Reiryuu Academy Student Council
117 Wolf Boy and Loving Fool
Earlier, when about 15 minutes had passed since the start of the show, the bud grenades were picking up the biggest pinch.
"This sucks."
It may sound like a relaxing statement, but once this is done, the bud grenades are in a hurry.
"Nanhara bud ho, there's no more escape!
"Be quiet and get caught!!
In front of and behind the bud grenade standing in the hallway of the first grade building, there is a huge figure of a boy student running this way. Their faces look horrible when they're lions who find their prey.
"This is an unexpected development"
Bud Grey smiled bitterly and missed himself 15 minutes before he was walking in his spare time.
15 minutes ago.
Speakers installed in the school building heard the signal for the start. but bud grenades were walking around the school building relaxed because I knew there were no fans of my own or anything.
By now I can hear a shitty amount of footsteps in the ears of the bud grenades that fans thought would be hard to chase, etc.
When budding grenades look back to see if any of the officers have escaped, a large number of male students appear in the budding grenade's eyes.
The bud grenade would probably have looked pretty dumb.
"There he is! Nanhara sprouts!
As one male student pointed at the bud grenade and shouted so, that horrible group ran towards the bud grenade as soon as possible.
"Uh, uh!?
The bud grenade rushed out to the exact matter.
Of course, if a bud grenade runs, you can't keep up with it as much as you can say it's a boy. I was to keep running even while keeping the same distance.
Fifteen minutes later, the bud grenades were finally held back by the students and pinched in absolute despair.
"I'm the one who's gonna catch you!
"Get out of the way! It's me!
Boys students approach bud grenades as they push each other, as if to prey on each other.
The bud grenade exhaled a great sigh. This is an unexpectedly tough event.
Surrounded by the boys students, the bud grenades are hunted down by the hallway windows.
I captured him, at the time everyone thought.
The bud grenade immediately opened the hallway window and jumped onto the bottom frame of the window.
"Ku, Nanhara?
The behavior of the men who were hunting down the bud grenades stops perfectly. That, too, should be on the fourth floor where I am now. If the bud grenades jump like that, there will be a major accident.
Tension runs on boys students.
But the bud grenades laughed nicely at the boys students who were so hardened.
Now if you'll excuse me.
That said, the bud grenade jumps out of there without any hesitation.
To the outrageous behavior of the bud grenades, both the boy students who were on the spot and the audience who were watching the big screen turned bright blue.
The sprouts checked and jumped down the outer hallway upstairs connecting the main building to the first grade building, where they were due to land.
"... Huh! Bud Grey!?
But the moment I jumped, I could hear the screaming voices of a boy student who wasn't supposed to have been there until the brink, right under the bud grenade.
The bud grenade, which plunges as it is, fits into the arms of the boss and his man. Luckily, the bud grenade was able to land in the form of a princess hug on him without kicking the boy.
"We made it..."
Holding a bud grenade in his arm, Fengya puts on her ass cake and exhales a sigh of relief.
"Lotus Moon. Sorry, are you okay? Doesn't it hurt your butt?
With such grace, the bud grenade asks worryingly. It's the complete opposite of the position I'm worried about and the position I'm worried about when I hold a bud grenade in my arms in recoil. I was sad that I didn't end up like you even when you tried to show me a good place, and Fengya sighed again.
"The buddy grenade fell... and I thought my heart would stop"
"Haha, sorry"
I jumped because it was within the landable range, but I apologized for the bud grenade because the wind was too worried.
"But thanks for accepting it."
Bud grenade laughs hella and adds so.
If it's the usual bud grenade, it's still cute enough that the word "beautiful girl" suits you right now. Because Fengya's eyes look a few times cuter than the others, it's hard just to face the bud grenade now.
"But why are you jumping..."
Fengya asks a lot to calm herself down. The bud grenade looked up, grinning bitterly at the wind not looking at this one, and looked at the fourth floor where he jumped.
"I wasn't unexpectedly chased by a boy."
When Bud Grey said so, Fengya was circling her eyes and shouting "Ahhhhhhh".
"Lotus Moon?
"... because Lai Luo makes such a dressing choice"
Instead of settling, Fengya groaned as she roared, hugging her with the bud grenade thing on her lap.
"Hey, I'm going down now..."
"I really don't want anyone to touch me"
Windy whispered in the ear of a bud grenade.
Even though we don't know when we can chase each other, bud grenades dye our cheeks unconsciously.
"... Lotus Moon"
When the bud grenade called his name like he was in trouble, Fengya faced the bud grenade by shifting only his face while holding the bud grenade in his arms.
The bud grenade covered his face with both hands so that the reddened face could not be seen in the wind.
"Shoots, show me your face"
"... Muri. Because it's pretty weird."
"Because there will never be, it"
"I really can't right now!
Fengya was forced to peel off the hand affixed to the bud grenade's face. On the face of the visible bud grenade, Fengya opens her eyes and solidifies.
"Bud Grey......"
Fengya put her hand on the bud grenade cheek almost reflexively.
Fengya's face is getting closer and closer.
Even a neglected bud grenade can tell as much as Fengya is trying to do to herself.
"Hey...... wait"
"Yeah. I've already... waited a long time"
Fengya stared at the bud grenade with a slightly sliced face, and the bud grenade could no longer say beyond.
A few centimeters until the lips touch each other.
"Feng Ya-kun Mi-na-hoo!
"There was a Nanhara bud grenade. - Whoa!
The windy movement stops perfectly.
They were discovered by people chasing them at about the same time.
"" Yabba ""
The bud grenade tries to get up to escape, but Fengya starts running holding the bud grenade back without letting go of the bud grenade.
"Ahhh! It's too late for that!
"Lotus Moon, put me down! It's heavy and you're gonna be late to run!?
"Because buddy grenades can't be heavy or anything!
Bud grenades and wind elegance say that while a large number of female and male students chase them from behind.
"You can never give it to the guy who's trying to catch you, buddy!
"No, it's more efficient to get it down..."
"Because I will protect you absolutely bud grenade!!
That's why you listen to people.
Desperate to run, Windy almost runs through the outer hallway talking about bud grenades and enters the main building.
Feng Ya accidentally spoke to his voice.
Fengya completely forgot that she was about to cross the outer hallway from the main building just now to get her fans together. In other words, there are a lot of fans in this building.
"Yikes! Kazuya discovered it!
Fengya fans came from the front as well.
This brings me to the situation where the absolute fatality scene that the bud grenade just went through is again.
Lotus Moon, let me down.
Fengya fans and male budding students are pushing from behind as well. Perhaps if one of them gets stuck and targets the students for a collision, one of them might get away with it.
"Bud Grey."
Fengya unloads the bud grenade before the bud grenade says something.
And the blind spot in the hallway, sprouting grenades towards the one with the stairs.
"Lotus Moon!
"I told you. Bud Gwen won't let anyone touch her."
That's what Fengya says, Ni laughs, and starts running down the hallway again.
The boys students, unaware that the bud grenades had been unloaded by the wind, followed the wind as it was.
Immediately after that, he said, "I got you, Kazuya!" The delightful scream of the woman reached the ear of the bud grenade.
The bud grenade squeaks like trouble.
When I remembered the masculine smile of the wind, the bud grenade cheeks turned naturally red.