Reiryuu Academy Student Council
88 Confection-making and obstinate brother
Bud Grey reads books in the living room of the Nanhara family. Right in front of him, Mariko was eating the sprouted confectionery along with the sprouted coffee.
"Oh, Kei's coming home"
All of a sudden, a bud grenade looking at the book raises his face and says: Mariko said, "Huh? I said," I saw the front door.
And about five seconds after Mariko looked at the front door, the front door opened.
"I'm home."
It was Bud Grey's right to come in, and Kei in uniform. Mariko turned around and stared at the bud grenade sparkling her eyes.
"Wow. How did you figure that out?
"Footsteps. Kei's are particularly easy to understand."
"What are you talking about?
Kei, who came to the living room and threw his enamel bag all over the place, entered the conversation between the two of them.
"Bud Grey's Future Predictions!
Kei decided to go through because Mariko said there was no clapping either. And shift your gaze to the treats that are made in front of you.
"Sister Bud Hung, can I eat that?
"Of course. I mean, if you stay, eat it because it's a waste."
"You can't stay! I'm not giving it to Kei!
That's what Mariko says, surrounding a bud grenade made treat. Bud grenades and Kei had half-eyed views of such a very unpopular mother.
Sitting next to the bud grenade, Kei reached for the bud grenade made cookies, except for Mariko's hand.
"Sister buddy, what are you reading?
Eating cookies, Kei peeks into the book where the bud grenade is looking.
"It's a confectionery book."
Gui tilted his neck, Bud Grey said. Bud grenades make dishes and treats for themselves, but I've never seen them where they look at cookbooks.
"Sprouts, they're going to have a coffee shop with a class at a cultural festival."
As if it were about me, Mariko says with a happy face. Kei made a voice that didn't seem funny as he reached for the macaroon.
"What's wrong? Kei."
Basically, Kei is so happy that Bud Grey is going to participate in the event. He was quite happy when he said he was going to be in the representative relay at the sports festival as well. Yet rare, I also think bud grenades.
"It's the third holiday in October at Lilong's Cultural Festival. I'll wear it completely with our cultural festival."
"Kei's place is two days, Li Long is three days, and you can go one day"
Mariko says to forgive the obstinate Kei, but the statement made Kei more obstinate.
"That's what I thought, too. Then the director put the game in the day after the cultural festival... By then, my legs will be perfectly healed... oh no! I'm getting frustrated just thinking about it"
Kei eats sweets with tremendous momentum. He's much more frustrated than he says with his mouth.
"Oh, I'm sure you're upset every time you see a class running a coffee shop, me"
And Kei says with a distant eye. Somehow I could have imagined it and both bud grenades and Mariko laughed like they were in trouble.
"Bud Grey's treat, Kei can always eat, so I don't complain so much"
"I'm not convinced my mothers can eat and I'm the only one who can't."
A quiet parent-child fight, often seen in front of the bud grenade, began.
The contents of the fight are the only contents, and the bud grenade is a troubled face. I thought it was useless where I went into mediation and turned my attention to the book again.
At the end of the parent-child fight, Kei and Mariko watched as the parallax and page-turning bud grenades appeared.
"Bud Grey, you're so enthusiastic"
"But you don't have to read any confectionery making books. Sister Bud Grey's confectionery is delicious enough. So much so that Sister Shougua should put out a book."
The bud grenades aren't looking for any pages in particular either. Because it feels like he is looking through his eyes, Kei says so unexpectedly. There was a muffin on that hand this time.
It's too praiseworthy to be able to serve a book, but it was true that all the cooking methods were in my head without having to bother reading the confectionery making book.
"I'm sure of that...... not if there's something like that that you don't know or can't make because you're in charge of the cooking area - right?
That said, the bud grenade turns again to the confectionery making book. There can't be any treats in that book that you don't know or can't make, only for bud grenades. Still, Kei grinned bitterly at the appearance of the bud grenade to confirm properly.
Bud Grey used to say, "I'm a bad person who can't make an effort".
And there were plenty of people who blamed such bud grenades. But it's actually pretty tough, mentally tough, to try to do something that you can already perfect.
Bud grenades can do most things perfectly.
Kei never said "work harder" or "work harder" to a bud grenade that could be more out of hand than the others.
I didn't think it was a good idea that the bud grenade was out of hand. Still, Kei also knows that the bud grenade was out of hand from all sorts of things, judging that he had to.
"Bud Grey Sister"
Such bud grenades are now doing everything in their power to get into all sorts of things.
"I hope it succeeds"
The bud grenade smile now is the smile Kei has always wanted to see.
I'm not the one who changed the bud grenade. I can't do that to myself.
So even if I still feel sorry for them for changing my bud grenade, I just want to thank them.
"God... sometimes it's cruel"
Mariko shrugs as she looks sideways at her son thinking about it.
For better or worse, it was Shigeji and Mariko who made Kei the brother of the bud grenade, and Kei became the closest and farthest person to the bud grenade independently of his will.
The bud grenade looked up at Mariko's remarks suddenly.
Bud grenades explore the meaning of Mariko's words. But Mariko smiles the way she always does when she can't convey the sincerity of the word to the bud grenade.
"'Cause, buddy, last year's cultural festival was a sick festival, wasn't it?
"Uh, yeah."
Bud grenades laugh bitterly. Both Kei and Mariko laughed remembering this period last year.
"I can't beat being sick this year. Come on."
"I have to buy a mask"
"I'll be careful not to transfer cold fungus to my budding sister, too."
The three of us laughed with pleasure and waited for Shigeji's return for a treat.