
< 22. Orange Territory (5) >


A tremendous tremor hit the ground.




At one big vibration, people's bodies bounce back and forth.

Shock enough to bounce them into thin air, even if they are unharmed by their out-of-human flesh and skills.

'What, an earthquake?'

But the earthquake wasn't going to be like this either.

When Sofia is embarrassed by the sudden tremor, an enormous locality echoes from afar.


Margaux's crying was enormous, but this was another dimension.

Crying like thunder, literally dropping heaven and earth and pushing clouds away.

'... pain?'

When Sofia narrows her eyes slightly, someone hugs her behind her.


Suddenly, Sofia was embarrassed by a number of actions.

All of a sudden...

Hansoo, who is hanging behind her, says to her as she blushes slightly.

"We have to fly. Sophia, hurry."


"I don't have flying skills."

At that point, Sofia looked everywhere.

"Damn it! Run to the shelter!"

"Damn it! Why are you fighting already?"

Ken, who was on the prowl in front of my eyes, and the guys that were hunting, were running everywhere.

Some of them snuck down through a hole in the ground.

After tightening up all kinds of skills, some of them use all of their skills to sink into the ground.

Some of them were hovering in the air, rushing off somewhere.

As the elders of the orange zone were coping that way, those who were being ambushed, or watching the raid, began to follow them in a daze.

The response of these strange vibrations and seniors was enough to make them nervous.


Humans weren't the only ones who panicked at this vibration.

Huge Magos roared loudly and began to plunge his head deep into the ground.

At the same time, the body was bent over and tucked tightly against the floor.

As if to prevent it from bouncing off somewhere.

Sofia wept as she watched dozens of gardens emerge in an instant.

"What happened?"

Tequilone approaches Sofia like that and hangs behind her.

Then I opened my mouth.

"I beg of you. Woman."


Sofia, who suppressed the rising irritation for some reason, sighed and began to operate her skills.


Suddenly, Sofia's body hung two strong men and began to soar to the sky.

'But how far do we have to go?'

When you don't know, it's best to repeat what others do.

When I looked around, I noticed that the creatures that first floated into the sky were climbing hundreds of meters.

However, I didn't look very satisfied with the look on my face.

I want to go higher, but I can't go higher because of my skill limit.

Hansoo said as Sofia pondered over them.

"This is as far as I'm concerned, so you'd better take a look. Climb as high as you can."


In response, Sofia looks down.

Crawling margos.

But so far, I didn't know anything else.

'... let's go up again.'

At this point, Sofia's curiosity was that something seemed to be going on.

After a few words, Sofia begins to rise into the air.

I climbed hundreds of meters past other travelers floating in the air, but I couldn't find the source of the vibration.

It's just plain that looks all over the land.

One more tremor strikes the earth.


At the same time, somewhere over the horizon, something massive splits the clouds and strikes the ground.


Sofia is frightened to see something swinging from afar.

Uroboros? '

I can see them swinging around the horizon.

The beasts below were enormous, but it was nothing compared to the size of them. Not long ago, the uroboros they fought naturally came to mind.

"Though it may seem different..."

Hansoo shakes his head as she narrows her eyes for a more detailed look.

"You'll see it when you go up. I don't think you can see it yet."


Sofia hangs out with the tequila and starts climbing upwards and upwards.

It wasn't until after a long time that Sofia reached the height at which the cloud began to roll over her body that she was finally able to see the view.

And where that sounded.



Sofia looks under her feet.

Everywhere was a sea of lava.

All you can see everywhere is the raging sea of lava.

Hell of an environment where no living creature can survive.

But there was a beast living in that environment.

"... we were standing on that thing."

The place they thought was the earth was not the earth.

A beast so massive it can't even be compared to a hermit crab.

'... that should be about the size of a small country.'

Four legs, like a pillar of the world's water.

A giant fuselage the size of which is comparable to the territory of a country, supported by such a bridge.

A thick, long tail that makes you mistaken for that of a uroboros.

A giant head shaped like a cow and two horns soaring above the clouds.

The giant beast was vomiting a painful cry, half immersed in the boiling sea of lava.

You mutter with a bitter look on your face as you watch it.

"It's Gragos."

Legendary, Gragos.

A giant monster in mythology that soaks itself in lava and fire, conserves its body heat, and drinks lava to replenish its body with materials and enormous energy.

Giant carcinoma that is more advanced than Magos.

The only living thing in Herringsen where life is not possible, is the land on which life is to live, and the only living thing that provides food.

At the same time, Sofia asked a question.

Who's threatening that? '

Apparently, he was vomiting a painful cry.

But who's threatening a guy that big?

Even dinosaurs like the ones we saw earlier were pretty big, but if they could just eat a few mouths of them, it would only feel like fleas are eating a few pounds of flesh.

That's the only thing he's actually allowed to live up there.

'If it had been painful enough, I would have just rolled around once.'

If that giant living in the sea of lava, which seems to be thousands of meters deep, rolls once, all the creatures living above will have to face Armageddon.

That's when Tequila said,

"The only thing threatening Gragos... is the same Gragos."


At that time, something struck out of the Lava Sea and attacked Gragos.

It was the same Gragos, but it looked completely different.

If the giant Gragos they were riding looked like cows, then Gragos, who came up out of the lava and tried to bite his ass, was acting like a lizard.

Gragos, a lizard-shaped lizard protruding from the lava, chews the bull-shaped butt of Gragos with sharp teeth.

Soon, a brawl broke out.

Gragos, who looks like a bull, is much bigger than a lizard, but doesn't like to fight, shakes his tail, breaks his ass and tries to get away.

Gragos, who looks like a lizard, keeps chewing with his teeth like he can't let go of his butt.

'... that was the tail.'

It was only then that Sofia could see why all the creatures that were up there were so scared that they rushed out to secure themselves in all directions.

Even though the bulls are not fiercely resistant, even if they move that far, there is no disaster for the living creatures above.

What if he somehow survives and is thrown into the sea of lava?

Or if I touch that annoying tail of yours?

'... but that's a little weird.'

Sofia realizes that the running lizard is something different from the bull.

No, of course, everything was different from being big to looking, but there was one more difference for a lizard.

The bottom half was all black.

I didn't know it when I was in lava, but when I climbed up the bull's butt with my front foot, I could see his lower body turning black.

Moreover, whether the black bitten lower body did not move properly, the lizard desperately hung from the buttocks of the bull, using only its front legs and nose.

Woof! Woof!

Eventually, Gragos managed to remove the lizard and escape.

There was a big difference in size, but it was a big part of being unable to use the lower half.


The lizard looks at the running bull with a sad look on his face, but soon he looks satisfied with the butt skin on his mouth and starts chewing.

And then a change happened.

His lower half, which was covered in black from his tail to his waist, began to reclaim my color gradually.

Gragos, a slight but grinning lizard-shaped roar, looks at my colored body and dips himself back into the lava.


"Let's go down. It's hard to keep track of the Gragos if they go any farther than they are now."

At Tequila's words, Sofia stops silence and slowly begins to descend.

Soon, Sofia came down to the ground and looked around.


It was chaos everywhere.

The massive trees were crushed and pulled out, and the curled up Margos slowly stood up, wailing as though her whole body was aching.



Travelers from everywhere start to limp and head somewhere, unlocking their skills that seemed to have barely survived this time.

'... it was just a lizard chewing on the mouth of a cow.'

Seeing how big he was, there was no disaster like this.

No, this is the extent of the bull's aversion to fighting. If he tried to run like a bull with his horns in his head and fight like crazy, things would have been a lot worse.

"No. If he loses..."

At least this time, the little one ran and won even if the bull handled it appropriately.

What if the bull shows up desperately resistant?

Or what if there was something that could eat a bull?


Sofia looks at the tequilone and asks.

"What's going on? That lizard had a black belly on it."

Sofia was a bit of a nuisance to tequila when she first came here, but now she really thinks she's lucky.

There's a guy next to you who will satisfy your fierce curiosity at once.

Tequilone replied.

"Catastrophe of Death."


"The name of the disaster that destroyed our world."

Their race, Akaron, did not perish from disease.

It was the other beings who had the disease.

Legendary, Gragos.

Giant organisms that provide the earth and nutrients for them to live on.

Their species, Akaron, admired the enormous Legendary Beast, the strength of Gragos, and used it to develop physical reinforcement procedures that would strengthen their bodies.

And the attempt was a great success in getting rid of all the Margos that had threatened them and the Acarons that were scattered over the Gragos were able to form a great union.

This is World War II.

But they were not the main players in the Third War.

Gragos, plagued by the apocalypse, went crazy and began to bite the other Gragos.

And so their world came to an end at once.

Acheron and Margaux were nothing but worms compared to transcendence, Gragos.

There was nothing they could do while the mountains were raging and the earth was biting.

Tequila looked at Hansoo and asked.

"You saw it. Gragos. It's not unusual to be killed by you or our kind at any time. So I ask you, how do you intend to bring our people back to life? Don't give me that crap about catching Gragos attacking. Uroboros is nothing but a pyrotechnics modeled after the Gragos."


It's just a degradation plate made of information from studying Gragos' genes for physical enhancement procedures.

Transcendent, Gragos is more than perfect, more massive and without weaknesses.

Gragos' enemies are just like Gragos.

Sofia looks bored.

< 22. Orange Territory (5) > End