
< 13. Fishing (3) >

Camille looks at the count with a cold expression.

"Why don't you find it yourself? I'm sure you brought your men. And what are you gonna do with your traits?"

The count shrugged.

'Of course not.'

You doubt what you're gonna do.

Besides, from Camille's perspective, it must be nice to see Han Soo.

It's been a really long time since I've seen someone with me.

He pretends to be clumsy on the outside, but he's probably pretty excited on the inside.

Camille's behavior over the last three years has been so lonely and frustrating.

'Tsk. Such a pity. If you teach me, I can reduce the amount of time I find.'

The count shakes its head.

In the beginning, he had two purposes here.

One is tourism.

One is a scout.

The tourism business was prepared with considerable effort because the reaction was much hotter than I expected.

We'll find them soon enough, but if we can get them out of here while they're preparing for the whole tourism business, there 'll be a gap.

Scouts are meant to be prepared as musketeers while doing tourism business. Do I have to waste my manpower to do that?

'There's nothing I can do. I'm gonna have to jump.'

His trait, SEARCH, can track the connections between people and people.

That's how I found Camille, and that's how I found Hansoo who met Camille.

It will take some time, but it won't be hard to find.

"Well, I guess I'll just sell my supplies then. I'll see you next time. I hope this works."

The last counts of origins handed over with certainty of failure have disappeared.

And Camille pondered for a moment the direction in which the river coefficient disappeared.

'I have to tell Hansoo.'

Same three years, but he's stronger than himself.

It's because it's focused on being stronger than itself and it has artifacts in it.

Besides, his men won't be able to outnumber them.

Not negligible.

That's why Camille shakes her head.

'Bastard. You have to tell me where you're going.'

There's no way to find out where he is, and if he can't figure it out himself, he doesn't deserve to go into the extinction.

Moreover, he is extremely busy getting all the materials he asks for in time.

That means there's not even time to get caught up.

You won't be able to gather materials while you're on the run with the Quadratos.

And he made it clear.

< Don't mind me, focus on what I asked you. >

'I trust you.'

Soon after, Camille quickly flew to save the body fluids of the nearest Apon.


Hansoo nods after calculating what he needs to save.

'The first thing to get... is the core ingredient of the hardener.'

The hardening solution is completed by mixing twenty-eight ingredients in the correct proportion.

Nine of the twenty-eight ingredients were already obtained by Camille and 17 were asked by Camille.

But you have to save the other two.

and the heart of Kukulsa.

The other twenty-six materials are not required in large quantities to be catalytic, but they are the materials that become the base.

Even if it is poured into the main part of the herring, since its size is so large, it requires a very large amount to have an effect on it.

Hansoo flew away somewhere.

The heart of a Kukulla.

A material obtainable from Kukulza Scattering Lake, located around the middle point of the root.

As much as possible, we tried to make hardened liquids using materials that could be obtained as close to the root as possible, because we were worried that there would be no time for them, but you should save this.

Surprisingly, the difficulty here was very high at the end.

After a long run, a huge lake emerges.

A lake large enough to split its roots with its roots.

Surprisingly, this huge lake was dug up by Kukulsa.

A lake filled with poison that was dug under its roots by a Kukulsa who lived on the sea of vipers to spawn.

Hansoo recalls a conversation with the Keldians.

< Kukulza is one of the top predators in the Sea of Poison, but what they were unlucky for was a snack that suits the taste of the dead fish. They also evolved to poison their hearts to fight off the predators in their own way... but it's frustrating considering the size and stamina of the predators. >

Poison that is invalid to humans but paralyzes the tissues of dead fish.

Therefore, the hardening fluid must be inserted into the heart of a Kukulla filled with poisonous liquid.

<... But it doesn't work that well, does it? >

< So we need to get a lot of it, extract it with extract, reinforce it with twenty-seven other ingredients, and then insert it into the most deadly part. After all, they dig into the roots of the world's water, build a huge lake, and then build a spawning field there. You can't search the ocean if you want to reach your target of cardiac axis in time. Go to the lake. And in a certain way, the lake is a boundary for how far the extinct fish will eat. Those Kukulla bastards have a lot of instincts, so they make spawning grounds at the top of the area where they want to be eaten. >

< Why don't you go up and make it? >

If you're afraid of extinct fish, it'll be safer to go to the top roots and make them. Why are you making them in the middle of the cul-de-sac?

He smiled and said.

You know, there's another catastrophe underneath the middle root and the beginning root. Kukulza can't go any further than that. >

When she finished her thought, Hansoo looked at the floating lake.

A bizarre type of fish with a human arm and leg and a bull's head.

One of them was over 2m in size.

What's even more amazing is that it's a baby.

When they grow up, they're over five meters in size.

'Let's catch them one by one.'

Hansoo slowly walks into the lake of poison, wrapped in a medium-worthy sickle, which Hansoo had acquired while watching thousands of animals swarm.


As soon as Hansoo came in, the Kukuls inside the lake raised their ears.

<!!!!!! >

Then I started racing like crazy to the source of noise and vibration.

Kukulja Cheerleaders were still young, but they knew instinctively that they could eat what came in the water.

The prey was still in the shallows, but there was no problem.

We can dig up roots and move forward.


Hundreds and thousands of cheerleaders gnawed on the bottom of the lake, rushing towards Hansoo.

Hansoo put a sickle in the middle of the Cheerio Cow's head while reinforcing it with the Magic Power of the Dragon Ball.


Kukulla's skull cracks with a sudden hiss, but Hansoo looks unsatisfactory.

'Tsk. I can't stand the pores.'

Hansoo kicked his tongue with a slightly cracked sickle due to his inability to properly contain pore-shaped magical strength.

This is the downside of strong pores.

If the artifact is poor, it can't withstand its energy. Rather, it can withstand its durability at a fast rate.

You catch a few monsters on your way here, and you get a decent one, but it doesn't catch your eye.

The roots are for beginners, so there's nothing to hide.

'But first we have to use what we have.'

Hansoo pulled the sickle from his head and threw his body ashore.

If I leave it in like this, it's my heart, and it'll be chewed up by other Cheerios!

The job of extracting the heart and making Axis is to hunt first and then do it.


Pod 'Duck!

Soon, hundreds and thousands of Cheerios started rushing towards Hansook, excited by the smell of blood from their own kind.


Hansoo crazily wrapped the Dragon Horse Ball around the sickle and swung it around, continuing to cut the head of the cheer and pull it out.


Thousands of cheers rushed through the currents at incredible speeds, hitting and biting their teeth with the same acceleration.

Kukulza's corpses continue to pile up outside the lake, but the wounds continue to spread across a single body accordingly.

At the same time, the sickle, which could not withstand the strength of the pores, continued to crack.



There is a tremendous porosity somewhere towards the one step that has been holding out for a long time, preventing the sickle from shattering as much as possible by controlling the power of the Dragon Ball.


An attack that slashes every tree near the lake.

'... Skill?'

Hansoo frowns and stops something from flying away with his sickle.


The sickle that breathed as much as it could into the Dragon Ball prevented something from flying, but in return, it cracked and shattered at once.

After stopping one attack, Hansoo sneezes outside the lake and looks at the direction in which the attack flew.

There, a man smiled and looked at himself.

"Oh, you're stopping it."

The man with the snarling sword in his hand once again hung on his waist, smiling as he saw a blow outside the lake.

"Greetings. I am the river coefficient. I'm not here to fight. Calm down."

"I'm not here to fight..."

Seeing the shattered sickle, the count laughed and muttered.

"That's a test. If you can't stop it... it's useless. First I pass. First I get a business card."

And the count throws something white.

"Something like this makes me feel like I'm in the real world. It was made by drying the larval shell.It's disposable, but if you apply it to a wound, it will heal faster, so use it when you get hurt."

Hansoo shakes his head as he watches a man who talks a lot when he attacks to kill him.

"What brings you here?"

I spent a lot of health fighting Kukulla.

To some extent, it is necessary to restore his health by fitting his strength.

The coefficient said simply.

"Simple. You've seen a lot of scouts on TV before, right? Headhunters?"


"I'm Quadratus... and I work for a religious organization." "

"This is a very unbelievable comment."

"Let's skip the small stuff. It's not usually hard to worship God, by the way. You need a lot in Korea, don't you? It's the same here. That's why we're doing all sorts of business... one of which is taking talented friends and connecting them to a clan that's too busy up there to care about. We get paid for it. Oh, there's money here, too?"

The count rubs its thumb and index finger.

Without any answers, Hansoo shrugged his shoulders.

"You'd better not refuse. The man who blinded you this time... is a dangerous man. It's you and me and Winwin that follow."

Then, the counts were cold sweating.

He's not the problem.

You look relaxed, but failing puts you at risk.

It was commissioned directly by one of the six pillars who came down to participate in the tourism they were preparing.

"Goddamn gangsters..."

Six pillars.

Six supermassive clans fighting their way through the World Water Column, rather than playing at the roots like they do.

One of them. Lighthouse

Calz Moren, the Clan's Raid Captain, left behind by his former traveler, Keldian Magnus, told himself:

< Don't forget to bring that rookie. I'll be good at it. If it fails... I need you to keep me out of it. I'm on vacation. >

'... or else we too will die.'

However, unlike the wishes of the coefficient, Hansoo shakes his head.

"I refuse."

At the same time, Hansoo frowned.

"Tsk, this is how it ends. '

Destroy your purpose.

We wanted to avoid unnecessary collisions in preparation, but the paths to nutrients etc. are inevitable due to overlapping areas with those of Quadratus preparing for the tourism industry.

'This happened. Finish quickly.'

I had it in mind anyway.

When Hansoo was ready to fight, the countor's expression was stiff.

"Son of a bitch... You think you can beat Camille?"

Camille may seem like a monster to newcomers, but she is really small for those who play battles with columns and thick roots.

"Tsk. This is my fault. '

He overestimates his own level because he offers too many scouts to the new sunchick.

I tried to speak nicely, but seeing the one who wouldn't eat, the coefficient pulls up all the energy of the whole body and starts pouring it into his artifact, the Forgotten Knife.


"Huh. Look at that idiot. That's it. If it looks good, the new recruits will come running."

Calz Moren, who was watching the river counting on a cruise ship prepared by the Quadratus, muttered nonsense.

< 13. Fishing (3) > End