did.

‘I'm not sorry at all... I'm not ashamed at all. ’

Tae-soon muttered to himself like that, sharpening his teeth and raising his body to the top.

< 3. Gangnam Station (6) > End