Reiryuu Academy Student Council
59 Sea houses and part-time jobs
Windy and favorable losing to Beach Volleyball was badly depressing.
"If Nanhara-san was here, we might have won."
"It's Shotaro Kung's fault!
How regrettable it seems, Shotaro, who grabbed the bud grenade and went, was getting about Tobacchi.
"If I were to take Nanahara, you and the women would have surrounded me and left Nanahara alone. Besides, don't you think if we had Nanhara on the team, the women around us would be fussing about being on the team?"
Shotaro says pale as he pushes up his sunglasses. Because it was a definite fact, both the wind and the advantages mumbled.
"Whatever it is, you lose. Windy, Favorable"
"Bad old days, huh?
The winner, Laila, was in a very good mood.
So the six were to have lunch.
Because it is a large sea bath, there are also plenty of sea houses. It varies from thriving to obsolete.
"Where are you going?
bud grenade asks.
But the house of the sea we all see was the same.
If all these handsome people go to the house of the sea, that's enough to make the house of the sea flat. Then I'd prefer a house in the sea that would be abandoned from the start and no one would come.
Above all, you don't have to wait for the meal to come.
"There you go, okay?
Pointing to the tiny shabby sea house off the beach, he asks for his opinion. All unanimous, lunch place decided.
Looking inside the store, no one was within sight of the store. He stepped into the store and said, "Is anybody there?," he said a little louder.
Then a young couple came down with butterflies and loud footsteps.
"Are you a customer!?
"Wow, these cool people!
The couple let their eyes shine and led a line of officers to the best seats with a clear view of the sea.
"Are you two doing this?
When Lai Luo asked, the couple nodded bitterly.
"I didn't even have that many ocean houses back in the day, so I had quite a few employees..."
"Recently, I've had a lot of stylish sea houses for young kids... and all my employees have flown that way."
The couple said, "This is not a exciting story! Have fun," he said, taking his order and disappearing into the cooking area.
"I was wondering what it was like because people weren't in it. It's beautiful and calm."
Shotaro says as he looks inside the store. And everyone nodded. Like a thriving sea house, there is no vibrancy or flashy decoration. Especially the menu is normal, boring when it comes to boredom, but it has a great atmosphere.
"That's a waste"
Advantage crushes that we all felt smudged.
Then we all have a daily conversation. We talked about the bud grenade family, we talked about the beach volleyball earlier, and suddenly there was a loud noise as the story played.
"You, okay!?
I can hear your wife out loud from the cooking area.
The sprouts went to the cooking area to see how it was going.
"Wow, are you okay!?
Fengya ran over to her falling husband.
"Oh, sir! Excuse me. I did my hips a little..."
That's what your husband said and rubbed his hips. The moment he held the pan, he got giddy hips. The wife apologized to the officers looking sorry as she noticed her husband.
"I'm sorry, but I can't serve you all a meal by myself."
"You came because of me," his wife moaned very much.
"Never mind about us."
He smiles and says so. But Shotaro, who was next to him, hung his sunglasses back up in surprise.
"We'll tell you that, but what are we going to do with the customers? If my husband can't move, I'm sure he can do business."
"That's true. Sho is right."
Your wife leaned down. There's nothing you can do if you say so.
Even though it hasn't thrived, it doesn't mean one guest hasn't come. But it would be a shame to miss those few important guests.
And most importantly, this is what happened when we tried to cook the dishes we ordered. I can't say enough that I'm not responsible.
"Well, we can help."
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
The officers and the couple were surprised by the suggestion. He didn't pay much attention to the situation and immediately began to give instructions.
"The wind and the advantages are attractive. Then come, Ro, Shotaro and I work inside."
"Well, what about me?
When the bud grenade raised his hand, he laughed.
"Your wife and the cook. Ma'am, is that okay?
He asked, and his wife shook her neck vertically.
You wouldn't get it if you wanted such a powerful helper or something.
"Wind and Advantage will make you a charlatan if you succeed in visiting"
That is what he said, and Fengya and Favor lifted up their hands and rejoiced.
In the meantime, I'll make the board lunch and then the bud grenade will try to make a menu of the house in the ocean all the way.
When my husband saw the flavor, he got the mysterious acclaim that it tasted better than he made it.
Everyone finishes cooking and gets up.
"All right, then I'll make some money"
The squeaky hands clatter, and they all go to their places of residence.
Thus began the part-time work of the officers.
I made it a few minutes to start part-time and the whole house, which was empty, was already full.
This is also due to the feminine and advantageous hard work.
It won't be my fault that there are so many female customers.
The two visitors are cool, and if the clerks inside are all good-looking, the rumors have spread all at once on the beach.
"Ru-chan, Mr. Seven, two extra baked noodles!
Behind his back, Lailuo announced his order, and the bud grenade added noodles to the iron plate.
My first job in this crowd. Normally, I would have a problem with it, but due to the divine principles of bud grenades, I still don't get orders.
His wife figured that out too, relieved herself to leave the cooking area to one bud grenade, and herself was dedicated to dishwashing.
"Yes, Mr. No.2's squid grilled and fried, Mr. No.4's grilled corn, fried potatoes and then four grilled noodles"
Plus bud grenade memory, order and order can't go wrong. Perfect employee.
"How about three customer service? Especially Gejong."
The bud grenade asked his wife, who was dishwashing next door, as she made the roasted noodles. I was just going inside for a peek.
"All three of you are doing your best. Gejong-kun seems to be cleaning up and providing mainly male customer service."
"Didn't you have a female customer?
The bud grenade asks with a bitter smile. The wife answered with a slight gesture of contemplation.
"I can't get my hands off Kamiyo-kun and Shuu-kun, and I don't really see those kids, but I don't really see them. Sometimes I follow adult female customers."
The bud grenade was a little surprised to hear that. I expected the woman to be categorically refusing, but she seems to be working a little hard. I was impressed, saw the ho bud grenade, and his wife laughed.
"Gejong-kun, you don't like girls?
"Ma, I hear so."
When the bud grenade answered with a troubled face, his wife looked paar and bright.
"So Bud Grey is special?
"... it's not like that."
Bud Grey replied that a few minutes ago, remembering that he was talking to Shotaro.
Your wife looked strange, but smiled quickly.
"But if I were a little younger, I'd be jealous of Bud Grey. I can stay with those beauty shapes. I knew it was special, right?
"... no. -"
The sprouts grinned bitterly as they moved the roasted noodles onto the plate.
"This is what I am... I won't line up next to them. … All right, well, someone -"
The bud grenade took the dish up to the counter.
In response to the bud grenade's voice, the jaws arrived as soon as possible.
"Yes, this, Mr. Seven's two baked noodles"
"Roger. Next, the best is a cup of shaved strawberries and melons, and the third is two soft creams and a cup of coke in orange juice"
(10) Lines up the order as he reads the note, and the bud grenade hears it and configures the order of the dishes in his head.
Seeing how such a bud grenade looked, he looked worried.
"Bud grenade. Isn't it tough being alone? If that was it, I'd turn someone around."
"It's okay. That's what Kamiyo-kun thought and left it to me, isn't it?
When the bud grenade laughed, he smiled back, "Best of all."
"I mean, it's harder that way, right?
Most of the customers are coming for them, so to speak. Therefore, besides ordering, I have been called out a lot. That's enough to tell even in the kitchen. Since it covers Shotaro, it will be even harder for Shotaro to come.
"It's okay. Well, that's about what I'm suggesting in anticipation. It's no big deal compared to what the student council does."
"Lotus Moon and Langtang are here for you. This crowd is certainly in the expected range."
"Besides, when this place is full, you can pull up the guests and help the wind and the advantage."
"Oh well. Good for you. So, uh... most of all, a cup of shaved strawberries and melons, number three, two soft creams and a coke in orange juice... right? Hurry up and get ready."
The bud grenade repeats the order precisely in Sola without looking at the note. "That's right," he laughed and disappeared into the store.
After that, Lai Luo and Shotaro came to inquire about the appearance of bud grenades in turn.
"Oh! That's huge!
My husband, who was sleeping in the back room adjacent to the kitchen, opened the lid a little and asked what was going on in the store.
"Yeah. That would really help."
The washing wife said so smudgingly. Hopefully, it works enough to want you to come all the time.
Excellent customer service and excellent customer service.
"Still, that girl is amazing. I've got a hell of a crowd here, too."
My husband says as he was impressed to see a bud grenade talking to the wind and advantages while cooking. Feng Ya and Favourable came to see the bud grenade because of the drinking of water.
Fengya, talking to the bud grenade, was laughing very happily. Advantage is also smiling. It seemed like a lot of fun even though it didn't seem like a particularly interesting topic.
I had also seen two visitors earlier, but even then they were speaking to the woman well. I didn't think it was a sales smile, it was a smile with no discomfort whatsoever.
But if you look at these two faces, it's obvious that what happened earlier was a sales smile.
It's not just the two of us. Let's consider the other three.
"I thought it was special."
It's not special.
The bud grenade clearly said so, but it didn't show up that way in the couple's eyes.
The house of the sea has been in full swing ever since.