
< 108. Passion (2) >


A little further north than the entrance to the hallway where Clementine and Eres came in.

A man breathes out a violent breath under a collapsed mountain.

"Phew · · · · · · · ·. You're filthy strong."

The man mutters, hiccupping the woman beneath his feet.

"Yippee! Yippee!"

The woman trampled under the man's feet continues to struggle with the sound of ripples.

A poor screaming woman and a man who tramples such a woman without pity.

One would see a man as an evil man from all over the world, but if someone says something like that, a man, Magnus, himself, is willing to catch him and throw him in front of this damn creature.

'What a... ignorant fool.'

Tour de Duc.


Strong enough to feel the sound coming from your bones every struggle.

Magnus frowns, looking at the struggling woman in bloodshed.

In some ways, they resemble humans, but they are never human.

Humans wouldn't have a scorpion's tail behind them.

as big as his own body.

'Hmph. But she's still pretty.'

Magnus shakes his head with excitement as he looks at the naked backside of the trampled woman.

That's not the point.


Magnus, who holds a large sickle in the queen's throat, bows his head and whispers in the queen's ear.

"Now... tell them to clear out your men." "

"Boo... ha?"

"So, um... these. These."


Magnus reaches out and grabs something next to him, looking at her incomprehensible.

The corpse of a half-destroyed beast.

You reach for a single step, and a corpse climbs up.

I had to.

There were bodies everywhere.

The queen, looking at the corpses all over the mountain, gives a sad look, then nods and shakes her tail.





Millions and tens of millions of life began to pour out, waiting to be found about 500 meters away.

Magnus looks at it and sticks out his tongue.

'It's been a long time since I let him go.'

If I hadn't marked him secretly when I let him go.

If I hadn't caught the queen in a surprise, I would have had a hard time with the dog.

If we hadn't located her, we wouldn't have caught the queen hiding among all those legions.

Magnus looks closely at the retreating army.

Some of them look like monkeys, some of them look like birds, and some of them look like wolves.

Of course, that's just what they look like. They're much bigger and cruel.

They know who they are.

Monsters from the Abyss.

But now it's just an army infected by this queen.

'This is the queen.'

The queen.

Queen ants, queen bees.

They all named her after her, but she's just a queen.

He doesn't have his own kind, he creates his own.

Everything you touch becomes your own slave, not something you were born with.

That's why he was able to build that army in such a short period of time.

Because I ate, infected, and strengthened it.

'Now... you said it was hard to increase power.' '

It would have been a lot easier if we had held them hostage in the first place and increased our forces.

But unfortunately, his structure says it's impossible.

It is said that the production of the source material that can dominate the opponent is stopped once it is under threat of survival or under oppression.

You don't want to open it because you're dead. '

But this is enough.

That's an enormous number.

"Very well, now, my queen. Why don't you go out with me? Take them with you."

"Profit. Profit."


Magnus stands up and smiles coldly, clutching the queen's neck.

These aren't the only ones who even let him go.

Those who are threatening factions who want to be in control.

Other than yourself and the men below will be using their hands elsewhere to get their hands on them.

Filter it from the yellow zone... and maybe it's useful. Very good. '

I liked to act alone, and I didn't bring my men because it seemed easy to ambush because of his traits, but I couldn't deny its usefulness.

They fight pretty well, but they're not as good as the guys from year one and year two.

In fact, I didn't like Magnus at all.

'Eres and the Keldians could either be tied by contract or tied by the power of the monarch, but why not?'

Magnus looks disappointed to think of the Keldians.

Of course, the Keldians, Eres, and the others are quite strong.

If he had the power of a monarch, it would be difficult to tie them all up and put them down.

But Clementine, isn't she different?

He's... really strong.

If we could start with Eres and work our way down there with all these Del Marcus types, things would be a little easier.

But complain for a while.

'You have an idea.'


< Got it >

Magnus grabs the queen by the neck and drops a fragment of her soul and sends a message to Tae-hee.

with a somewhat playful voice.

By the way, Agnes, didn't you fail? I succeeded on my own. >

Back then.

< If you have time to talk nonsense, come down to the south quickly! Oh, my God! Someone set that thing free! >


Magnus makes a curious face.



A massive beast rises to the north, striking the earth without cause.

And behind that monster, a few kilometers.

People are constantly moving north in the footsteps of the beast.

Hansoo and his followers.

With the exception of the four-star UAVs, thousands of sneaky transcendental fighters and more than that number of staircases were running wild.

The magnificence that I saw made me feel confident.

"It's also... we've had our differences, but I'm glad we're here."

Del Marcus died watching the statue speak as a joke.

"I like the situation. The one who went crazy with a woman."

"... What's the matter? I wasn't wrong."

Del Marcus nodded at the words of the statue.

I wasn't wrong.

While the whole world was shaking, I was relieved that everyone was gathered.

But I heard a voice that woke them up.

"We'll be the weakest, but we can be sure of anything."

"... for real. You're spoiling the mood."

The grumbling statue looked at Hansoo and said.

"And now that we have a solution, why don't you just turn it off?"


'I've got a bit more horse hair.'

Hansoo mutters as he looks at the statue.

I wasn't wrong.

There is only one purpose to move now.

He's going up to 5.

The others take it all one step at a time.

It's weaker than the ones that are coming up now, or the ones that are ahead of her.

If so, it is never weak.

'Well, that's a go.'


One of the beasts, who was pushing up with a loud roar, looked at the number of aspirations, fell into another thought.

Can there be seven blooms? '

Then you don't have to just hang out with Noah.

You just have to rush in and finish it yourself.

The power to crush even that monster up there.

And not to brag, Hansoo thought it would be him if someone reached Seventh Star before the Abyss opened.

It was originally a transcendent star with a true transcendence qualification, and transcendence was only one of its own.

But Hansoo shakes his head.

'One of his seeds is the problem.'

Hansoo began to judge himself objectively.

5 stars.

Hansoo saw that this was possible.

What you're doing right now is what you're doing to become 5 stars, and if you stick to your plan, you should be able to achieve 5 stars.

It wasn't much longer now.

'I'm in a bit of a hurry.'

The bastards who will come forward will be 5 Star Javelin Spears, and we must defeat them before we can capture Noah, but we don't want to be surprised if they go to 4 Star.

However, if we become 5 stars, then we will be able to move forward a little more comfortably.

Six stars?

This seemed a little difficult.

I didn't have the seeds to use right away.

There were six seeds in his body right now.

But one of the seeds was the problem.


This seed is the problem.

Skill must be used to strengthen.

Unleash your magic, your will, your health, and your skill with all your might.

The shoe dragon attack, the mycelium sword, and immortality.

But this one?

There is no such thing as moderate.

At the moment of writing, my soul will lie and burst.

Of course, if you just use it, it will exert great power and give you a step up quickly.

Erases all enemies in front of you.

But then what do you do?

His soul will be shattered and not even found on the seventh floor of hell.

The spell of self-immolation is not just a powerful force.

He has nothing left, so he exerts his strength.

'The demons must be sad. Heheheh heh.'

If the soul of the contractor is broken, they will probably shed tears.

They wanted to see themselves miserable, but they couldn't even see their souls.

But Hansoo shakes his head.

There's nothing to do.

'Yes, of course.'

But achieving 6 stars is not impossible.

If you get another new seed.

And if you grow that seed from scratch and grow it to a level, 6-star is possible.

That's where it ends, of course.

'Well, 6 stars is enough.'

Hansoo mutters.

7 stars will be the end, but 6 stars is a lot of money for your calculations.

Your enhanced body and transcendent skills emit different powers even at the same height.

Hansoo clears his mind and starts to concentrate.

It's time to start now.

'Good, good. I'm glad we're all... in a hurry.'


Far away.

Hansoo mutters as he sees a strange wave rushing towards the water of desire.


'... a dangerous race.'

The sound of Neropa's soul fragment hidden in his chest echoes through the murmur.

Surprisingly, even the fragments of this soul had the ability to communicate beyond dimensions.

But there's no denying what's useful right now.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to contact Mi-hee, the leader, downstairs.

< Come up. >

That said, Mi-hee's answer, who will hold the artifact, came up.

< Really? You don't seem to have a problem? >

In response, Mi-hee nodded.

< Yes, you can come up. >


A giant beast roaring like a mountain from afar.

You mutter coldly as you see an army of beasts rushing towards such monsters.

< 108. Passion (2) > End