
< 75. Brawl (1) >

In this hell.

What to live for.

We need someone to lead us.


"In that sense... I envy the next generation. '


Niklaus vomits blood, a traveler looking up at the sky in a crumbling war fortress.

Even though the top generation went through more difficult situations without any more information than they did.

At least there was a cause for doubt.

Instead of Han Soo Kang, there is only a tyrant who imitates him.

Nicklaus in a crumbling war fortress.

The old days, I remembered the words the Black King always mumbled as a habit.

< Just bear with it. As soon as I'm strong... you'll see new hope. >

'Crazy bastard.'

Nicholas pulls up his squeaky body and makes a move.

If you do this, you'll be crushed to death.

Niklaus grips his teeth and starts climbing up the battlefield.

Avoiding the battlefield of monsters with loud, seedy lights everywhere.




The Black King laughed loudly, feeling the full power of his body.

It is different from before.

Though it was no more than the joy and joy I felt when I was a transcendental man, a different filling covered my whole body.

Once upon a time, I felt like I was reborn as a completely new vessel.

A small, weak, soy sauce-marine bowl shattered.

I feel like I'm being reborn as a strong, big bowl.

Of course, the power contained in it was different from before.

If it was like making a new bowl at that time, this feeling filled the inside of the bowl.

I felt like the bowl was overflowing with thin water.

Thousands and tens of thousands of Orbis' crystals exploded in a single burst, giving themselves a chance.

the possibility to change the inside of the body at will, and use that change to sleep like a bun to the outside of the world.

And this is the result.

"Hahaha! Take this, too!"

A shimmering glow rises from the Black King's grinning hands.

A three-wheeled mortal.

Ordinary attackers that can be easily obtained from the old Red Zone, namely District 1.

A skill that is difficult to strike the target with because it is a straight line with relatively low power and simple attack trajectory, even though it is fast and easy to express.

This skill is easy to use as a deterrent, but hard to inflict a valid hit on the target.

If it's the way it's always been.

if used by a typical stay-walker.


Thunder and lightning burst from the seedy marble.

At the same time.


The moment the blue bead on the Black King's fingertips burst out in an explosion.


The aftermath shook the earth and the earth, and the aftermath of that shockingly crumbling fragment of the battlefield came into the void.

As if a bomb had exploded, dirt splashed from the ground and obscured his sight.

Through that dirt.

Boom, boom! Boom, boom!

He hurdles through everything that the Sierran bullet literally blocks.

Storms formed around the trajectory, dust vanished, and the ground melted down and made a river of lava.

The moment when a sharp bullet hit a forked lightning bolt, a window holding exactly one hand while everything was wiped clean.


A shimmering light burst out from everywhere.

Fragments of the battlefield that had remained in enormous shape turned into nothing but dust on the shock wave, and the ground melted in a puddle.

Seeing the scene, the Black King smiled coldly.

'Exactly. That spear suits me too.'

I saw it clearly as it exploded.

A golden spear that uses its gaze to scatter its vast energy in all directions.

He was commendable for enduring his enormous power, even though he had met the wrong owner.

Looking at the spear, the Black King glanced at the golden spear in his hand. He squeezed both ends of the spear, expressing his dislike.

And then...

Wood Duck.

I empowered the spear into two cavities.

It's said to be a pretty good spear, but it's just gold painted on a spear that you can find everywhere.

It is not enough to overcome the power of the Black King of Transcendent.

I did something odd in the middle of the battle, but the Black King's expression was uneasy.

A spear like this won't do much good to fight because it won't be able to withstand its own strength anyway.

Soon you'll have the real, not the fake one.

'I knew I had the best power.'

Old times.

I admired Hansoo.

This fucking world.

His achievements in terraforming, turning the lower zone into a livable area.

He didn't see Hansoo in action, but he was one of the group that followed her up and chased after Hansoo's accomplishments.

I didn't see it myself, but the footprints he carved were really all over me.

In the red zone, Hansoo felt the majesty of the world's number restored.

In the orange zone, I chased Mi-hee up and saw Gragos succeed in Hansoo's reign.

In the yellow zone, I saw a satellite fortress that covered the sky.

In the green zone, he even participated directly in the battle for Hansu's war fort.

Even as the sky was pierced, a huge elevator descended and the world turned upside down, he saw it for himself.

Every time I saw the footsteps left by a giant, I was amazed and admired.

About being able to do things that you can't.

I remembered every sound of chatter that those who had seen from afar remembered, and I remembered every detail, and I felt a palpitation when I thought about it whenever I had difficulty.

Someday, Hansoo, I keep wanting to see him.

But now I have power.

The Black King changed his mind a little.

'If I had the strength, I could do that.'

Kang Hansoo.

Stronger than anyone and succeeded in defeating any enemy in the end.

Some helped him, and his plan was excellent, but in the end, if he didn't have the strength of his own body, he couldn't have set up that task.

If Hansoo did it.

Why can't you be stronger than Hansoo?

'Wait, now I will lead you.'

That's why I've been able to capture all the creatures around me and turn them into Abyss Crystals.

What you'll do when you become king.

There should be people.

And they will serve a king more powerful than anyone.

Stronger than even the legendary ones.


Thinking about it, the excited Black King jumped down, bursting into the mines.

We win.

Power is different.

The total amount of energy is different

The sheer force within the Black King's body, which was produced by absorbing all the remnants of Kang-kions that had been raised at the expense of thousands, was converted into a skill.

Useful for scorching insect-like monsters, an immolation-type skill, Black Sun, exploded explosively around the Black King's body against similar enemies.


The burning black sun literally came down around the Black King's body.


"Damn it... run!"

The commotion of the runaway travelers screams was captured by the Black King's senses, but the Black King ignored it.

They don't deserve to run away anyway.



Hansoo, who was engulfed in golden light, suddenly walked out through the dust.

The Black King gives you an ominous look, covered in dirt and a scar on his skin, but much more sober than he thought.

'No matter how jokingly I punched him.'

When the Black King narrows his eyes.

Hansoo sneezed, narrowing his eyebrows.

"You haven't given me two years. They're not the only ones."

The Black King was puzzled with a single glance at him as if he didn't deserve it, or as if he was pathetic.

Old times.

I was familiar with the look in the green zone when it collapsed.

< They're the only ones left... It's hard to do anything. >

The eyes of the person who empowered him.

He was showing it to me in a straight line.

But not before the Black King got cold.

Hansoo moves first.

We need to get rid of the guy who came near us without fear.

'If you believe in the total amount of power · · ·. You should have fought your way out.'

At the same time.


While Hansoo was standing, there was a noise, and the ground everywhere fell down.

The reaction to the massive shockwave that was mistaken for an earthquake pressed down on one small body, and a handful of bodies rushed straight out, cutting through the air like lightning.

The strength of black gold that covers such a whole body.

Surprisingly, the strength that leaned over the body was no longer transparent.

Even though it looked like silk, Hansoo, wrapped around his body in a compressed, lightened dragon curtain, was able to clearly reveal its shape, rushing straight through the air.

... to stop them! '

The Black King was momentarily baffled by the sudden charge, but soon he opened his eyes.

No, I was relieved.

The movement was clear in his eyes.

It's not hard to miss.

It is not unresponsive.

No, if it's you.

His flesh, filled with Abyss' crystals, can move faster and more vigorously.

'Let me show you the power I have gained.'

I wanted to show you.

This power you have gained.

I want to smash the opposing Pokémon head-on.

The Black King's armor around him starts burning the Black Sun more vigorously.

At the same time.


The Black King swings his fist with all his might.

One step towards oneself, or, more accurately, the other end of a window.

I'll show you the difference in power. '

The moment I reached out my fist.


A fist covered in black flames.

A handful of cracked lightning strikes the front, wrapped in black and gold silk.

And the Black King, who had all the sights in his eyes, could not hide his smile.

I win! '

His black sun.

The user burns a beautiful, colourful, silky force tied to the opposing Pokémon's spear.

Although the opposing Pokémon's strength is more compacted than its own, its flame never ends.


The moment the Black King's jaw was dragged up as he watched his opponent's spear slowly bend over the flaming fist.

There was a change.


The silk that wrapped the whole body, which was spread throughout the body, began to shake like a storm.

At the same time.

Glug glug!

The dragon tentacle that wrapped around the body began to bundle into a single point, riding on a single body like a twist.

One end of the window, one point.

The moment the strength that spread like silk spread into a single point.

A clear but serene stream of light begins to emit light everywhere, as if it were exploding again.

At the same time.



The Black King is frightened to see the black sun splitting at once around his body.

Blood spills from the tip of your fist, pushing out a spear as the black sun shatters.

No way... no way! Why? "

The Black King made a look that he couldn't understand.

The opponent is an artifact from the past.

He must have even been lazy.

If it was a man in front of his eyes, he should have been on top of himself.

The effort you make must never be defeated by such laziness.



A huge explosion erupts around the Black King's body.

You have a dream.

We can't just collapse here.

Even though he followed his own path, why not block his own path?

'Never... ever lose!'

* Cough *

Despite being destroyed, the burning black sun fades at once.

The Pokémon also disappears from all of its nasty skills.

The remnants of the power that Abyss left with him have been forged with one skill at a time.

The skill given to you by the man who empowered you.

< It will be useful. Don't use any other skills in the future, just use this. Remember, you only need to focus on one thing. >


Sundays beat the deadline.

A dirty ten thousand talents cannot defeat an innocent one.

That's why.

The transcendent should remain vigilant and concentrate, even if he crosses a wall.

< 75. Brawl (1) > Ends