Reiryuu Academy Student Council
100 Stealing and Break Time
- Jari.
Lilong School overflowing with people.
In front of the gate goes the new entrants to the school and those who leave the school satisfactorily.
With such a school grounds in front of him, the man laughed as he always planned.
"Hey, don't you suck? That guy."
"I knew I was glad Lilong's Cultural Festival came...... Good looking. I see you."
To the adorable plenty of girls who squirm at themselves like that, the man waves at you with a full grin.
Then the girls said, "Yikes!" and shook out delightfully. Of course what a woman's reaction is to him. That's normal.
"Woman is normal or womanly ~"
His partner often says simple = boring. But his own opinion is not. Simple is easier and more fun to handle. That's what he really is.
It's hard to deal with a strangely smart woman.
"Sa ~..."
But the man heads off with that in mind is where the most discerning woman he can find out.
"Where is Nanhara-chan's class?
"Nanhara-sama. Is this good enough for a parfait?
"Yeah, that. Ah, Tanaka. It's filled with that Dafu filling."
The bud grenades are currently in full manoeuvre.
Due to the visit of merit, Group F attracted guests at once. And now that the original merit is gone, the number of guests is about to decrease again, but rumors from a visitor once arrived have sounded rumored.
Men and women of different ages came towards Group F wanting to try the bud grenade sweets. So before Group F, we had enough queues not to pull into the board class to be in a huge crowd.
"Nanhara, the stock of Gato Chocolate is about to run out, so refill it..."
"Yes, Gato Chocolate. Refill your cooler. Say hello."
"Oh, thank you"
The chairman of the committee is in front of the giant refrigerator, managing the stock. The chairman of the committee tells the bud grenades that the stock is about to run out, but when he does, he's already ready to replenish it.
I also remember how many sprouts I made and how many I sold out of all the sweets. Therefore, even if the chairman of the committee doesn't tell me, I know how much sweets are in stock, and I make them just right by calculating the cooking time backwards.
The President of the Commission admires the strength of the bud grenades he sees again. That's what I feel about being chosen as an officer.
"It spins fast, and I thought I'd make it in bulk."
That's what the bud grenades said, and they started making new stock between them.
After a while, when the stock started to build up in a good way, the bud grenades were using extra ingredients in the back to make another sweet that wasn't on the menu.
"Nanhara-san, you can come in for a break for now."
The chairman of the committee comes to the bud grenade and says: The bud grenade tried to say "yes," but the voice was wiped out by a voice from behind that suddenly descended.
"You're good at this."
The bud grenade looks back at his eyes cuttingly.
"That's what the former best lady in Japan is?
The eyes of the bud grenade showed Shin Habara, a disgusting man with a full smile on his face.
Loaded with all sorts of scratches, budding grenades first held their heads when they saw the budding grenade special pumpkin custard pie in Shin's hands.
"Why are you the first to say it?"
The bud grenade squeaks boso. Shin has it. It's a hidden menu of bud grenades. And the person I wanted you to eat is not prudent, of course.
"It was decided because it was right in front of you, wasn't it?
Makoto had no evil, and as a matter of course he said so and finished eating one whole bite of that pie.
"It doesn't make sense. Please line up in the store properly. The tail is a little further down the hall."
The bud grenade doesn't change his attitude at all towards prudence, who is handsome at the board level either. The chairman of the committee once again admires such bud grenades.
"You're the one common folk who tells La Fausto students to line up for these plays, right?
Makoto laughs niggardly. The President of the Commission had his eyes round when he heard the word La Faust.
But whatever it looks like, such class stories don't work on bud grenades that aren't just ordinary people.
"I'm a student of La Fausto, and you're about to steal the goods."
Both bud grenades and Shin smile at each other. But it also looks like there's an invisible spark between the two of us.
"Tsuka, Nanahara."
"You're taking a break now, aren't you?
Makoto leans against the wall and arms great. "So what is it," the bud grenade responded half-eyed. Makoto enjoys the reaction.
"Then hang out with me."
Shin says with a smile.
I would misconstrue if I hadn't listened to the back and forth story, but of course this means "hang out" with me during the break.
The chairman of the committee let his eyes shine, but the bud grenade narrowed his eyes even more.
"I don't like it."
Bud grenades answer instantly. Shin, however, has been cutting back quickly as he seems to have anticipated the reaction as well.
"If you go out with me, I'll contribute to the prosperity of your class, okay?
"So what do you say? There you go, Sausage."
Makoto tilts his head slightly and looks at the chairman of the committee. Then the chairman of the committee let his eyes shine and pressed the back of the bud grenade. You can't refuse a customer request from someone who is likely to receive a woman in the same way as Fengya.
"Go ahead!!!
"Chairman of the Commission -!?
And because of the betrayal of the committee chairman, the bud grenades cautiously grabbed his arm and were taken.
A few steps out of class, Makoto stopped.
"What is it?"
The bud grenade stares surprisedly at Shin, who suddenly stopped. Shin looked at the entire body of the bud grenade and narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Nanhara, where's your uniform?
"Huh? The dressing room, though."
"So where's that dressing room?
The bud grenade answers with his neck tilted to a discreet question without a pulse. Shin, asking where the dressing room was, pulled the bud grenade's hand and walked out as it was again.
It was still in the dressing room that Makoto stopped walking for a while.
The bud grenade frowns. Shin then smiled and shoved the bud grenade into the dressing room.
"Get dressed in uniform. In less than 30 seconds?
Shin says so and tries to close the dressing room door, but the bud grenade stops it.
"Why do I have to change?"
The bud grenade hits the frank question. But when the bud grenade uttered that question, Shin smiled and said, "What? I've been asking back."
"Anyway, after the break, I'll be back in group F. Don't you need to get dressed? Badly bothered......"
The bud grenade shuts his mouth before he finishes saying it to the end. Because Shin smiled and hit the wall there.
"Take it off if you want to."
And the bud grenade face sassy blue on Makoto's remarks. Makoto could really do it. The bud grenade hurriedly closed the dressing room door and began to change into a uniform.
Long-sleeved black white shirt with ribbon and a budding grenade named white skirt are now outfits that are mostly worn by female students of Lilong, so they are not noticeable at all.
Either that or it's personal clothes that make Makoto look extra challenging too conspicuous.
Thanks to you, "Nanhara-san, he's handsome again," I can hear his pussy everywhere. I'm used to sprouts now, too.
"Yes, that kid there. Nice. Please contact me later."
As such, Makoto speaks with pleasure to a woman who zeroes the stupidity of a bud grenade.
Doing so, the girls are in the mood to forget about their stupidity about bud grenades and make a scene.
"Mr. Hagiwara..."
"If you're not as cute as you are, I'll be nice to you."
I thought for a moment that you were doing it for me, bud grenade, but that hunch disappeared beautifully and refreshingly into the dialogue Shin said with a grin.
"Hey, I want to see it over there"
"Yes, yes, which one -"
The bud grenade even follows Shin where he goes.
The bud grenades swung apart for a third grade pitagora switch or a dark first-year flavored baked noodle.
Thankfully Makoto was coming from a class of one or three grades.
An arrow tip reassured me about that...
"Well, next time... here"
Take out the store opening map that was kept at the entrance to the school and Shin shows the next destination to the bud grenade.
The bud grenade peered into the map with Nosonoso as an example, and opened his eyes.
"Mr. Tsuhara! Not here."
"I didn't hear Nanhara's opinion. Yes, Letzgo"
Makoto joyfully says and pulls his bud grenade arm. Attempting resistance to the end did not extend the power of the bud grenade, and the bud grenade was pulled to the turbulent land by Makoto.