Reiryuu Academy Student Council
110 Unspeakable thoughts and favorites
The two men who broke up with Lailuo's parents turned their minds back to the first gymnasium where Group A was playing a play.
Arriving at the first gymnasium, the two open the gymnasium door slightly. The gym was already heavily crowded and the seats on the ground floor were already filled as far as I could see, with quite a few students standing by in empty places on the ground floor and catwalks upstairs.
"I expected that, but that's quite a lot. That's class number one."
"Yes, you are."
Prior to his admirable arrival, Bud Grey smiled a little bitterly when he saw what was going on inside the gym.
Above all the crowd, there was something else for bud grenades to care about. Bud Grey mocks herself for being so far-fetched that she noticed after coming to the gym.
As the play takes place, the dark screen drips through the gym. It would be a little brighter in the spotlight or something when the play started, but getting inside the gym in its current state was quite anxious for the bud grenades.
"Ru-chan, you want to go forward? Hard to see?
"Do you see Lawrence?
The bud grenade raises his face slightly and asks Luo. That's right, the gender is only male, and Lailuo is taller than a bud grenade. It's a little higher than advantageous. For this reason, even if you are near the entrance to the gym, you can see the stage properly in Lailuo.
"Well, can I see it here?
Confirming that Lailuo nodded, Bud Grey asked with a bitter smile. If it's where the bud grenades stand right now, you can just see the stage from the gap between people. And the darkness is alleviated by the light slipping through the door that leaves it slightly open for ventilation, even in the dark gym.
Lailuo smiled and accepted Bud Grey's request, and the two kept their backs on the wall and waited for the show to begin a few minutes later.
"Hey, come on, Ro."
"Kamiyo-kun, you know what plays?
The bud grenade could not be taught to play the play. Though it starts now, the bud grenade that still bothered me asks Lailuo. Then Lailuo said, "Uh," and put his index finger on his mouth, so that he remembered and said.
"Sure, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'"
The bud grenades I hear round my eyes.
The level of acting is quite high. It's not the level of play that high school students do at cultural festivals. That's number one in the class. It's probably a pretty high-level act because you can perform the same play about three times a day and still maintain this crowd.
"... Exactly"
When the bud grenade squealed so, the broadcast rang out to the gym.
"Two years, Group A, Hamlet. This is our final performance of the day."
The curtain that separated the guests from the stage is raised.
At the same time as the curtain rose, a cloak appeared dressed in a costume I had seen once before. Moments later, the gym had a quiet sigh of joy that did not make a woman's voice.
He bowed his head and looked up, and he looked forward. Then, Xu looked at the audience and frowned only for a moment.
Because we are the furthest from the stage, we do not know how such a shoots look. But I could see such a good face in Lailuo, who has a pretty good eyesight.
"A quick reminder"
To the words Lailuo laughed and groaned with pleasure, the bud grenade leans his neck. But Lailuo shook his head and told him, "Nothing."
Then the play begins, and everyone is fascinated by the imminent act of the Bud grenade also groaned in a small voice as to whether he was unconscious "wow," and Laila laughed cously when she saw it.
The play ends and the curtain closes.
Even as the curtain closed, the gym was filled with applause sounds and the cheers of an impressed audience.
While everyone was still immersed in the aftermath of the stage, Bud Grey and Laila left the gym one foot away.
"Ru-chan, did you have fun?
"Yeah. Well, acting's a tragedy... Kamiyo-kun. You're a good actor"
"I have to tell you that in person."
When the bud grenade tells him to be impressed, Lailuo says with a smile. "Right," the bud grenade laughed and returned.
And as he stared at Lailuo, the bud grenade opened his mouth just a little bit to the smell of light.
Thanks for coming, Ro.
"I probably wouldn't have gone around the cultural festival if Luo hadn't invited me. It was so fun to come around with Ro."
That's what the bud grenade says and laughs at. When I saw such a bud grenade, something started in the roe.
The two have been coming behind the gym at some point and the bud grenade thinks about turning back. But Lailuo stopped behind such a bud grenade.
"Come Ro?
The bud grenade looks back and looks at Lailuo's face in wonder. Lailuo laughed when he saw such a bud grenade look.
"... I like Ru-chan."
Lailao lays down his eyes and says so. And as it was, I walked out again and lined up next to the bud grenade.
"Uh, yeah. I know."
The bud grenade returned so much to Lailuo's words. Exactly. The bud grenade thought it was just a little troublesome that he would never have hated me before.
To the bud grenade reaction, Lailuo was blowing out the next moment as a kyoton for a moment.
"Come Ro?
"Yeah, I thought it sounded like Ru-chan"
Lailao wiped the tears that came out too smiling and unexpected.
"I knew it - I love you"
…… I love coming, too, Ro. "
That's what the bud grenade says and laughs, and Laila smiles back at Nicole with a "thank you". And I gently stroked the head of the bud grenade with a pom.
"Me, it's time to get back to class."
"Ah, so am I..."
"Ru-chan's this way"
Bud grenade tries to head to the school building with Lai Luo, but Lai Luo grabbed the shoulder of such a bud grenade and returned it in the opposite direction. In front of the bud grenade, it stops, and there's only the back entrance to the gym. When the bud grenade pointed only at Laila's face, Laila waved a hiccup.
"Tell me you were good."
Lailuo said so, turning his back on the bud grenade and proceeding to the school building.
The leftover bud grenade clasps his shoulder in front of the back door.
The back entrance of the gym leads to every class of playhouse.
I wish I'd just gotten in, but it was dark in the gym earlier and probably hasn't been brighter yet.
Most importantly, not many bud grenades come to the garden and look good. The bud grenade who decides in himself that he shouldn't go returns his heel.
But the door where the bud grenade turned his back suddenly opened, and before the bud grenade looked back, the person who appeared from inside the building grabbed the bud grenade arm.
"Bud grenade"
"Wah... Kamiyo-kun"
I still grabbed it.
I wonder why bud grenades always come out at a good time. However, it was gratifying for the bud grenade that the shoots came out this time.
The door of the back door is tightly closed and the area is checked by moving only the gaze.
And he finally smiled at the bud grenade. Bud grenades accidentally laughed bitterly just because they knew what that thoughtful vigilance meant.
"You've come to see me."
Bud grenades are a little surprised by what he said. I didn't expect to notice my presence near the entrance to the gym. When the bud grenade was impressed, he said, "Who do you think I am," so the bud grenade did snort and laugh.
"Did you have a little fun?
"On the contrary, I'm impressed."
"It would be nice to have Bud Grey say that."
He grinned contentedly. As usual, the bud grenade narrows his eyes when he says sarah about the shiny thing. However, I cannot complain because it is the same.
Soon after he laughed like that, he looked serious.
"Are you okay now?
Asked so, the bud grenade is stuck in words only for a moment.
However, bud grenades were not so surprised because it was somewhat predictable that the story would soon come to pass.
"- Yeah. Kamiyo-kun, too, thanks. Thanks to you."
The bud grenade lowers its head with peculiarity.
Thanks to Shotaro, I had just found a fold in the bud grenade quite a bit about the incident this morning.
But that's not all I wanted to say.
"That's not all."
"... Huh?
Bud grenade stared at him with a worried face, and he laughed in a slightly bitter way. I can't go back to the words that came out of my mouth even if I regret that I shouldn't have said them.
"... Takimoto-kun, was that it?
The name came up, and now it's time for bud grenades to open their eyes to a story they hadn't anticipated.
The "okay" of the (10) didn't just refer to class vandalism.
I don't know when the bud grenade found out about that.
Still, Bud Grey was convinced that he knew what had happened between Bud Grey and Takimoto, and laughed.
"You can't even ask Kamiyo-kun to help you with all this..."
The word of the bud grenade seemed lonely and still nodded with a satisfied face.
"I know. I just..."
He wrapped his bud grenade face with his hands and bent to match his bud grenade gaze.
"... what, to?
Facing his serious face close, the bud grenade dyed his cheeks only slightly.
The words I want to say are coming right out of my throat, but I can't speak of them. When I saw the eyes of the bud grenade, more words hid behind my chest.
"... you're just not ready to be rejected."
That's what he says and takes his hand off the bud grenade cheek.
The bud grenade looked strange, staring at the twilight.
"I'm almost done opening the store. You'd better go back."
Xu gently strokes the head of the bud grenade as usual.
When his hand went out of his head, the bud grenade raised his face and laughed at him.
"It's good to see Kamiyo-kun's play"
"Tomorrow I'll stop by my buddy class too."
"Thanks. I'm looking forward to it"
That's what the bud grenade said, and he left his smile and walked toward the one with the school building.
The bud grenade was gone, and the leftovers were still standing on the spot. I saw the back of the bud grenade, and after a while I sighed haha.
"Why did you bother sending sprouts to me?... Come on."
He tells as he looks over the school building.
Then, Laila appeared shaking her long golden hair from the blind spot of the gym building.
Lai Luo did not return to his class, and had been listening to the conversation with the bud grenades there the whole time.
"There's something about this morning, and I thought you might want to see where Ru is fine"
"... I don't care what you like."
That's what he says and keeps his back on the wall. Lai Luo smiled bitterly and walked over to his side.
"I'm not as popular as everyone thinks I am, am I?
That's what Lailuo said, and Lailuo stared at him as if he were frightened.
"Come on, you..."
"I told Ru-chan I liked her."
That's what Lai Luo said, and Lai swallowed up the almost uttered words. Even that was unexpected.
"But I got sarcastically flushed"
Lailuo lined up next to him and deposited his back on the wall of the gymnasium, just as he did.
"... that's a buddy reaction."
Xu shrugs somewhere relieved.
Lailuo glanced sideways and laughed when he saw that he was already calm.
"But I'm with you. Because I'm afraid Ru will reject me... I knew I couldn't say it right. In that regard, I'm a little jealous that Takimoto-kun is more manly than anyone else on the board."
When Lailuo tells him to whine in a small voice, Lailuo exhales small and turns only to Lailuo with his gaze.
Those eyes seemed to come to Lai Luo as if they were gently and sadly wet.
"... I know I can't stay like this forever."
That said, he wakes up the back he kept on the gym wall. Then he opened the back door of the gym and laughed at Laila and disappeared into the hall, "I won't give you first place in my class".
- I wish we could all end up like this all the time.
But I also know it's just a convenient theory.
I don't know what to do.
Lai Luo asks toward the I m not here anymore with a seemingly complicated look on his face.
The answer still couldn't have come back, and it was now time for Laila to return to her class.