Reiryuu Academy Student Council
29 Winners and Bliss
When bud grenades and advantages headed to the convening place, Takimoto told me where to line up in a big gesture.
A couple of two years of leading athletes ran, Takimoto, Shoots, and Anchors in favor of each other.
"Nanhara! I'll come first, so don't worry, wait!
"Ooh. That's reliable."
The bud grenade slaps his hand with a pussy. Advantage looked worried about the bud grenade, but the bud grenade dared not say anything.
"Bud ho! Good luck."
Maiko rushes over and tells the bud grenade. Maiko's face clearly said he was worried.
The gaze from the leading athlete is painful because there are bud grenades as a result of the 100-meter walk, and in the important order that leads to the anchor. I guess it's because of Takimoto, who is now shaking in front of the bud grenade, who just can't raise his voice in protest.
I guess that's passed on to Maiko, too. Bud Grey thanked Maiko sincerely for knowing and supporting it.
"We will now have the final event of the sports festival, the representative relay!
I am told well by the broadcast commissioner.
As the athlete stood up, the bud grenade slapped "ok" on both cheeks.
"You're lying..."
Representation relays began alternating between men and women around men and half a dozen women.
And Takimoto in front of the bud grenade rarely had trouble holding his head.
"It's billy......"
That bud grenade is also a troubled face.
That should be it, too. The red team is the billy.
The first slide went well.
But the baton pass along the way failed and fell to the bottom at once. It made a big difference.
"Are you serious... At least you need to take second place at my place... Nanhara runs and Langtang just doesn't stay like this..."
Takimoto says Bosoboso in a whisper that doesn't suit his weak remarks.
The bud grenades couldn't wait to see how things were going with Takimoto like that, but I didn't like the fact that he was going to make a prolonged weak noise in the current situation.
The bud grenade chopped the head of Takimoto, who nodded.
"I don't think so, Takimoto-kun."
Tearful Waterfall Book looked at the bud grenade with a Kyotong face.
"Takimoto-kun, you're going to baton pass me first, right? Can't you do that?
Bud grenades laugh provocatively. Seeing a waterfall book that simply frowned, the bud grenade erupted.
"Moodmaker's depressed here. What's wrong? Here, cheer up."
"... Huh!
Takimoto hacked and stood up saying "Thankyou" to the bud grenade.
"Whoa, whoa! Speak up! I'll catch up with you in a minute!
Takimoto shouts his usual loud voice. The bud grenade complains "Shut up -" but its face was laughing with pleasure.
But the difference only narrows slightly. Takimoto, tongue-beaten, turned his arm with the boom and took position.
When the baton turns to Takimoto, two years of motivation returns. That's Takimoto. The self-proclaimed moodmaker is not Dada.
Takimoto pointed his lips, pinned his back, and ran with tremendous momentum.
The difference shrinks more and more. Takimoto can run long, the rules around men were fortunate.
"Nanhara-oo! Whoa, whoa! Not in first place, though!
Takimoto screams in a position not yet in the takeover zone. I just want to tell him to run a little faster if he's still that energetic, but he was serving too well.
Takimoto passes the baton to the bud grenade on the same arrival as the year.
Cheers are at their peak.
Everything happens in a flash.
The bud grenade takes a step forward. Heavy pain runs all over your body.
The bud grenade raised his face. What I saw was Hideichiro Tojo looking at the relay with a serious face.
A nostalgic face. A face that I hoped many times when I was young, when I ran, that I would come and see.
My wish came true. The person was now looking at the bud grenade in front of the bud grenade.
The bud grenade laughed thinly and moved his legs forward and forward. I didn't know pain anymore.
"Bud grey!
"Bud Grey!
I heard a lot of voices.
Supported again. Maybe this is just self-satisfaction.
Still want to run. I want to win.
Forward, forward.
It doesn't matter if your legs are broken or your consciousness is blurred.
Move your senseless feet so hard that you step on the ground and each time your right foot is about to break.
Almost there.
The bud grenade shook his arm so much that it seemed to fly away.
I have a favorable voice.
The bud grenade had strength in his hand, which had a good baton, and gave it to him in his favor.
If you look to the side with Chira, the third grader is handing over the baton as well.
The freshman year was still behind us.
The bud grenades were faster than anyone else.
The bud grenade flutters but enters the inside of the white line and follows the advantageous figure.
Advantages are fast. I had already overtaken the third grade.
The best cheer I can hear from my two-year tent today. I was much more excited than that about Fengya and Lailuo's performances.
Advantage cuts the goal tape.
The winner is a sophomore in the High Department. Two consecutive wins.
"Yikes. Ahhh!
Sophomores rejoice in Hail on the occasion of the delightful voice of Takimoto.
Students from Maiko and Group F jump and mix with it to shake Matsuda's stomach too.
Fengya and Lailuo were laughing with one hand breaded together.
Advantages are torn up by the athletes in the leading relay.
Shotaro had a sigh of relief in the headquarters tent.
All of them were happy with the bud grenade.
Horribly, his shoulders lose strength, and at the same time his whole body loses strength.
Supporting the near-collapse bud grenade was a bamboo.
"Kamiyo-kun. I won -"
When the bud grenade laughed happily, he laughed troubled.
"Be impotent...... Well done."
Whispers in his ear. The voice was very comforting.